How To Make A Guy Text You Every Day | Make Him Text You More

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Have you ever asked yourself “How to make him txt you?”, “how to make a guy text you everyday” or “how to make a guy text you more?”.


A dating advice question I get asked a lot by women is "how to make a guy text you first?” “how to make him text you more?” "how to make a guy like you over text?" and "How to make a guy text you back". Today, I’m talking about How To Make A Guy Text You Everyday | Make Him Text You More.

Giving dating advice to women on how to make him text you is one of the most interesting parts of being a dating and relationships coach. Some partners in relationships will be open to a different amount of communication and if you want him to, how do you make him message you more often?

This is an interesting concept. It's commonplace for all of us to say, "I wish my boyfriend would text me more often" or "how do I make him message me every single day?!" But when it comes to messaging it is not the same for every couple. Both of you have different needs and unfortunately this can cause stress on the relationship if either of you aren't allowed the type or amount of interactions that you want from each other.

In this video I cover how to make a guy text you every day. I'm going to show you my thoughts on when a woman says to me that she finds it difficult when her partner doesn't text every day. She wants him to text her more but she doesn't want to come across as needy either. If you've been in a similar situation and are wondering how to make a guy text you back, I have answers for you today!

Creating a video for you on How To Make A Guy Text You Everyday | Make Him Text You More is something I’ve been looking forward to for a while. I see a lot of women who are feeling pressure to ask their partners to message them more. They are getting frustrated having to have the same conversation over and over with no avail. Today, I'm going to show you how to make a guy text you every day without sounding needy and make him actually want to txt you!


In this dating advice video from Make Him Yours, I (Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationship coach), am talking about how to get a guy to text you. You’ll understand how to communicate with your partner and how to get him to text you more often.

When a woman comes to me asking "Mark, how do you get a guy to message you more?” or “Mark, how to get a guy to txt you more” and even “make him text me more” My first thought is "GREAT questions. This woman is focused on maintaining her relationship and learning how to communicate with her partner more effectively.

After watching this video on How To Make A Guy Text You Everyday | Make Him Text You More you’ll know how to communicate with your partner and how to get him to text you every day. Also how to make a guy like you over text.

Watch this video on How To Make A Guy Text You Everyday | Make Him Text You More - It’s my guide to getting your partner to text you more often and how to make a guy want to text you more.


Enjoy the video! Click to watch and don't forget to leave a comment and SUBSCRIBE!

Mark Rosenfeld is the Australian dating and relationship coach for women and the founder of Make Him Yours, a dating advice and relationship advice service empowering women to find the love they desire.

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If someone is genuinely into you, he will find and make time for you. If you're always the one initiating a text convo, think again. The heart makes excuses so you gotta listen to your head once in a while ;)


When you said “you shouldn’t have to” I was SHOOK.


I enjoy the "good morning & have a good day text", the mid-day text "hope your day's going good, thinking of you" text, and the evening phone call so we can have the joy of hearing each other's voice.


I don't text a guy first or call him because I don't want him to think I'm annoying


Too much overthinking ..if u want to text ...just text ...if he doesn’t reply’s totally fine don’t take it personal at all ...omg too much overthinking


Texting is fun at first. But, honestly, I prefer a phone call now and then. I'm worried I'm not going to communicate properly if all I do is text.


Thanks for making this video Mark. Because I have the rare anxious-avoidant attachment style. I feel the need to talk to someone at least once a day or every 48 hours. The boyfriend I had would only text me once a day and then disappear. You have opened my eyes and I learned that I'm at the point in my life where I'm happy to actually be single! It's fun and I learn so much about myself! I even got someone's number because I was having so much fun at a convention. Thanks for everything you do xx


Yes very true Sir mark...Dont force someone text you each day becz if he really loves u no matter how busy he is, He will make effort to text u back...I love this video❤


Don't forget the texting guide! and come chat with our community in the Facebook group via the link above in descrip :) leave your comments below I'd love to hear your thoughts on this breakdown!


This is a really good point. I think I'm confused because my guy does text me, but his texts are always really dry. There's no warmth or affection coming across. Often just two words. So I feel warmth and affection when we're together on the weekend, but I get on a kind of emotional roller coaster during the week when we're apart and there's no affection in communication. It's really triggering to me. It leaves me feeling like I'm not adored or embraced or desired. I don't think this is a problem I can get over.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time!

If he makes you wonder, “Is he playing games? Is he interested? I don't know what he wants!” then he doesn't want you. He doesn't. HE DOES NOT. . If he's not knocking down the door, stop wasting your time. There is no gray area. Everything is black and white. If he's into you, he will see you, he will text you constantly. If he wants to make it happen, he will make it happen.

Guys have two modes: looking for a girlfriend or not looking for a girlfriend. They are either all over you, calling you, asking you out and wanting to be with you 100 percent — or they just aren't that down. There are no games.
Yes. You read that right. There are NO MIND GAMES WITH MEN. 🙏🏼🤷‍♀️


You are the epitome of wise advice. Simple Direct. Concise. No games. Your information is wise and reliable. Your gentle cheery way is so refreshing. Thank you for your advice. You’ve made me feel so much better about myself because I am a confident women with male fans but I want the right guy. You’re so poet on. Please keep up the good work.


This video is great! I'd been suffering a lot because the man I love hardly texts me. I'm always the one texting him. Boy, have I been stupid! Thank you, Mark for this video. I'm going to start practicing it


You say the truth and the right thing. If a man is interested, he will not do anything.


Wow you’re completely right...
I always want to “force” a guy to text me by doing something and when he doesn’t I think I’ve done something wrong, which makes me very anxious and desperate to fix whatever it is. I’m more relaxed after watching your video


Also ladies you texting me to ask what I ate for lunch everyday and expecting me to come up with a conversation is not effort, it's begging. Don't expect a guy to text you everyday if you have nothing to say.


Came here wondering if I was wrong not to worry about the frequency of guys' texts per day :') Love how empowering your videos are, Mark!


Too much emphasis on texting! And messaging. I need to hear the emotion in his voice. I feel you can discern intent to some extent better that way.


If he doesn’t text back ...he’s busy easy ...don’t overthink shit please ..u only do your head in ...forget your ego guys


With my current crush it is kind of hard to tell... He almost never initiates a conversation (once a week at max) but he responds to me in seconds and keeps the conversation going...
