Beware of Unearned Wisdom - Carl Jung | Shadow Work, the Collective Unconscious & The RED BOOK

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Beware of Unearned Wisdom - Carl Jung (Shadow Work & the Collective Unconscious) + The RED BOOK w/ @Uberboyo (Clip from Your Mate Tom Podcast #28)

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As someone who has had more than a hundred psychedelic experiences in the space of three and a half years, I can confirm that psychedelics are not the cure, answer, or solution. They're an aid, a tool. But one must learn how to use the tools correctly before one can build with them.


This wisdom was earned. Impressive that these young men are this well thought out. After many years of ayahuasca ceremonies I finally realized that the medicine is a bull I’m never going tame.


I love jung and have been using it to decode my own psychosis experience which was definitely triggered by the things mentioned here- thanks for bringing this kind of content to the masses man 🙏


Tom I appreciate you so much for showing the dark side of psychedelics
I haven't taken psychs in years because I tried to kill myself on shrooms and I've unsubscribed from almost every psychedelic channel on YouTube besides you and dakota because a lot of them have that idea everyone should take psychs and that their miracle drugs
I'm not anti psychedelics by any means but you gotta be careful
Some people might be mad at me for saying this but I feel some people in community like Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, etc... Promoted psychs in a very irresponsible way
I love McKenna but he had this idea everyone should take psychs and in very high dosages
I took his advice and took the heroic dose and that's when that nightmare trip happen which completely destroy my mental health for months
I was in and out of psych wards and hospitals for a bit
It's not all the psychedelics fault though I was extremely depressed and was going through a hard time
I saw people saying that psychs cure depression so I wanted to see if it could help, I've taken psychs before this but not in large doses and spiritual community made it out that large doses are the ones that cure depression and all this stuff which that wasn't the case, it made everything worse


Jesus this is so on point. Glad you’re getting this out there guys


Who is it that gives up the personality when doing so? Ha.. it's the personality giving up the personality


Holy shit balls...stoked to see this in my feed. You've been missed dude. Great topic. Thank you.


My "door opener" was RDR2. Wass terrible.


Dunno if any of you watch Hunter x Hunter, but Wing said a very similar thing to Gon and Killua.


His description of the anima does ring true with any Jungian thought I am familiar with. The anima is the feminine aspect of the male personality. It sounds as if he defining it as a part that the shadow stands in front of... doesn't make sense to me. Is he is saying that a man, being afraid of the feminine side of his personality, or afraid of derision should he display it, will not own it as part of himself, therefore shoving it INTO his shadow?


My daddies slippers were in the Narnia cupboard... they broke me.


Its not called "Spelling" for nothing...


Ole saying is, You eat the lion or the lion eats you...


Lengthy solitude suggested I keep my shadow close. So far, so good. I can be a very bad man ;
My choice. At least.


Selfish people create suffering and that's all life is. The selfish and cowardly taking and crying when they don't get causing pain and suffering wreaking havoc everywhere they go.
You have to give up compassion. This year I either have to suicide or cut everyone from my life my mother and father both of them and their new families sucked me dry of my energy. Humans eat their young in that sense. Emotionally abuse in my case and then people who are physically abused is also rampant among this sick species. No goodness exists otherwise its sole.purpose to eradicate such an existence.
