What If Obi Wan STOPPED Anakin Skywalker From Saving Palpatine

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Yoda: *travels to utapau*

Grievous: *chuckles*
Im in danger


Padme in stories where O66 happens: "Don't worry honey, I forgive you :)"

Padme in this story: "BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT!"


honestly not a fan of the ending.

it was great leading up to it, but the Jedi and Padme all writing Anakin off feels... out of character for them all.
having him be expelled from the order is totally justified, but I think Obi wan would still try and help Anakin in the aftermath, especially after learning what had pushed him to that point.


I think Anakin was treated a little too harshly here. It was made apparent he was manipulated, yet he is treated like an absolute pariah rather than be rehabilitated? I don't think Obi-Wan would go along with that.


If Padme was willing to stay with Anakin after Order 66 or the Tusken slaughter, I don’t see her leaving him for this. Tho I do think that after Yoda expelled him from the order Anakin would be like “I don’t want to be a Jedi anymore anyway, after all that I’ve done for the Order, you all treat me like an outcast even when I have put my life on the line to save most them including you three. And what do I get in return? You lie to me, you betray my trust, let those I love suffer, and you abandon me when I need you most. Dooku and Qui Gon were right about the failures of the Jedi.” The emotional damage he could inflict on them upon parting ways would be immeasurable


i can see, a sequel to this story where luke goes looking for his father once he's old enough.


This one made me hurt for Anakin with the Padme scenario


I just love how every what if is about Anakin, he truly is Star Wars!


I do have my issues with this, but a lot has to do with Padme’s ooc behavior. This is the same woman that thought there was good in him even after he slaughtered children, and nearly choked her to death.

Otherwise it makes sense lol


What if R2 saved anakin from the dark side

What if Obi-wan reincarnated in his own young self (dies at deathstar, awakens just after seeing qui gon die)


I'll be honest, when I heard "And Anakin stood up on the balcony" my heart sunk. I didn't expect him to be thinking. Especially since the Jedi took over after blatantly disregarding the condition of the chosen one. As described, Obi-Wan noticed how disheveled Anakin was. When you're running off three days without sleep, you forget what reality is or what the consequences of actions are. A case should've been made for Anakin going insane due to neglect of the Jedi, and abuse of the Sith. The same trick could've been played on Yoda or Mace and have worked to a comparable degree. Not such that they turn to the sith, but that they can't think straight.


The Order abandoning Anakin sounds par for the course for the arrogant, dogmatic Jed, instead of responding with empathy and a need to understand. The Jedi may not be outright evil, but they'll never be heroes in my eyes until they learn emotions shouldn't be suppressed and attachments give us purpose. They choose the easy way out with their code instead of learning how to have healthy relationships with their attachments and emotions.

Padme leaving was a low blow. Especially, taking his kids away. You'd be hard pressed to find any parent who cares about their kids to accept that so easily. Even among those who are calm, collected and not violent at all. That right there would send most over to the dark side faster than light.


Nah Grievous is gonna get cooked when Yoda fights him


Was good up until the end. I don’t like how Anakin was the only one who got the end of the stick being abandoned and left in the dark by everything and everyone, especially by Padme. Basically telling bro that he’s on his own✌️and to figure it out.


What if Palpatine *didnt know* he was Sidious? Aka, what if Darth Sidious wad a split personality Palpatine was unaware of?


what if palpatine had his own double that only pretended to be him as chancellor.


Anakin should lash out and strike down everyone that wronged him .
The jedi .
The clones.
The Republic.
They are all guilty of taking everything from him .
But Padme most of all , she groomed him into the person that he became .
He was a sweet , caring , selfless person before he met her .


Huh that was a really interesting twist! I like the sound of the Chosen One becoming a vigilante 🥶


alternate ending, maul and anakin have a force conversation and discuss everything and end up having a saber duel in the minds realm the victor will be the master, and as they battle in the mind maul loses because he thought he was fighting anakin, only for anakin to reveal "that is why you losed i am darth vader " at that moment they wake up when yoda and obiwon are there with the trooper guards, and when they open the cell to talk with anakin vader says" execute order 66"
