The TRUTH about my makeup (Full Documentary) - BBC

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What makes our lipstick glossy and foundation smooth? 70% of make-up products contain palm oil - so what are our beauty products doing to the planet?

Make-Up's Big Secret | BBCStories

#BBC #BBCiPlayer #BBCStories

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I love the comments saying “you don’t need make up”. Technically you don’t NEED a car or shoes or a unaffordable house either. You can survive by walking barefooted or using a tent in the woods. Also, don’t need internet to live either, but here we all are huh. No one has bought something they don’t need as a luxury? Not a soul huh? At least this woman (who isn’t a self proclaimed reporter) is spending her time and money to find out answers personally and documenting the trip. Did anyone else here do the same to make sure their clothing wasn’t made by child labor factories?


Great of her to raise the awareness about palm oil in a beauty industry. I will definitely make more effort to check if my mascara contains palm oil. What I really didn't like to see is her patronising white girl attitude when she was showing her beauty bag to the local woman. Don't think that just because you live in a country with roads and infrastructure, you are somehow better than these people. The way she spoke to a local woman when showing her beauty bag and saying oh you don't need makeup here. You don't need it either, you choose to use it.


In this day and age, recognition and positive reinforcement are so important. If we all want to save our world, we need to appreciate those who follow the rules because they are set there so we dont go overboard. So much detail that is never explained when you purchase a product. Do you truly appreciate the lives that work to get you your beauty cream and is it really making you beautiful? I feel beauty comes from inside, its the expressions of the heart toward the All. How courageous it would be if we could stop harvesting our lands in such negativity impacting ways and treat Mother Earth respectfully before she decides to send her sister Mother Nature upon us.


Together we'll soon change the current situation.


Very informative indeed
Thanks for highlighting about this issue


more info on the tribes not getting what promised would have been nice


I just use what I can afford which is the cheapest I can find. Because I think this sustainable stuff is just another excuse that companies can use to hike up prices.


Thank you! You're an incredible person for doing all this. I'm really proud and happy for you that you are making a difference! I definitely learned a lot from you, and I will definitely change my ways of buying make up because of your video. Bless you, keep doing what you do! You should be proud of yourself!! xo Cynthia


She's right we do take a lot for granted, 😮and it's really sad that we don't care about it, or anything else, 😮


why on earth would u show that womans breast? did she give you permission? would you have done the same to a white woman? please give people some respect and human decency BBC.... even if youre not of the same race or class


If this guy finds it so terrible that he has to cut down trees to feed his family, why does he choose to birth eight kids?


The truth about makeup? *YOU DON'T NEED IT*


Interesting. Did you verify if the makeup companies who stated that they use sustainable palm oil actually do so? You served it as a fact without stating if you verified these statements. This for me I'd a very sloppy journalism which leads to fake news...


It won't stop. That's the problem. As long as there's a company/individual making money from this process this will continue until harvesting palm oil is not profitable. It's the same with the battery industry, folks in the DRC are being screwed into the ground due to the trade but as long as it's profitable don't expect much to change.
That's the main reason why recycling didn't continue. It isn't profitable


Very enlightening and really appreciate this documentary in raising awareness but I feel like the video itself was edited by an amateur 😂 Emory gaps without music and a long break towards the end before the final cut of the video is a bit disappointing coming from BBC.


Why do you think you need it is better question then what is it made of


Good research on her part, but if you Think it's only in makeup, do research on Everything you use. But we can't go around not being clean. I hope the gloss was being used with a fresh tester applicator!!! The world has gone green, so do your own part in. I believe we're all doing so in one way or another.


I prefer they are using palm oil rather than petroleum jelly which is toxic.


Shock horror makeup on a lot of other things is not ethically produced who would have thought. Of course I'm not an idiot you either don't buy it or you make your piece and you do buy it and if you're really concerned about it do research then decide whether or not you want to support that brand that's what I would do


Oh no I didn't know makeup has palm oil cos I dont eat palm oil!
