I Bought A New Laptop For Less Than $100...

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I bought this Lenovo Chromebook on sale for less than US$100. Links below!

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Lenovo likes hiding screws under the glued on feet at the bottom of the laptop. That's probably why you couldn't get it open lol.


The impressive thing is that it comes with both a keyboard and a touch screen and it is easily turned into a tablet by flipping. Those features alone would probably inflate a macbook's price for about a kidney and half a liver.


Reminds me of my Lenovo 100e, those were selling for $99 in 2019. Wasn't fast but it sure did the job and survived everything. Sat in a car for 8 months through both summer and winter, got thrown around, went with me on several road trips and plane rides, got dropped pretty hard from a good height. Only broke when someone ran it over with a car 3 years after I got it.
Can't really complain for $99


Wait a touch screen for a $100. That's actually insane. This is so worth it


"This laptop puts out less warmth than the soul of an Nvidia exec".
Holy FUCK that was savage


For the issue disassembling it, there are screws under the rubber feet strips. I found that in a HP laptop and it gave me a run for my money.


Damn, that's actually pretty cool. I wouldn't have a reason to buy one of these now of course, but if this existed at this price back when I was in middle school, I would have been one happy kid.


Damn, $99 chromebooks have gotten way better than 5 years ago when I got one! Mine was a 10 inch screen, keyboard that felt bad, touchpad that felt bad, no touchscreen, no tablet mode, etc...


I have a slightly older Celeron-based Lenovo Chromebook very similar to this. One of the first things I did was set up the built-in linux VM and get Shovel Knight running in Steam. It was 100% playable, which might not SOUND impressive, but you have to remember that it's a 2D game using cleverly hidden 3D assets. I'm amazed that it even launched in that environment. On top of that, it had 4k60hz video out over USB-C on BOTH PORTS.

Find the right chromebook and you have yourself a very capable little box for light tinkering, media playback and probably even linux server applications. Not a bad alternative to a raspberry pi considering their current asking price.


the sarcasm is why i stick entertaining entertainment is why i love this channel


Hey guys I just bought this exact model, the delivery came 30 mins ago.
First of the screen is much brighter than I expected, hell only slightly less bright than my 13 mini. Viewing angle is phenomenal.
The keyboard and touchpad feels extremely good.
The built quality is superb on every inches.

Now it’s updating, I’ll let you know about the day to day performance and speakers once it’s done.

Bought it for $210 not $100 but still is a bargain.


That is crazy for $100. I'm always most interested in how Chromebooks could be made to run more useful OS's though :)


your humor is the reason i get on you tube. best casual tech channel on youtube dawid. legit.


Lenovo's Thought-Pad laptops (Thinkpad, Ideapad, etc.) are great machines though they always seem to lack in certain areas and excel in others, most of the time it's budget CPU and GPU options for obvious reasons assorted in with great features like the keyboard or camera quality. The Thought-pads that are equipped with something like a Duo Core or Celeron and running integrated graphics are usable but I wish that basic models just had a little more to offer sometimes.


I was able to score a 17" Chromebook for about $100 from Best Buy on a liquidation sale. It's not bad for the money.


I have the same laptop with an Intel celeron in it, and the thing is passively cooled! I bought it in India, and it was ₹25k (roughly $312).


I worked fixing chromebooks in highschool and sometimes it is common for the keyboard to open as opposed ti the back (making for easy keyboard/track pad replacements) maybe that's why you weren't able to access it?


I've had my issues with Lenovo laptops in the past, but the keyboards are typically way better than similarly priced alternatives. Super subjective, but I think they do a great job there. Thanks for the video!


I actually bought that laptop and took it with me on a business trip. I only needed it to do web based invoice type stuff and it did well. It runs similar to my Lenovo Duet, I believe it's a similar if not the same processor.


I went from watching a LTT video about one of the most powerful laptops available on the market today...

to this.

Not disappointed.
