Useful Information About EVERY League of Legends Champion!

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Here's Useful Information About EVERY League of Legends Champion!

Facts, easter eggs, and a lot of unusual clips of league of legends. No information that really matters. After watching this video you will not benefit from the information but you may find it mildy interesting. Anyways here is useless information about every league of legends champion you won't be able to get back. Not 10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends but info about every champ!

#OutsideJoke #Leagueoflegends #RiotGames

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Shoutout to these channels (I got a lot of inspiration from them):

0:00 Intro
0:13 Aatrox
0:20 Ahri
0:28 Akali
0:39 Akshan
0:49 Alistar
1:06 Amumu
1:15 Anivia
1:30 Annie
1:40 Aphelios
1:47 Ashe
2:03 Aurelion Sol
2:22 Azir
2:30 Bard
2:43 Blitzcrank
2:52 Brand
3:05 Braum
3:18 Caitlyn
3:27 Camille
3:38 Cassiopeia
3:47 Cho'Gath
3:54 Corki
4:08 Darius
4:26 Diana
4:41 Dr. Mundo
4:51 Draven
5:06 Ekko
5:22 Elise
5:30 Evelynn
5:45 Ezreal
5:57 Fiddlesticks
6:04 Fiora
6:21 Fizz
6:33 Galio
6:45 Gangplank
6:54 Garen
7:07 Gnar
7:21 Gragas
7:29 Graves
7:39 Gwen
7:47 Hecarim
8:07 Heimerdinger
8:19 Illaoi
8:34 Irelia
8:45 Ivern
8:56 Janna
9:05 Jarvan
9:13 Jax
9:18 Jayce
9:29 Jhin
9:41 Jinx
9:54 Kai'Sa
10:07 Kalista
10:20 Karma
10:27 Karthus
10:38 Kassadin
10:47 Katarina
10:59 Kayle
11:09 Kayn
11:18 Kennen
11:22 Kha'Zix
11:34 Kindred
11:50 Kled
12:02 Kog'Maw
12:07 Leblanc
12:13 Lee Sin
12:24 Leona
12:33 Lillia
12:49 Lissandra
13:07 Lucian
13:15 Lulu
13:28 Lux
13:37 Malphite
13:47 Malzahar
13:51 Maoki
14:05 Master Yi
14:14 Miss Fortune
14:20 Mordekaiser
14:31 Morgana
14:40 Nami
14:55 Nasus
14:58 Nautilus
15:22 Neeko
15:29 Nidalee
15:38 Nocturne
15:50 Nunu
16:03 Olaf
16:09 Orianna
16:18 Ornn
16:24 Pantheon
16:32 Poppy
16:41 Pyke
16:50 Qiyana
16:58 Quinn
17:02 Rakan
17:12 Rammus "Okay"
17:23 Rek'Sai
17:38 Rell
17:46 Renata
17:59 Renekton
18:03 Rengar
18:09 Riven
18:17 Rumble
18:23 Ryze
18:34 Samira
18:41 Sejuani
18:47 Senna
18:55 Seraphine
18:59 Sett
19:13 Shaco
19:18 Shen
19:26 Shyvana
19:31 Signed
19:35 Sion
19:50 Sivir
19:57 Skarner
20:04 Sona
20:10 Soraka
20:19 Swain
20:25 Sylas
20:34 Syndra
20:44 Tahm Kench
20:55 Taliyah
21:02 Talon
21:12 Taric
21:20 Teemo
21:30 Thresh
21:41 Tristana
22:06 Trudle
22:12 Tryndamere
22:19 Twisted Fate
22:24 Twitch
22:32 Udyr
22:44 Urgot
22:55 Varus
23:00 Vayne
23:10 Veigar
23:17 Vel'Koz
23:23 Vi
23:35 Viego
23:46 Viktor
23:58 Vladimir
24:17 Volibear
24:23 Warwick
24:36 Wukong
24:53 Xayah
25:01 Xerath
25:07 Xin Zhao
25:13 Yasuo
25:27 Yone
25:36 Yorick
25:48 Yuumi
25:58 Zac
26:05 Zed
26:13 Zeri
26:22 Ziggs
26:29 Zilean
26:40 Zoey
26:49 Zyra
27:04 Send in your tips!
Рекомендации по теме

The bit about Ahri is no longer correct - they changed her passive with her rework. She now heals a set amount based on minion kills and takedowns.


