How to Fix a Snapping and Popping Neck

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Dr. Rowe shows how to fix popping, snapping, and clicking neck sounds FOR GOOD.

All of these exercises can be done AT HOME and may help get rid of neck click, pop, and crack sounds in as little as 30 SECONDS!

This video will be broken up into an EASY, effective step-by-step guide that's going to target the main causes of pop and crack sounds in (and around) the neck and shoulders.

In the FIRST part, we're going to tackle a huge culprit of a snapping neck, that is muscle tightness and irritation to the muscle tendons. We're going to go over a simple and effective self massage that will help loosen everything up and get the neck and shoulders moving more smoothly.

SECOND, we'll tackle a big instigator of neck popping and clicks: lack of joint mobility. Easy stretching exercises are shown that will help improve neck movement, and help with issues such as osteoarthritis and crepitus.

THIRD, we'll focus on fixing imbalances and weakness (which may lead to pops and cracks) in and around the neck and shoulder muscles with strengthening exercises.

WATCH now and get rid of a popping and cracking neck sounds for good!

0:00 Intro
0:55 Neck Muscle Release
4:53 Neck Stretching Exercises (Mobility Fix)
11:50 Neck Strengthening Exercises


Dr. Michael Rowe
St. Joseph, Michigan chiropractor

Your local St. Joseph | Benton Harbor | Stevensville Michigan chiropractor

SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center
3134 Niles Rd
Saint Joseph, MI 49085


All information, content, and material of this video or website is for informational and demonstration purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

Don’t use this content as a replacement for treatment and advice given by your doctor or health care provider. Consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content.

By watching this video, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center (and its representatives) for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content.


#neckpain #neckpainrelief #chiropractic
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I've been having a snapping neck for about three years, caused by a bad posture at work, and this excercise was such a relief. I almost forgot how it was to move my neck without feeling any pain. Thank you kindly


After only 4 weeks of following Dr. Rowes tutorials, the results have been EXCELLENT . Please share with all friends and contacts .


I love this man. I've used his tutorials for my self chiropractic alignment for a year or so. Theres no shortcuts. Do everything he does or tells you to do.


Dude you literally saving my life. 3 doctors and all I got was medication that only masked the pain. In just 3 days this has helped me greatly.


Hey just came across your videos. I’m 21 and had a cervical disc replacement a little over a year ago. My recovery hasn’t gone that well at all but I’m giving it my all everyday. Thanks for these videos. Means everything to get a few minutes of relief.


When I move my neck slowly in a circle motion it sounds like pop rocks. I just got insurance and was thinking about going to the dr for the clicking in my neck. I did the exercises as you was saying it. Pausing it in between stretches. I’m on day 1 brother. And I thank you. I was thinking the screws was backing out of the plate We think the worst. I stayed with my follow ups so I know I didn’t damage anything after surgery. I’m still young enough too. I’m only 40 years young. Thanks for the advice


Amazing. One session and I can feel more space in my neck than I have ever felt. Resolved a migraine. The stretches touched areas of major discomfort that I could never got to before. Can't wait to see the effects of consistent practice! Thank you!


Airborne Army vet here (2006-2012), medical discharge for damage to my vertebrae. Your videos are helpful to me. Thank you for making them.


I have been suffering this last 10 years.. thanks a lot.


Thanks! Been dealing with loss of ROM and now constant neck pain. Your videos have done more for me in 1 session than the 3 yrs of off again, on again PT! And you have given me hope. No more constant suboccipital neck pain and slowly getting ROM back. Can’t thank you enough! ❤


Oh my god this part 4:53 Neck Stretching Exercises (Mobility Fix) reduced my two-part right sided snap/crack by 90%! Each time I did it got better, then it came back in about 30 seconds -- but this is only my first session and proves to me that I can manipulate it! This is beyond huge for me, I've had it every time I look right for 2 months now! I'm going to try these for a week and see what happens.

Thank you x1000!


Dr. Rowe, great advice offering good relief. My neck is full of cracking and popping. I suffer with Militarily neck, C4 to C7 disc bulges, cervical stenoisis, and facet joint arthritis throughout the spine including scoliosis in the lumbar spine. A 1 inch shorter right leg sustained from fractured right femur in 1966. I'm 69 yo now, and that shorter leg has produced so much anguish to my spine and overall health. Chronic Pain and stiffness and the anxiety that goes with it, for many, many years. These movements and exercises do offer some relief. Thx for your service to people.


I’ve had a bad neck for over 15 years. Used to have acupuncture once a month before Covid. This video seems like it’s going to be the miracle cure for me. I crack my neck often. I shall be doing your exercises from now on. Thank you for explaining everything so simply. 👍😊


Thank you I have a lot of problems with neck pain after sleeping on two pillows most of my life. It only ever caught back up with me when I got older. These are one of the best exercise I've done for this type of pain. Good job~ keep doing what you do.


Thank you so much, my neck has not cracked or popped since doing these exercises. I owe you, so sending luck and love 🙏


You are god. Week was so bothered by snapping in my neck. Tried everything. Did your exercises one day and no more snapping. Love love love you. Thanks


More relief then I've gotten from the last three videos I've watched. Thank you. Your spoon trick is phenomenal!


I could definitely tell a difference a huge difference in the tightness of my upper body with these stretches. It definitely works. I'm definitely doing these stretches daily. Thank you


I've had a popping neck for years that I think started to worsen into headaches, irritability, and pain in my shoulders, neck, and jaw. Saw that neck popping could cause vertebral artery dissection... It was time to take the popping seriously! Immediately tried these exercises and I can't tell you how loosening, stretching, and strengthening my neck has improved my mood and physical discomfort! Sweet relief. Thank you, Doc.
