The Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet

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The 5 Elements relate to the earth and the ways that our organ system works according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

1) Wood
Physically lean with exposed veins
More susceptible to liver and gall bladder issues
Emotional Struggles - Frustration and Anger
Need to Nourish - Liver and Gallbladder
Foods to Eat - Sour & Bitter Foods
Sauerkraut, green apples, greens (salad, spinach, veggie juice, milk thistle, green foods, fresh foods. etc.)

2) Earth
Physically more round, jolly and have redness in their cheeks.
More susceptible to candida issues
Emotional Struggles - Worry
Need to Nourish - Spleen and Stomach
Foods to Eat - Warm Vegetables
Pumpkin, sweet potato, butternut squash, spaghetti squash

3) Metal
Metal element people have strong and bold features
More susceptible to lung, colon and immune system issues
Emotional Struggles - Grief, Sadness and Depression
Need to Nourish - The Immune System
Foods to Eat- White Foods
Horseradish, garlic, onions, cauliflower, and probiotic-rich foods (yogurt, kefir, and raw cheeses)

4) Water
More susceptible to kidney and adrenal gland issues
Struggle with infection, fatigue, low energy or hormone imbalances (early menopause or PCOS)
Emotional Struggles - Fear
Foods to Eat - Dark-Colored Foods
Nutrient dense foods, berries, cranberries, beets, spinach etc.

5) Fire
More susceptible to acid reflux or heat issues
Emotional Struggles - Passionate and Fiery
Foods to Eat - Spicy foods
Cayenne pepper, Mexican foods, salsa, hot sauce etc.

*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm glad that Traditional Chinese Medicine is coming back to life today!


traditional Chinese medicine has been tested by numerous Chinese Doctor since 5000 years ago, I really feel sad that it is being replaced by Western medicine. It is priceless heritage that the ancestors have left to us...


also we need to understand that eating an overabundance of foods related to any single element can cause disharmony in the associated organs so eating to much sweet foods will cause digestive issues like diarrhea, also remember eat according to the seasons so for example don't eat cold raw foods in the autumn and winter those seasons are meant for you to eat warming cooked hearty meals. and every meal should have a balances of the 5 tastes sour, sweet, spicy/pungent, bitter, and salty balance is the key to your health. just some extra information for you guys from a 2nd year TCM student


and here's a good suggestion if you are eating cold raw foods make sure its accompanied by hot or warm drinks like tea or hot water with lemon the spleen likes warmth and the stomach likes be at what is called a hundred degree soup following this will help you avoid spleen and stomach issues


I haven't really read up on the TCM diet, but I've been getting acupuncture from a TCM doctor and loving it. I'm a fan.


It's really hard to sum up tcm in 8 minutes. It's such a complex but incredible poetic system.


I can tell you one thing..I was diagnosed with a spleen qi deficiency and rightly so, because I do over worry and over think and I have thyroid issues (a goiter), I was eating a diet more geared to hashimoto's and was not feeling any better, until I met with a doctor that enforced and diagnosed me with my spleen condition and no lie, I feel great. I have my moments where I feel a flare up in my goiter, but all in all, never felt better. I know I am healing. It's not the placebo, because it has been going on for a few months now.


I think I am a typical "earth element" woman with a little bit of "wood element". Pumpkin and corn do a lot of good to me, so I incorporate them into my diet. I reduce my rice consumption for several months already and my candida problem gets better managed. Although sweet potato is also meant to be good but it produces a lot of gas so I ate less often as compared to pumpkin. Pumpkin is not very sticky to the teeth, so it is also good for health of the gum and teeth as compared to rice. For the "wood element", I like sauekraut and in fact I like cabbage very very much!!! The more yellowish it is, the more benefits it will have on me. I tried dandelion (liquid form), but it did not work out well. I did not try milk thistle before, may be...I will try in future.


I’m earth element 😊 and I love bone broth 🙏🏼 thank you so much for all you do ♥️ great video!


As a medical social worker for the past 15+years, I've seen many Chinese elderly who have cancer refused to go for conventional medicine but TCM yielded better outcome and unnecessary sufferring from surgery and chemotherapy txt. Chinese has very different approaches when it comes to illness, as Dr. Axe said, TCM focuses on norishing the organs and balance, but not just removal of the bad cells and try to destroy it by harmful radiation...


You are extremely informing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Please make some video on healing and prevention cracked capillaries and enlarged veins. Thank you!


I love that your wood, I am also wood element. We have a good BS Meyer, we can usually tell if people aren't honest. We are creative and love hand crafted things. We live may types of music, usually outgoing but love nature.


Thank you. Very informative and accurate.


Hello Doc can you do a blood pressure "hypertension" Video? I eat 80% clean exercise 4 to 5 days a week and can't get below 140/85 average is 150/90. Thanks.


Excellant info as a long time herbalist and knowledge of such I enjoyed your precise and clear explaination of foods and organ imbalace. Thank-you!


Hi Dr. Axe. Would you do a video on natural treatments for dandruff and flakey scalps?


What if I have issues that you listed in different elements. I have a combination of 2, 3 and 4. I worry a lot, struggle with extreme anxiety, depression, candida, hormone balance and pcos.


Hi Josh, congratulations on your journey! What path did you take to become a doctor of Chinese Medicine. Usually MD is offered in conventional Western Med system. Except few Asian countries, most of the world recognizes Chinese medicine doctor as a Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Would you be able to do a video for us please? :)