I did not know that throwing a red buff on an enemy with Syndra's W can apply the burn on them too, now that's really situational but cool to know


Edit: Ahris passive changed and I’m just stupid now.. mb. New useful tip: Ahri has a nose


0:13 Aatrox
0:20 Ahri
0:28 Akali
0:39 Akshan
0:49 Alistar
1:06 Amumu
1:15 Anivia
1:30 Annie
1:40 Aphelios
1:47 Ashe
2:03 Aurelion Sol
2:22 Azir
2:30 Bard
2:43 Blitzcrank
2:52 Brand
3:05 Braum
3:18 Caitlyn
3:27 Camille
3:38 Cassiopeia
3:47 Cho'Gath
3:54 Corki
4:08 Darius
4:26 Diana
4:41 Dr. Mundo
4:51 Draven
5:06 Ekko
5:22 Elise
5:30 Evelynn
5:45 Ezreal
5:57 Fiddlesticks
6:04 Fiora
6:21 Fizz
6:33 Galio
6:45 Gangplank
6:54 Garen
7:07 Gnar
7:21 Gragas
7:29 Graves
7:39 Gwen
7:47 Hecarim
8:07 Heimerdinger
8:19 Illaoi
8:34 Irelia
8:45 Ivern
8:56 Janna
9:05 Jarvan
9:13 Jax
9:18 Jayce
9:29 Jhin
9:41 Jinx
9:54 Kai'Sa
10:07 Kalista
10:20 Karma
10:27 Karthus
10:38 Kassadin
10:47 Katarina
10:59 Kayle
11:09 Kayn
11:18 Kennen
11:22 Kha'Zix
11:34 Kindred
11:50 Kled
12:02 Kog'Maw
12:07 Leblanc
12:13 Lee Sin
12:24 Leona
12:33 Lillia
12:49 Lissandra
13:07 Lucian
13:15 Lulu
13:28 Lux
13:37 Malphite
13:47 Malzahar
13:51 Maoki
14:05 Master Yi
14:14 Miss Fortune
14:20 Mordekaiser
14:31 Morgana
14:40 Nami
14:55 Nasus
14:58 Nautilus
15:22 Neeko
15:29 Nidalee
15:38 Nocturne
15:50 Nunu
16:03 Olaf
16:09 Orianna
16:18 Ornn
16:24 Pantheon
16:32 Poppy
16:41 Pyke
16:50 Qiyana
16:58 Quinn
17:02 Rakan
17:12 Rammus

17:23 Rek'Sai
17:38 Rell
17:46 Renata
17:59 Renekton
18:03 Rengar
18:09 Riven
18:17 Rumble
18:23 Ryze
18:34 Samira
18:41 Sejuani
18:47 Senna
18:55 Seraphine
18:59 Sett
19:13 Shaco
19:18 Shen
19:26 Shyvana
19:31 Signed
19:35 Sion
19:50 Sivir
19:57 Skarner
20:04 Sona
20:10 Soraka
20:19 Swain
20:25 Sylas
20:34 Syndra
20:44 Tahm Kench
20:55 Taliyah
21:02 Talon
21:12 Taric
21:20 Teemo
21:30 Thresh
21:41 Tristana
22:06 Trudle
22:12 Tryndamere
22:19 Twisted Fate
22:24 Twitch
22:32 Udyr
22:44 Urgot
22:55 Varus
23:00 Vayne
23:10 Veigar
23:17 Vel'Koz
23:23 Vi
23:35 Viego
23:46 Viktor
23:58 Vladimir
24:17 Volibear
24:23 Warwick
24:36 Wukong
24:53 Xayah
25:01 Xerath
25:07 Xin Zhao
25:13 Yasuo
25:27 Yone
25:36 Yorick
25:48 Yuumi
25:58 Zac
26:05 Zed
26:13 Zeri
26:22 Ziggs
26:29 Zilean
26:40 Zoey
26:49 Zyra


