Why Are Knockup Abilities So Powerful? | League of Legends

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Out of all the types of crowd control present in the game, Knockups are known to be exceptionally strong for their inability to be mitigated via conventional means such as Tenacity. For today's mechanics discussion we'll be looking at Knockup abilities to see what exactly makes them so strong.

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Learning that Ornn doesn't really extend CC directly, but rather reduces the enemy tenacity was a cool learning moment I wasn't expecting


*it's because knock ups apply a hidden effect that spawns a minion around 9 months later*


Timing Ezreal’s E to basically negate Blitz’s hook is really satisfying to pull off.


Cinematic Nautilus: His E is a WMD.

Gameplay: It does 20 damage and kinda slows or something.


Knocking up is so OP, it literally just forces you into a marriage


This is why I think Janna is one of the most oppresive supports to deal with on the right hands. Though she's primarily a defensive champ focused on disengage but when people are good enough on her she can be played aggressively, aside from the w spam of course. Her q is such a good tool to catch enemies off guard and is especially good with a yasuo.


Hey Vars, just giving you video suggestions. Why don't you talk the "eras" of champion design? Release champions, season 1 and 2, season 7 champs and so on?

I think it's very interesting to see the patterns of each year, season...


If tenacity worked on knockups, they would have to be twice as long, thats why regular hard cc generally lasts for so long and knockups doesnt


I remember seeing a clip of a yasuo knockning up an enemy with a blastcone then qssing the blastcone and ulting the enemy


But you can't QSS + flash (or any movement ability) to escape a knockup anymore since season 10 (10.23). Which sucks because, as Vars pointed out, it was a really cool mechanic that required knowledge and skill (+ you'd have to use both an item active AND a spell, or worse your flash, meaning it's a fair trade off imo).


Literally just had a moment last night during aram where I missed my 4th jhin ult shot because a riven knocked them away ever so slightly and she yelled at me about how I missed a shot against a "cc'ed target"


Because being knocked up has recently been a status harder to get rid of in many American states.


I dont really comment on videos too much but man keep up the grind dude, super informative videos and you are really smart. Deserve way more than 200k subs imo


Wouldn’t mind seeing a video of you rating and discussing the pros and cons of each type of CC/debuff


They are reliable cc - what more is there to discuss? Forms of cc that can be easily negated (or at least mitigated in duration to the point of becoming ineffective) can never be a reason for a champions strength... it is too easy to take that strength away from them. But with reliable forms of cc, such as a knock-up, you know that you can always at least play stun-bot for your team. Even Leona, who has a LOT of cc, is less effective at cc in 4v4/5v5 team fights relative to Cho'Gath - Cho has a ranged AoE knock-up, but Leona might walk into a ton of Tenacity and do very little.

Especially now that the rune page perks are changed, unreliable cc is now considerably worse. Champions will often be starting the game with a fair amount of Tenacity... sometimes the entire opposing team will. The value of knock-ups in that environment is going to be a bit higher than before.


Very good video, I love all of the examples in the video alongside accompanying gameplay. Each video keeps getting better and better


Also any knock up gives you built in synergy with two extremely popular hypercarries: Yasuo and Samira.


It is a sad Day on rift. Ez keeping his cool buffer trick while Jayce losing his 😢


One extra interaction that's not super important but still cool: knock-ups are slightly worse against champions with on-demand Unstoppable like Ornn or Udyr because if they can unstoppable the initial knock-up they dodge the entire cc. This is unlike with roots or stuns like dark binding which still hit them and cc them for the remainder of the duration after the unstoppable wears off.


The thing is tenacity many seasons ago had knock up added, then they changed some of the status effects to change almost all knock-up to airborne. This effectively removed the knock up condition reverting the change they made to tenacity. It was like when polymorph was it's own status, then they just made it the combination of 3 effects instead of one single status. This simplified rare status effects, such as polymorph only being on lulu, reduce the many keywords with similar effects.

technically tenacity still does reduce knock up, but since almost every knock up ability was changed to have two status effects, stun and airborne it made this irrelevant. It is funny how the fact at one point tenacity did affect knock up (but not knock back) was never brought up, but maybe because it has long since changed again.
