The case against Universal Basic Income (UBI)

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My case against Universal Basic Income, otherwise known as UBI. Today, I'm going to be discussing some of the pros and cons I see to us moving into a centralised world where our governments are responsible for our very survival.

In today's video, I'm going to be touching on a topic that it seems like many people are for. But for me, there are some underlying issues which I think need to be addressed. And really, one major issue: my worry that UBI will be used as a potential tool for more and more control over our lives.

What's possibly most concerning is that certain organisations see the kind of world I describe in this video as being less than a decade away. A world I'm not sure is the right world for all of us.

Please let me know your thoughts below.

0:00 - Free money isn't free
0:28 - The case against Universal Basic Income
1:14 - A look into the future
2:09 - The Fourth Industrial Revolution
4:12 - How automation will kill jobs
5:08 - The solution: UBI
7:53 - My concerns around Universal Basic Income
9:40 - The main problem: Control
12:10 - What are we trading for free money?

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Sorelle and Leon.
Founders, Abundantia

*We may earn a commission if you buy any products or services via the links in this video's description. This video is not investment, financial, or legal advice. It may be incorrect, outdated, inaccurate, or reflect personal opinions. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

#UniversalBasicIncome #UBI #BasicIncome
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I am an RN of 46yrs in Australia. In July 2021 the WHOLE medical community of Australia was gagged & told do not speak out in a neg manner around the vaccines or we will de-register you. I expressed my concerns about the gag order in a post on facebook. I was reported anonymously to the Medical Board & de-registered in Nov. On Christmas Eve they reminded me I am STILL being investigated. What keeps rolling thru my mind is when I spent time in Cuba in 2008, and argued with our driver that Australia is a true Democracy. Wise soul that the driver was he argued that there is no such thing as Democracy is all an illusion / delusion


If this is happens and someone dependent on the income lashes out against something unethical the government is doing, the government will always use the "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" argument. Don't ever allow yourself to be dependent on ANYONE, especially government


I'm so happy you mentioned what is happening in Canada! Because it is a great example of how UBI can go wrong


Something I find ironic about the UBI is they claim it should cover all living expenses.. while minimum wage already fails harder and harder to do just that.


Trust the government? Never! Am already working towards being as self sufficient as possible. Got out of the suburbs and onto a rural property and started living as off Grid as possible, and learning new useful skills in the process. I hope more people open their eyes and understand what is going on by stepping back and looking at the bigger picture.

Good luck to all the free thinking people.
Be well


I am always amazed by how people do not realize that if someone (ie: the state) "gives" you the floor for you to sleep, they also create the ceiling in which you can grow.


Sometimes I fear for the younger generations who seem to have no clue about what is really going on. They have no concerns about loss of privacy or freedoms; seem to always choose the easy path over the 'right' path and don't think past today. However, when I see young leaders like yourself raising up and being the strong, wise voice that you are - I have hope for them. Never underestimate the importance of your role in this brave new world we must create. You have a gift for taking the boring and making it fascinating. For inspiring others to think a little deeper, make better decisions and believe in the possibilities for a better future. I live in NZ and have witnessed first hand the power of ordinary people over tyrannical governments. Genuine love, compassion, and concern for humanity will always win over evil. I am more confident than ever that the world that is emerging from the goings on of the past 2-3 years is a much wiser, eyes open and motivated world than it has been for a very long time. There are so many joining together to form self sustaining co-ops; to find a way to live outside the systems being created to enslave us. It is happening and I have no doubt the move will continue to grow. We do have other options. Thank you for your part in this Sorelle.


I think there's also another really big problem with UBI that may not even be addressed. If you earn nothing, want for nothing, you "value" nothing. That could create a catastrophic behavioral imbalance where narcissism and depression are the norm. We already see a rise in both of these things. Take away one's value in themselves, family, money etc. and you have a recipe for disaster. People need a purpose in order to survive.


Growing up in the 70's, one of the things that I loved the most was the ability to do as I please in complete anonymity. I was in my 20's in the 80's and being able to just do as you please with nobody "watching" is something that I miss very much. It was very freeing. Nothing is free in life, and if the governments are pushing this, it's because they see it as benefiting those in power. This is a very bad move, but I am sure the sheep will happily give up their freedom for some free cash.


We need more people like you in this world that is fast plunging into darkness.


My Nana and Popop lived through World War Two and told me stories that I will never forget. They stuck with me and have always been in the back of my mind, leaving me with a survivalist mentality. I have seen disturbing changes over the last decade and do agree something is coming. As a mother of four sons, I have always encouraged them to know how to do things for themselves as knowing how take care of yourself during tough times is a skill that one day might save your life. I feel that as a society we need to realize that its time to go back to many old ways, and live within our means. That includes growing our own food. When seeing your family becomes a luxury you cannot afford because you are always working just to scratch by, you spend all of your money paying for the car that takes you to work, and the food to fuel yourself for that work is so expensive that you cannot afford produce anymore, something is very wrong.


Any time someone give you $ there are strings attached. This work you do is much needed. Grateful for you.


The problem is that even when another solution is found the ones mentioned in the video are constantly making sure to silence and destroy anybody who is against their way of doing things.


This is terrifying. The last 3 years alone have shook so much, and it’s scary where everything is headed. I remain hopeful & still have faith in the good of people/world, but….. it’s hard. How are we here. 😔


"Give up your freedom, and I will protect you! Defy and die." - quoth the Baron Praxis (from Jak 2, for the non-gamers out there)


Amazing how a 13 minutes video can make so many ppl think that going back to a hunter-gatherer society is the best thing that can happen to humanity.


After seeing what happened in Canada with the trucker strike….I am now against anything “universal”. No thanks to universal healthcare, income. All of it.


100% agree with you. UBI and AI are terrifying. Humanity is walking blindly into a catastrophe.


The fact that the world’s richest, most powerful people think this is a great idea, is enough for me to say no thanks. Those are the same folks that will be responsible for the massive loss of jobs to begin with…why in TF would anyone trust them to begin with…


If it were truly universal, it would indeed be income with no strings attached. Everything else is not universal, but conditional basic income. Conditional on you agreeing with your government.
