Why Protestants NEED Mary! #catholic #christian #mary #theology #jesus #salvation #gospel

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This is a deflection. No one has a problem with Mary. No one is saying we should not love Mary. But there is a difference between loving the mother of our savior and praying to her as the catholics do.


"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" -1 Timothy 2:5


Lutheran turning Catholic here. I love Mary so much. She's pulling me closer to her son than I've ever been my entire life. ❤

*Everything about Mary is because of God, for God, and points to God.*


A woman brought me back to the church... you may have heard of her. I wear a picture of her around my neck


Jesus hung on the cross and died for my sins. No one else did. I’ll worship Him and Him alone.


Protestants have no problem with Mary. We have a problem with exalting her as highly as Catholics do. The only human who is holy and deserving of all the praise is Jesus. The end. And Mary would agree.


And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!” But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:27-28
And let's not forget that Jesus said, "Whoever will do the will of my father, they are my brothers and sisters and mother, " in Matthew 12:48-50.
I don't need Marry to be like my savior, she is but my sister in Christ. All I need is Him and His word. There is only one mediator between God and man, and that is Jesus Christ


I have no idea why, or how, and this is probably only through God, but this man speaking makes me want to be a better person in every way. Incredible.


I fail to see how praying to Mary is the exclusive reasoning behind "being Christ like" lol. Like what a spin job this Catholic did.


There is nothing wrong with loving Mary, but the moment you start kneeling down to a statue of Mary and start praying to Mary directly as if she were God, is thee problem with Catholicism…


Jesus came to make me like God? Jesus came to die for the sins of humanity! So no I’m not convinced I need Mary but I also don’t hate her. I simply acknowledge who she was. We NEED Jesus. We need his salvation, we need to be saved and salvation comes through Jesus. He said no one could go to the father except through him.


❤ The full length version of this video touched me deeply. I went to a local Catholic shop and bought books on the rosary.
Tonight I said the rosary with Gabe and his family on his channel.


Mathew 12
47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!


And I would argue that catholics don't understand Christ. I'm much more interested in the person of Christ than the religion of Catholicism built around him. The one striking difference I have noticed in catholic vs protestant disagreements is that catholics ALWAYS defend Catholicism while protestants defend the very nature of Christ in his atoning work on the cross. That speaks volumes to me.


We don't need Mary, we need Jesus. It's all about Jesus and He is the only way to heaven read the Bible


Such an amazing leap in logic. I applaud the mental gymnastics 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Mary isn’t omnipresent so she can’t do anything for anyone on earth neither can she hear anyone but the people she is in the kingdom with. Mary did her job on earth, her only job now is to be constantly in the presence of God. The only one who can bring you closer to Jesus is Jesus. He wants the one on one relationship with you! Read Luke 11:27-28 this shows he knew people would try to use Mary and he points back to himself. He says “I am the way the truth and life, NO-ONE gets to the father EXCEPT through me.” There is no person nor work that will get you everlasting life just Jesus himself.


I don't have to pray to Mary to be forgiven, I am forgiven by Jesus Christ who was the only one on that cross which took away the sins of the world.


This is why I can’t take a lot of Catholic apologists seriously. Such massive leaps in logic


Deification of humanity is the goal of Christ, but how does that transition to Mary? I mean she was a great and holy woman but she wasn't our mediator. Christ is our mediator.
