Yemin 448. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 448

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The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?

Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

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"Narkem Scenes Translation 448" ( Part 1, 2)
Narin to Mert: And I still don't believe it, I'm scared that there will be no internet but thank God I've been acquitted.
Kemal: Now it's not okay, but it's not. Now smile.
Narin: You right, let's go home as soon as possible.
Mert: Look, I'm fine.
Narin: Actually, it will be like this anyway.
Kemal: Is there any evil, should we go to the hospital or Mert's seat?
Narin: I'm going to get fat, did you pass the check.Ok, I'm sorry you left you a lot.
Mert to Narin: You never your Engin (not sure) I won't forget. Thanks to you. Thanks to you it has become easier to endure.
Kemal to the man: Thanks to everything. Narin: Thanks you.
Man: It's not even worth saying. I just did my duty. Let's meet again, but it's not like this. Of course, I have a job to hurry now, if there is a problem or if there is a development.
Kemal: we will communicate.
Man: Take care of yourself.
Narin: Come on. Thank you.
Kemal: Come on, everyone is waiting for you now.

Sheriye: votes are missing and nothing is left.
Bade: I hope I put it in the city like this, auntie.
Sheriye: She's beautiful girl, well done to you.
Minuver: We also made a lot of it..
Sheriye: We also made a lot of it..
Sheriye to Mert: Thank God once again, let me hold.
Mert: I'm fine Aunt.
Minuver to Mert: Welcome to the city,
Mert and Bade hug each other".
Mert to Bade: I'm fine now.
Masal to Mert: Welcome.
Sheriye: I was at the table last night, my butler, I cooked all the food you like, did I not eat any food, we will take the pain out of the days today Aydin.


Emer is the best actor ❤❤❤
I am from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩


سيظل جوكبيرك ديميرشي أروع واجمل واحسن ممثل تركي بالنسبه لي


beautiful episode and Nar💚Kem are amazing duo ever WE are waiting for NEXT👏


About to watch todays episode, and guys omg tomorrow’s episode is going to be sooo good. We finally know how gulperi gets arrested, she was trying to protect yigit from ismail, I think we’ll see her get arrested in Wednesday episode instead, tomorrow’s episode will most likely stop at the part that the shots went off. Emir being super jealous when he sees gulperi covering boran with a blanket lol, savas caught that it was too funny. Emir looked pissed 😤 and he says can you make coffeee but he says it loud, savas saw how emir was jealous and uncomfortable when gul covers boran. But I love how she goes after emir and hold his arm and says plus be careful plus the look in emirs eyes. I love everything about the trailer for tomorrow’s ep I wonder if ismail will be dead or if he’ll just be injured, but it’s not even gulperi’s fault this crazy guy tried to kill a child, gulperi is sooo protective of yigit she turned into mom bear.


Tulay was involved with mafia and Savas with big Ismal Sari. About money. Now Emir with Savas needs to fight with Ismal to get family back home.
Savas leave alone Gulperi. Please 😮


جمالك اليمين 4 والمايسترو جوكبيرك وسيتناي


Yemin 1&2emir reyhan tak tergantikan ❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍
Seri 4 bukan yemin horor badut pisikopat idiot..👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎gulperi👎👎👎👎👎


Gulka nie ma za grosz honoru ani ambicji jest po rozwodzie a mieszka u Emira i wtraca sie do wszystkiego bezazczelna🐍🐍🐍🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸


Tego już za dużo, czy nie macie dosyć tej nienawiści, czy wam się to nie znudzi tak obrażać i poniżać osób które nic wam nie zrobiły . Osoba której tak bronicie i zrobiliście świętą czyta takie komentarze i myśli " głupie baby żrą się między sobą jak wilki o padlinę " . Yemin jest historią Emira a nie Reyhan , każda kobieta to nowa opowieści . Życzę miłego oglądania i spokojnego wieczoru .


حلقه 448
أمير: ماذا تريد إسماعيل؟
سافاش: إسماعيل ، سآخذ أنفاسك ، سآخذها بين يدي عزيزي هل سمعتني
إسماعيل: لا أفهم لماذا لم أسمع صوتك مقطوع قبل أن تبدأ
سافاش: لا تلمسهم إذا كان لديك عقل
أمير: توقف عن اللعب وأخبرنا بوضوح ما تريده بهذه الطريقة لن تصل الى أي مكان
إسماعيل: أمير تارهون ، لإعطائي النصيحة ، أنظر ، سأجعلك تستمع إلى أغنية رائعة الآن ، لكن سافاس يجب أن تستمع على الأرض ، أليس كذلك؟
جافيدان: أمير أمير ابني
أمير: أمي أمي ، هل أنت بخير؟
جافيدان: إنه آخري تعال الي
فيدان: ستفعل ذلك ، يا أخي من المؤكد ، سينقذنا
بيحان: سافاش ، أنت فقط من يستطيع إنقاذنا
أمير: فقط دعهم يتحدثون. أخبرنا إذا كانوا بخير
إسماعيل: هذا يكفي . ما هي الأغاني التي يمكنني الاستماع إليها أثناء تسوية الديون؟
سافاس: أفكر في الرجل الذي اختطف أمنا
إسماعيل: إذا فكرت بي قبل أن تضرب المكان ، ثم اشتريت شقيق إسماعيل ، ولا تقلق ، ستتعلم جيدًا من أنا ، وسيدفع أحباؤك ثمن هذا الخطأ الذي ارتكبته ، وحياتهم. .
سافاش: ابق بعيدًا ، ابق بعيدًا ، سأدمرك
أمير: لا
أمير: ماذا تعتقد أنك تفعل ، ماذا تعتقد أنك تفعل؟
سافاش: لا يمكنك محاسبتي ، بالطبع ، أنا أعرف جيدًا ما أفعله.
أمير: هل انت مرتاح، أنت تعلم أنك خاطرت بأرواح كثيرة
سافاش: سوف أفهم اللغة التي يتحدث بها ، فأنت لا تفهمه ، ولا تجعلها أكثر صرامة
أمير: ما زلت تذهب وتعود هذا كل ما تفعله. كل ما عليك فعله هو الانتظار ، فقط انتظر لن آتي هنا بمفتاح في سيارتك وهذا ما عليك فعله بدماغك
سافاش: ماذا أفعل ، أجلس ويدي مقيدتان مثلك ، سأجيب إذا كنت ستعطيني الفرصه
أمير: حسنًا ، بسببك ، فقدناهم بسببك ، لقد واجهوا الموت وجهًا لوجه بسببك ، وربما حتى ربما
جافيدان: هذا مزيف
بيحان: إذا قتلتني ، فلن يبقيك ابني على قيد الحياة. هل سمعتني؟
الرجل: يا أخي ، لا تفعل ذلك
إسماعيل: انتظر ، هذا لم ينته ، تخلصت منه ، لا تسعد به هاه
سافاس: فعل الشيء نفسه عندما اختطفك. إنه يخادع. كلانا يعرف أن إسماعيل لا يستطيع أن يؤذيهما.
أمير: حسنًا ، نظرت. إنه لقيط قذر ، لكنه دائمًا غاضب.
يمكننا القيام بالأشياء التي نقول إنه لا ينشغل بها وعندما ننظر إلى ما يفعله علينا أن نسرع.


