Borderline Personality Disorder in 15 Minutes and 10 Questions

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Identity disturbance (unstable identity, fragile sense of self)
Emptiness, false self, fantasy defense.
External regulation
Impaired reality testing (e.g., paranoia, overestimation of intimacy like in HPD), psychotic microepisodes
Self-harm, suicidal ideation, self-destructive cognitions and actions: self-punitive, silence internal turmoil, call for help, feeling alive (dead inside)
Recklessness, impulsivity, secondary psychopathy
Emotional volatility, affective lability, emotional dysregulation (DBT): anger, reactive mood shifts and changes
Intense interpersonal relationships involve idealization-devaluation (relational disorder)
Twin anxieties: abandonment/rejection-engulfment/intimacy, approach-avoidance repetition compulsion
Emptiness, false self, fantasy defense.
External regulation
Impaired reality testing (e.g., paranoia, overestimation of intimacy like in HPD), psychotic microepisodes
Self-harm, suicidal ideation, self-destructive cognitions and actions: self-punitive, silence internal turmoil, call for help, feeling alive (dead inside)
Recklessness, impulsivity, secondary psychopathy
Emotional volatility, affective lability, emotional dysregulation (DBT): anger, reactive mood shifts and changes
Intense interpersonal relationships involve idealization-devaluation (relational disorder)
Twin anxieties: abandonment/rejection-engulfment/intimacy, approach-avoidance repetition compulsion
Borderline Personality Disorder in 15 Minutes and 10 Questions
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