Hate The Sound Of People Eating? You Might Just Have Misophonia I The Speakmans

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Does the sound of people eating put you in a rage? Are you sensitive to certain sounds? We're discussing misophonia, also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome (4S) and the symptoms of this disorder.

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I knew I had this going back to when I was about 10 years old. I couldn't stand my parents making slurping chewing noises at meal times. It filled me with rage and continues in to later life. I only get driggered by close family and not with wider family, friends or strangers. Strange but true 😅


For people who don’t have misophonia they will never understand the level of anger and pain it causes us. The level of rage it causes is completely indescribable and the worst thing about this condition is that people take advantage of it. People that you tell will make fun of you and purposely chew louder or do the action you told them to stop doing! The amount of arguments it has caused within my home is crazy because they think it’s something we can switch off. It’s very isolating and the thought of living with this for the rest of my life worries me. It’s got to the point if I had an option to go deaf I probably would!


Thanks for shining a light on this! I can no longer eat with my family it bothers me so much. And yes, makes me so angry, sounds feel so intrusive like people/buses/doors are doing it on purpose! Looking forward to when your workshops are back up and running. Would love to attend again 🌈🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️


I have Misophonia and it’s horrible. I can’t eat with my family ever and my mum especially annoys me I don’t know what to do to cope.


It’s chewing crunchy things for me. But not everybody certain kids in my family. It’s not nearly as bad. but there will be certain kids that if they eat something crunchy it will send me to my knees literally. What are some suggestions on trying to get this managed?


Where do I sign up??? ha Seriously, where can I find out more about your treatment plan. Living with miso is nearly debilitating. Thanks!


I have just watched your video and has proved I’m not going mad I have tinnitus as well My husband has to almost suck his crisps to keep quiet it does make live bad my sons also have this thing with noise is that from my constant nagging to keep quiet when eating and doing most things that make a noise


I get really f**king pissed and irritated when people make these unnecessary glurping, slurping noises while drinking any beverage and to top it off they for some reason have to very loudly go another thing are eating noises I can't stand people who chew like cows and breath loudly whenever we have family over for the holidays I'd have to go into a diffrent room because the noise that are coming from them eating just ticks me off to the point where I have to wear earmuffs or use earphones and turn the music up I've actually got into arguments with people and one time a physical altercation because the sounds of the chewing glurping and all sort of noises that ticked me off I prefer to not eat in public restaurants but at home


Is misophonia occur from own chewing sound or not


Mispronunciation makes me unable to listen to the actual content in any broadcast. It goes along with anger about other noises people make. Other people’s music makes me panic and want to escape. Vocal fry, lip and tongue noises. Sniffs, sneezes, coughs, badly fitting teeth, etc etc. Whispering.


This is so me! Can’t stand the sounds of chewing, crunching and loud breathing!


Whilst the video acknowledges Misophonia it doesn't actually give any tips/advice on how to deal with the condition Xx


They should be 2 feet away from each other.
