How Long Will It Take To Become a Web Developer 2023

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I've seen way too many people giving up their dreams of making it into tech. In this video I dissect how long it actually takes, and in reality, we don't have it so bad after all.
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I apologize for the video abruptly ending out of now here. I somehow cut the last 40 seconds of the video :(.


i make 140k a year and im 3 years into tech as an engineer. My life has completely changed within the last couple of years and its only going to become more epic. As long as i can control these things which are hardwork faith and persistance.


got a job after 7 months, it was worth the hustle


Hey Chris, I still remember the day you were just like an entry-level on your journey as a Web Developer 5 years ago when I was still at 11th Grade. I will not forget how your videos encouraged me to pursue in tech as Web Developer. I just recently graduated now on my Bachelor's of IT. I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you have given in tech community, especially to those who are just wanted to get going in tech.



You look like you’re slimming down and taking good care of yourself. You’re looking much younger and healthy!
Much props to you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Health is wealth 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Dang!! I really needed this, I never thought for a second that I needed to quit but I have been slacking the last few months and I haven’t been coding. I plan on jumping right back in. I know it’s going to be a hard road, if it was not then everyone would be a developer. Excited for the journey.


a year ago I started studying development, eventually I realized it was not mine, I was constantly learning to just stand in one place. There are more interesting areas for work, for self-realization. In my opinion, if learning is hard for you and you are constantly looking for motivation, think twice if you really like it, or you are just running after money. After all, money is earned not only in IT


I started learning web development in November 2021 took me a year and half to get a internship as a self-taught developer.


Chris is right with this one. I had java and python classes in Highschool but unfortunately never took them serious. I had these classes from freshman year all the way to graduating as a senior. Sometimes I wish I would've took those classes serious, if I did I would've landed a job years ago. Let alone have my skills up there. I'm still studying and have an internship coming up in a few months. But becoming a developer in 1 or 2 years doesn't discourage me at all.


There are many skills it takes to get Jobs above 50k. Skillset Education Communication Mindset all play a factor in the individual. I was working in IT already, I started school in Front End Web Dev Major and applied for a Job for a Backend PHP developer. I admit I was not the wizard of oz of development. I did interview well and being able to articulate my skillsets and the ability to figure out a problem when it arises made the difference. Communication could be the number 1 skill a individual needs in their toolbox.


Thank you Chris for being vulnerable and honest in your videos regarding this topic. I think people need to hear the reality of learning to code and get a job


This is demoralizing as I'm still practicing HTML+CSS. EDIT: Learning Javascript now. 😁.


I have learned Fullstack for an year in which I was taught JS, REACT, PYTHON, DJANGO, MONGODB, .. Its been 1.7yrs I am still struggling with JS and refering AI while solving problems. I know it will take time. I am completely from Non-Tech background with over 10yrs exp in Non-IT field.


People should just know that when job hunting, AI will filter you out if you dont have x years of experience in your resume. So your top quality portfolio projects will never be seen by any humans. Just make sure you're ready for most types of scenarios and trick questions so your faked x years of experience can feel and seem real. And yes you should write you have like 2 years of experience at this and that company or just say its all freelancing experience even if you dont, because you're dealing with AI not a human. So you have to outsmart their resume busting ai.


I love this video man, you are speaking so many facts and people don't realize that most YouTubers or bootcamps don't say this... they just try to persuade you with a 3 month illusion that will end up messing up your aspirations... And note that I strongly disagree with your last video on bootcamps, but I also understand the reasons behind that video, keep it real please, you know what it is coming from bottom and I hope to keep receiving your real you


Dude, I am on disability right now. I make less than 10 k a year. If I could just get a tech job starting at 30k I would think I am rich as hell. Making 50k and above is not even comprehendible to me. I so wish I took school serious, I so agree that is one of my biggest regrets.


i see software engineering (game development in particular) in a similar way that i see advertising (a field i am adjacent to so know plenty of them): if you have the skill you can start really fast and get paid a lot really fast, but the culture of the industry is all fast-paced, Go-Go-Go, and crunch. you get hired young, pushed hard, and then spat-out (burnt out and with no career-path because fresh-blood is prioritized) still relatively young. hopefully you made enough money "in your prime" because that's when you'll be making most of your money


I am going to get a developer job after self learning for three years while being employed full time in a non technical role. I taught myself Vue/Nuxt and was ready to accept to relearn to Angular or React because of the market demands. But I finally, found an employer where I can stick to my current tech stack and I will definitely accept their offer.

I love JavaScript so much. I don't care, that it's so much harder to get into that field than 10 years ago because of everything you need to learn additionally, like server, dev-ops, testing and CI. I just want to do it for the rest of my life. Nobody is going to stop me from that. Even in Germany, where web development is not nearly as high paying like in the US.


I’m about 5 months in, and I understand html, css, most JavaScript and learning node rn… have noticed a lot gate keeping as well from other devs… they pretend that they don’t use google at work… sometimes is not the hard skill that gets you the job, is the connections…


1 to 2 years to get a first job? Nah man thats way too long. For someone that really networks hard and actually has a good portfolio it shouldn't take more than 6 to 9 months at most.
The biggest difference maker is how well a person networks.
Even if it's a job only making like 50k that's still super valuable experience.