How Will A Shy Guy Act Around You If He Knows You Like Him

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I like how he gets straight to the point.


Oml I wanna leave his shy ass alone but he just to God damn fine😍😂🙄


great I just made my crush more shyer...


Damn this is So True, It happens when you fall deep in Love... It happened to me too... I was so comfortable with so many people around me, so many girls I could talk easily but it's just that one girl and I got stunned My body became stiff as rock when she was around me and was shy as hell... I remember how I fucked up my first presentation cause she was sitting right in front of me and I became more shy...


This is bad, because I'm a shy women, so it's never gonna happen.


aawwhhh thats how this guy i like acts towards me soo shy to talk to him


What if your shy too? This isn't really helpful for other shy people




I need advice. I really like this shy guy that I have never talked too. He would always catch me staring but now I catch him, but is he only staring at me because he thinks I was staring at him? Also whenever I am near him or walk by him he gets all stiff and nervous, is this because he is uncomfortable when I'm around or because he likes me? Also when he walks by me he keeps his head down or sideways and walks really fast by me avoiding eye contact.


thank you, your videos help a lot! God bless you!


I’ve got a crush on a guy who attends my university. During March, I started noticing him staring, but never approaching me; my friend, who once sat near him, told me he was always looking at me that day (I was near her). A couple of weeks ago I decided to tell him that I’m interested, so I contacted him on Instagram and asked him when I could’ve found him at the uni. Then the day we talked came. We first talked about random stuff and, at some point, he told me that we could’ve hanged out sometimes, to get a coffee or study together. Then I told him that lately I had started having interest in him and that I wanted to know how he felt. As I started saying “and I wanted to know..” he answered “mayyybe I don’t have that kind of interested, but I do in getting new friends”, and continued saying things about getting them.
He kind of ran away after I told him that I liked him. He got up the bench, started walking away and then told me “I’ll see you on Monday, or on Sunday if you want”; I said “yes, message me.” He never texted me, so I didn’t either. I saw him again the next week and he didn’t mention the date, he only said hi and sat. Now he doesn’t look at me anymore and neither do I when he’s really near me, because I don’t want to look desperate and needy of him giving me attention.
I’m planning on texting him on May 25th to ask him if he’s going to do the anthropology exam on May 27th.
I need help to understand what’s going on. I think that a person doesn’t ask you out twice if doesn’t have a minimum of interest, but I can’t understand why he didn’t confirm the date and why gave me that answer if he was always looking at me.


In hindsight Datinglogic advice is more and more spot on. I thought I "took control" of the situation but not really. And then I've got my own issues too lol. Now it's like when I go up to talk to him, even though we've spoken before several times, he looks at me like, a deer in headlights. Or, he frowns. But when I see him from afar like just walking down a hall, he'llsmile. I don't know, what, to make of it but I imagine if he were interested he would have made a move. So, he's probably just curious.


Yep now I can’t sit directly in front of him since he can’t look at me so I have to sit next to him instead and not make eye contact heheh poor guy. I make him nervous but I admire him for always showing up and wanting to be with him even if it’s a battle within him. Didn’t realise how hard it is for them to get past their shyness.


When my crush look at me and I look bakc at him he keep on looking at me but not look away but I started looking away from him


Well my crush knows that i like him because one of my friends told him. He told me that he has known for 9 months. He hasn't said that he dose or doesn't like me back but he is kind of shy when it comes to this kind of stuff. He gives a hig to every girl in my class exempt for me why??? He asked for my number a week ago too. I don't know if he likes me or not😭😭


i was in this situation, i did like this girl and the next day a friend told me that she knew that even though i didn't do anything to indicate it to her. once i knew that she knew i tried to avoid her because i thought that talking to her while she knew that would just be awkward and forced. now that i look back on it, she really seemed like an egotistical person, one of those girls who knew she was hot and because of that, she thought she was above everyone else and its most likely that same ego that made her naturally think that i liked her


what if i am also shy? lol double catch 22


This guy at work likes me and I found out he did and our coworker who is friends with both of us knows I like him back but I wasn't going to tell him. And my coworker told him so now he knows I like him too but he's suddenly all shy when before he knew I like him he used to flirt and talk to me. Now he only talks to me if I talk to him first and he stares at me when I'm around


Acting more shy, can he push me away or treat me bad? I'm in a weird situation that a man run away from me, and tries not to get close to me, but prefers to walk not on my side but on my back, and wherever I go he leaves. when I´m talking to other people he keeps looking when I look at him he turns his face, and when it´s with a guy he gets tense. Once I sent an email to his organization to donate clothes he was cold and refused my stuffs. What kind of behavior is this?


A guy and this is so true, I like this girl and think she likes me back but I don't, now when ever I'm around she is always near me one day I was walking to class and accidentally look at her and she she jump then at looked at her friend idk if she is scared of me or if she likes me plz help
