Theologian explains the truth about Catholic salvation

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good one - thanks to both of you - all Glory to our Lord


The battle is for God’s word! And we suck at it. We don’t know the scriptures as we should! I started a small Catholic men’s Bible study and we are up to 60 members. We need to get back to the scriptures like the Prots.


I am saved through my Baptism. I am being saved through my continuous repentance and conversion by being fed with the Body and Blood of Christ (Confession/Eucharist), and I will be saved through total trust in Jesus (Divine Mercy) to bring me home to the Father. Amen. :) It's so good to be Catholic I can hardly believe it!


Salvation is for All.
Christ came to save All Mankind
Catholic - Protestant- Orthodox
doesn't matter....
God's infinite love and mercy surpass all.


Martin Luther combined justification with sanctification. Those were separate prior to Protestantism. ML combined them. Why? So he could "Go forth and sin. Sin Fornicate and murder 1000 times a day as long as you believe, you are saved". So, the onus is on Prot.misunderstanding of Christian doctrine. Of course, you will not be able to answer their heretical question. For truth is much more nuanced than Prots have.


I was asked by a Protestant a few years ago that exact same question, and I just didn’t know how to respond. Something that I give props to Protestants is that the average Protestant person knows his/her faith better than the average Catholic.


My Baptist preacher friend says "once you are saved you have a direct pass to heaven. You can even commit a mortal sin (my words not his) and you do not lose heaven."


The devil said to Eve will you die?
What is it with Catholic’s that we don’t understand the questions ask by many protestors.

Recognise the crafty use of Scripture.

Are you saved, surly you will not die but your eyes will be opened knowing what is good and what is evil.
You will become like God knowing the difference between good and evil.

Please the very first time I was asked that question by a protester, I asked the question what do you mean by asking are you saved..
Yet to some I have said by what authority do you come and approach me and ask such a question.
My answer has always been I am a Christian who attends a Catholic Church and the church teaches we are saved through Jesus Christ Crucified.
Our baptism alone can not save us.


This was a very Protestant episode. A completely unorthodox understanding of salvation. Salvation typically refers to eternal salvation. Not the process of being saved. And the guest presumably knows this but then proceeds to contradict it. And none of us are supposed to say we are saved. I don’t understand how that is a surprise or is disappointing to your guest. We haven’t been judged yet. We have no authority to say that with any confidence. We can lose our salvation at any time before we die which should be great motivation for us to maintain a state of grace. I gather the guest is a former Protestant, but he should be on guard that he isn’t adhering to those errors. You also should be on guard that you don’t promote these types of errors by dissemination of them to people. If your going to promote Catholic apologetics…..then promote Catholic apologetics. Not Protestant apologetics


'Are you saved?' is a protestant/evangelical term. Only those who persist to the end are saved, Matthew 24:13.


Here is a point to consider all those who care about this debate over Salvation.

I think the question on "how do I get saved" - is a red herring, a distraction to the real purpose and point of our religion.

As Christians, our end goal should be 100% submission to the will of our Father, no idols, completing the commandment to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength".

If we are doing that, then we wouldn't even really care about whether we are saved or not, because that would be assumed - that if we are following His Will, rather than our own, then we will spend eternity with Him as part of the cloud of witnesses.

I believe Protestants suffer from continual debate over this topic and as Catholics we should be showing them, that Salvation is not the end goal, but the beginning of a beautiful life of devotion to our Lord.


Hi Augustine institute, you might want to review my book "Best Christian Art" or "Medical Reformation. I'm making videos about the books at my YT channel, Peter Rogers MD. Best wishes.


Still didn’t answer the question clearly.


Amen we work out our salvation. Living like Christ along with being reborn. I hope this isn’t bad to say but in Charismatic Catholic Churches I’ve heard this explained.


As a Christian we recognize the scripture Jesus says we must be born of the water and the spirit.


If a Protestant asks you if you are saved, reply by saying, "Answer my question and I'll answer yours: are you Christ-like?"


"Protestants" make claims about Roman Catholic teaching and often get what is actually taught wrong. That being said I am blown away by the comments of Roman Catholics in regards to what "Protestants" claim in regard to salvation. VERY uninformed.


Funny, I don't recall if Anyone asked If
Jehovah's Witnesses were " saved"
Or Scientologists were " saved"


What you DIDN'T discuss is that we have to accept/consent to Jesus taking over our lives, and changing us... He won't if we don't want Him to. Come on Steven - you've been there!!


How can someone be " saved" if they are " cafeteria Christians"
Only accepting parts of Scripture that They approve of?
and dismissing the rest.