**Gulmir scenes translation**
Part 1 - 5 done
Emir: what do you want Ismail?
Savas: Ismail, I'll take your breath away I'll take it in my hands dear did you hear me
Ismail: I don't understand why I didn't hear your voice was cut off meaning before you start
Savas: Don't touch them if you have a mind
Emir: look stop playing games tell us clearly what you want this way you won't get anywhere
Ismail: Emir Tarhun, to give me advice, look, I'm going to make you listen to a very nice song now, but Savas should listen on land, huh?
Cavidan: Emir Emir my son
Emir: Mom mom are you okay?
Cavidan: it's my last to come
Fidan: will do it, sure brother, save us
Beyhan: Savas, only you can save us
Emir: just let them talk. Let us know if they're fine
Ismail: That's enough for the lesson. What songs can I listen to while I sort out the debt?
Savas: Thinking about the man who kidnapped our mother
Ismail: If you thought about me before the place hit, then you bought Ismail brother, and don't worry, you will learn very well who I am, your loved ones will pay the price of this mistake you made, and with their lives.
Savas: stay away, stay away I'll ruin you
Emir: don't it
Emir: what do you think you're doing, what do you think you're doing?
Savas: You cannot hold me accountable, of course, I know very well what I am doing.
Emir: relieved, you know you risked so many lives
Savas: I will understand the language he speaks, you don't understand him, don't make any more of it raw
Emir: let go you still keep coming and going all you do. All you have to do is wait, just wait I wouldn't come here with a switch in your car that's what you had to do with your brain
Savas: what should I do, sit with my hands tied like you, I will answer if you would have given me a change
Emir: Well, because of you, we missed them because of you, they came face to face with death because of you, maybe even maybe
Cavidan: this is fake
Beyhan: If you kill me, my son will not keep you alive. Did you hear me?
Man: brother, don’t do it
Ismail: wait, this is not over, I got rid of it, don't be happy with it huh
Savas: He did the same when he kidnapped you. He's bluffing. We both know that Ismail can't hurt them.
Emir: Okay, I looked. He is a dirty bastard, but he's always angry.
We can do the things we say he doesn't get caught up and when we look at what he does we have to hurry up. (Something like that)

To be continued


Colegas que sempre traduzem os capítulos com tanta cortesia e amabilidade, vocês podem fazer a tradução quando puderem, por favor... muita gratidão!


Ps: I had to reupload it again after 2 weeks, as all my comments couldn't be seen! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Today, It was a lovely episode, where our dear, shy and lovely Gülperi finally opened up about her feeling to Emir. Even if she didn't say it directly, she showed it to him. Her words of worry, care and fear are more than enough for Emir to understand, how much he means to Gülperi. She knows him and understands him and eventually won the fight of accompanying him side by side to find their family. She's the calm that Emir always needs when his mind is about to explode and his anger is about to storm out. But Emir is Emir and always thinks before he acts! 🔥

Anyway, it's was a lovely episode where our dream team named GülMir didn't loose each other but more likely they came closer together than ever. Fear and danger brings you closer to your loved ones more than ever. They looked like as if they were still married and no sign of a divorce but more likely of a lovely couple/family! 💕

A good start in to a week of GülMir 💕


Por favor que hagan un resumen en español por favor gracias


El capitulo estuvo buenísimo favor traducción al español


The trailer was very suspicious for next episode 🧐🧐🧐🧐 its about time to Masal and Narin reconciliation ☘️🍃❣️


Essas polícias tão por fora que lei e essa que polícias não agem....o cidadão que tem que pegar o bandido
Despois que Guperi matar o bandido sem querer ainda ..a lei prende ela
Que cp mais errado.
A leis deste País tá completamente por fora.ppr dois. Motivo
1por deixar passar novelas com tantos maldades
2...por que as cenas tira a liberdade do autoridades resolverem os casos....


Masal başına gələnləri anlatdı. NarKem niyə oyun oynadıqlarını Masala demirlər? Yəqin sabahkı bölümdə deyəcəklər. Masal Narinlə barışacaq, 6 yaşlı Masal geri dönəcək.


Je suis contente que Mert a pu être sauvé c’est un bon garçon ♥️♥️👍👍
