What If Obi Wan Kenobi FOUGHT Pong Krell

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What could've happened if Obi Wan Kenobi came back to fight Pong Krell during the siege of Umbara? The battles were horrific and the war crimes committed by Pong Krell were just as, could Kenobi have brought him down?
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I always wanted to see some What-Ifs about Pong Krell. Thanks man🥰

Maybe a version where Anakin gets contacted by Rex before he goes to Pong Krell trying to arrest him which then leads to Anakin flying back to Umbara and fighting him (too many words lol) would be nice, too 😋


What if pong krell was arrested instead of killed, and later becoming an inquisitor?


More Pong Krell what ifs, please! Really wanna see Anakin wipe the floor with him lol

I also think Anakin facing Pong Krell would negatively affect Palpys plans for turning Anakin, since Anakin realizes that Palpys action nearly killed one of his best friends, and further clicks in that not only were the sith responsible for this, but also other things - like the assassin sent to take out Padme.

I always love a story where Anakin and friends get a well earned (but hard fought!) victory, and doing it through a Pong Krell encounter would be super interesting!


It always bothered me that nobody called Obi-Wan to tell him about this, especially since the 212th was part of Krell's Force in this Arc.


Epic as always, Pong really wasn't much of a challenge to Kenobi for sure, would have been cool to see how Kenobi would act when Pong told him about his vision though.


Even though we don’t know what fighting style Pong Krell uses, I personally believed he borrowed elements of Form IV Ataru and Form VI Niman to make his own unique lightsaber technique. Both forms offers training in dual-weapon fencing and Krell displayed incorporated physical and telekinetic attacks when he fought the clones.


And you DIDN'T ask me to voice Kenobi? I'm hurt Pente. 🤣
Awesome content man. You're pumping out What ifs faster than I can write them. Lol.


Out of all the Jedi, Obi-Wan would probably be the most suited to taking him down with like, maybe a couple of exceptions. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he had to go up against a four-armed, lightsaber-wielding General.


I thought this was a pretty good theory and the only criticism I can offer is that while I think Obi-Wan would have understood the clones actions in killing Krell, I think he would have also tried to teach him something possibly about not becoming mindless killers, a lesson like that could have strengthened how the clones viewed Obi-Wan without being out of character for Obi-Wan.


General Ken-Obi has something more powerful than the force in this fight, plot armor!


Man this would have been so epic if it happened in the show. maybe Boil Becomes an Arc Trooper in this as I’ve always wanted to see a 212th Arc Trooper


Yeah I can see Pong Krell holding his own, but at the end of the day Obi-Wan is one of the best duelists of his era and has a much better track record.

It makes me a bit disappointed we didn't get this fight, but at the same time I understand how it might've taken away from the focus on the clones.

I don't know if you take suggestions, and I know this one is a bit out there, but I and a few of my friends at least find it interesting.

Basically I got to thinking what if someone or something used the World Between Worlds to switch around prominent characters into other roles and came up with this. You are free to use it as an opening if you wish, but the short of it is...

"What if Ahsoka was Qui-Gon's apprentice?"

(A Galactic Republic cruiser dropped out of hyperspace after a long journey from Coruscant, giving Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn his first look at Naboo and the menacing cloud of Trade Federation battleships blocking access to the planet.

A view screen lit and leaning forward Qui-Gon peered over the cruiser captain's shoulder. The screen showed a Neimoidian wearing a three pronged headdress, he was one of the Trade Federation's viceroys).

Qui-Gon: "Captain, tell them we wish to board at once."

Captain: "Yes, sir."

(She looked back at the view screen).

Captain: "With all due respect for the Trade Federation, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately."

Viceroy Gunray: "Yes, yes, of course. I believe you'll find the blockade perfectly legal at the negotiation."

(The view screen went black, and the cruiser made its way to the docking bay of the battleship settling in for a landing. Once the ship had docked Qui-Gon motioned for his apprentice to follow. She was eager and curious, although her and Qui-Gon had been through quite a bit in their time as master and apprentice, something felt different this time. Regardless she was certain she and Qui-Gon would see it through.

As they came down the ramp, they saw a protocol droid waiting below. This was understandable as Neimoidians were a nervous race, happiest doing business at a distance.

The droid led them to a large room equipped with a large conference table, and had a nice view of the planet that was unfortunately spoiled by the various ships blockading it).

Protocol Droid: "I hope you honored sir and madam will be most comfortable here, my master will be with you shortly."

(The droid bowed as it left. The Jedi pulled the hoods of their cloaks back, revealing Qui-Gon's graying long hair, and sported a small, neat beard. The other a young togruta with orange skin, blue and white striped montrals, and white facial markings. Her name was Ahsoka Tano).

Ahsoka: "This feels off Qui-Guy."

(Qui-Gon smirked).

Qui-Gon: "I don't sense anything. Am I perhaps missing something?"

(Although only 17 and not a knight yet Ahsoka had always proved to be full of surprises, and decided to hear his apprentice out).

Ahsoka: "I don't think it's the mission master. It feels... Elusive. Like it's somewhere else."

Qui-Gon: "Don't center on your anxiety my young apprentice. I need your concentration here and now for the time being. At least until the mission is over."

Ahsoka: "I know master, but Master Yoda also says I should be mindful of the future."

Qui-Gon: "But not at the expense of the moment."

(Qui-Gon said gently).

Qui-Gon: "You've shown much promise and skill my young Padawan, and I'm proud of you, but it's important to be mindful of the living Force."

(Ahsoka couldn't help but smile back and nodded).

Ahsoka: "Of course master."

(The two went and sat down at the table settling in for whatever negotiations may occur. While they waited Qui-Gon couldn't help but think back all those years ago, when Yoda brought Qui-Gon and Ahsoka together as master and apprentice. It was odd as much like himself she was unconventional, though lacking the same patience he did. Qui-Gon even privately thought they'd given her to him as some sort of punishment at first, a sort of giving him a taste of his own medicine. But the joke was on them, although rocky at times they got along famously. They became known as "The Unconventional Two", often skirting the lines of The Code, but always remaining in the light. Qui-Gon honestly thought if the Council were ever to give him an apprentice, it'd be one that strictly adhered to the Jedi Code, not one like Ahsoka whom shared a very similar philosophy on the Code as him, though admittedly he did have to reign Ahsoka in at times. For whatever reason this was allowed, he figured there must be a reason. Master Yoda did always see further than anyone else afterall).

[To be continued maybe...]


This makes me wonder what would happen if Obi-Wan and Anakin fought Krell


As soon as I saw this it was uploaded 21 mins ago loving this so far


What if Mace Windu arrested Palpatine?


saving this for work later, i imagine it is similar to previous given Obi's form


what if 99 survived?? i feel you could tie it in to fives learning about order 66!!! such a good idea. haven’t seen another like it!


what if anakin left the order with ahsoka


tysm for the what ifs. your my fav what ifer for star wars. i like how they arnt just 5 mins but longer to:)


Well, that is pretty interesting. That would be interesting to see.
