How Do You Know You Love Someone? (10 Signs)

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How do you know you love someone? You know when you say, “I love this new show. I love chocolate. I love the new look? I love that too!” Love, love, love. We all love stuff, right? Where is the line between really liking something and loving it? Where is that same line when it comes to relationships? Nowadays, everything is dramatized and sometimes exaggerated. We exaggerate how we respond to the most basic things so the basic things don’t sound boring, right? So, what makes us so sure we can know what real feelings are? How do you know you love someone? If you’re curious, let’s check out these 10 elements to find out.

How To Show Someone You Love Them (10 Ways)

How To Tell Someone You Love Them (8 Tips)

Playlist on "How to tell if a woman is attracted to you"

Playlist on "How To Tell If A Guy Likes You" (Signs a guy likes you)


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Crushing on someone is different than actually loving someone and supporting them great video this explained a lot


I'm batting 1000 for the signs in this video. I don't think I love him just yet but I can absolutely and unquestionably see myself heading in that direction.


So true! I see a lot of comments where people are doubting whether they should say anything but you just gotta do it! Tell them, it’s better to have said your piece and tried then to always think what if. There will inevitably come a point where if you don’t say anything, you may never get the chance to. If they feel the same way, amazing and if they don’t, then in most cases, she’ll admire the fact you did! Telling them how you really feel is one of the scariest but strongest things you can do!


The difference is important if it’s about someone else


Its a real strong word ..yeah love needs strength for sure


When I am around her my hands start sweating my head starts spinning and every single time I am around her my heart beats stronger but sometimes it hurts but she makes me happier


Great video. Helped cleared some things up.


this girl makes my heart beat so much im around her i sit beside her in my class too so i cant even focus man, everytime i go home or im not with her i literally cannot stop thinking abt her


I don't think I really have a literal crush on any of my guy friends. But I do think of what it may feel like. I've never been in a relationship because im only 12 and I want to be at least 14 or 15 so that way I have a long time processing of what I'm feeling about different people. But there is this one guy named Ronnie and I have did some of these signs. If I feel the need to, ill ask him if something is wrong because he is naturally a pretty talkative, funny person. He also tends to joke a lot. But whenever he doesn't do any of those and stays quiet for most of the time, ill maybe ask him if he's okay.
But even if I don't have a crush on anyone or love someone these tips can come in handy! So thank you for sharing this! I always have a hard time understanding of what I feel and what other people feel too.


I could currently be considered not to love someone at the moment however we have told each other about our feelings for each other a few months ago and before that we had been crushing on each other for five years and we were best friends so I consider us to love each other


Thank you for posting this dude I've been trying to make sense of my feelings about this a girl but i don't know if i see it as a friendship or a relationship because she's been giving a lot of hints but thats what my friends say but i don't really see it. Any way thank you


I’m watching stuff like this since I’m making sure I really like her, thanks 👍


Love is if you think about something daily but like is if you only sometimes think about it


Like is but the precursor to love but to like something enough is what love is


I like this guy for 4 years now and he feels the same but we are too shy to have conversation about us but we have fun and enjoy us and I'm always thinking about him


I have all the signs. But Idk what to do... I feel like whatever I do, I'll regret. I have also a fear of rejection and e fear of missing smth. 💀


Anybody else like all the signs apply but you just are like oh its cause i like them like i still feel like i just like him but i dont know and everytime i catch myself thinking i love him im like oh wait no you dont stop you dont


M actually a girl and I've been In love with my girl best friend for I don't know how long, but as long as I can remember.. I seriously love her so much and I just came here to check if I reaaaally do and how far am I capable to go for her.. I don't wanna lose her so I hope we can stay like this forever💞


I feel the signs. But I still don't know if I love him. I'm also worried that it's only dumb teen love. what should I do?


Easier said than done, I'm way too shy and I don't know if he feels the same way, besides he's in a way out-of-reach, but that's my secret to keep