Hey, great video! However, the real fastest Samira S-Rank combo is this:
Auto (melee) - W - E - Q while in E - W finishes casting, counting as a different attack, therefore giving another stack - Auto (melee) and you get the S rank in record speed. Of course this really only works in melee but it is the fastest.


Useful tip about pyke:
His e has the same mechanic as flash as in if you go over at least half of a wall, you will go all the way over it. It's crazy how far you can dash with this


Also a tip about both Anivia and Zac: anyone can see with a glance if they have their passive revives active. There is a little angel wing icon above their champion level when the passive is available. It also shows up for anyone with a GA, but that's less useful because GA's visual indicator is already pretty easy to see.


I noticed when you were talking about lissandra you said you can bind a key for self use, but there is something like that for every ability. Much like how you can use CTRL + QWER to level up your abilities, you can also use ALT + QWER depending on the ability and it well self cast. VERY useful for playing zil or karma, or lulu for when your team dies and you need to do excessive support damage.


Another tip for Sona !
You can actually kill wards very fast,
Get you passive and each AA (with the passive) use Q W or E as it will cancel the animation so you can do 3 AA in less than 1 seconde (but it cost too much mana tho)


I’m surprised this isn’t here in the comments (that I can see sorry if someone else already said this) considering how obnoxious it is to lane with an enemy shako jg. After Shako completes his smite item, when he ults, left click one of them. The clone doesn’t get the smite item upgrade so the smite damage is 450. The real one has 900. Can really help to not kill the clone.


At the last moment of Skarner's ult, you can turn around, and it will put the target behind you, and you can more easily bodyblock their escape path.


(Vel'koz main here) You made a mistake on the Vel'koz tip. His max range marker can't be seen by the enemies but it can only be seen by you.


I was expecting another "useless info" video, but I guess the gods of 200 years of game development are smiling down on us


Nami Tip: using your E and then W on an enemy makes your Q really easy to land thanks to the slow provided by her E.
Caitlyn Tip: using your E and then your Q really fast can cancel the E animation and extend the range of her Q for some nice outplays.
Caitlyn Tip: when you catch someone in a W trap if you are fast enough you can hit them with your E to do a double headshot.
Kai'sa Tip: if you time your W right before getting hit by CC the animation and W will still go off making the CC duration feel shorter.
Kai'sa Tip: Most people don't know you can AA during her Q animation.
Kai'sa Tip: Kai'sa will always go where your mouse is inside the circle of her ult, use this to dodge skill shots and go over wallls.


Thresh's E is a perfect rectangle, so you get slightly more range out of it by using the corner. Also, his W is an actual object and it's wide enough to prevent an enemy from passing through the narrow path between turret and wall (I learned this by dooming myself lol). If you use E or Q to hit an enemy, you automatically target them for auto attacks (prioritizing champs with E). For anyone who hasn't played him, he can use W to collect souls. There's also a lot of places where you can use Q on jg monsters to escape over walls, so keep that in your back pocket.


Some of these tips were meh, I mean the Evelyn one come on xd


the fact the kslista one is here just proves why her WR is so low. thats her core laning mechanic


also another tip for Kindred, you could use her W for vision when invading to get marks, just stand next to a wall and place it at the furthest position, and another thing, her R can make epic monsters not die in the duration as well, so you can stand flash Q on Baron and ult, the enemy jungler would panic smite but you still have smite so you would win that smite battle


To the Samira: Actually the fastest combo with her is standing next to an enemy, aa, w, e, q (w second dmg), aa, ult


that elise spider bomb thooo, been playing for atleast 11 years and prolly used elise 500x, I never knew that trick
