Can you make Italy's famous Culatello in your home refrigerator? | Dry curing meats for beginners

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Today we are making the amazing Italian Culatello (in our home refrigerator)

You can find a printable recipe here: COMING SOON 😉

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That giggle after your first taste says enough


Your dedication (whole leg of pork) and commitment (18 mos. of fridge real estate) is why you are the best. Thank you.


Wow, I’m from Holland and just found out this channel a week ago, totally addict! Been watching a lot of former video’s last week, your amazing! Making sausage and charcuterie myself for some years now, but this channel rocks! Giving me a lot of new ideas and inspiration! Thank you!

P.s. you know grilled sausage? It’s Dutch, cooked sausage, the. Dry rub it and grill the thing on a bbq, might be a good rond for this channel…

Keep on the incredible work, loving this channel! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I use a SteakAger fridge, I have used numerous recipes from you and they have all come out fantastic, can't wait to try this one!!
Thanks Eric!!
Everytime I go to a party I get mobbed to see what charcuterie I have brought... I always give you credit!!


Great timing on this video. I was inspired by your earlier video on culatello nearly 2 years ago at the beginning of my meat curing adventure. I wasn't very well set up yet and didn't have a dedicated fridge / chamber so I hung it in my home fridge. This video has reminded and encouraged me to finish it and try it out, understanding a bit more what to expect. Thanks!


Awesome. Thanks Again for another great video lesson. Can't wait to try it.


Wow, what a commitment. That's a long time to be aging meat. My wife would never agree to this project, lomo took up enough space as it was.😬


wow... that looks amazing. need to try this


I just finished my first capocollo.. I love your videos!.. ITS so hard to think about the time it takes but I'm jumping in with this next and also a lamb :)


Great project! Not many on youtube have the commitment for a 1.5 yr project for a 15min video! They would've done 4 months maaaybe, then milked it for 3 hrs video lol. Always fantastic content, thx!


Thats a patience of a monk. Admire your determination and find it somewhat spiritual considering our times.


Eric thank you so much for the tutorial, it has given me the confidence to follow and hopefully duplicate. In my case I have followed your older video for a drying chamber method not standard fridge temps. The major difference in methodology (besides collagen vs steak wrap and curing location) is the initial weight loss that you are shooting for (before applying sugna)- 20% for drying chamber vs 35% for fridge method) Why the differential? Thank you for your time.


Wow, Eric! You're a genius. I do love to eat all kinds of dry cured meat, but they are quite expensive in Thailand, where I live. Thank you so very much for this time-consuming experiment. I will try one of your recipes soon. But, the plant-based wrap sounds too complicated for me, and it's not available here in Thailand, I think. However, I do love your outcome so much that I really want to give it a go.

May God bless you!


I sliced my first culatello just 3 months ago. It was made using that old artisan recepies without curing salt. Everything I kept very strictly. Including everyday massage with dipped fingers in dry red wine and garlic and finally wrapped into a bladder. I was totally consumed by this delicacy. I didn't consume it, it consumed me. After that for 3 months I didn't make any other dry curing. Now, at least for Christmas I must do something.... something quick 😁


✔️ Excellent high value preservation method which is relatively simple and straightforward to accomplish especially when the opportunity presents with a bountiful harvest. Wish I could compare and contrast it with other cures because I'm wondering which, if any, options could be explored early in the set up. Unremarkable is quantifying the expenditure in regard to time. Quite frankly I would've poured a nice pairing vino con grande attesa


Ugg, I learned so much I had to subscribe.


Very impressive video! Informative and answered my many questions! Just wondering if adding mold 600 to the exterior would enhance the flavor. Similar to sopresatta.


Great job like always, wondering what would be done differently for chamber curing? It would be same process as for prosciutto curing as soon as is the same muscle? Thanks


I gave you a thumbs up for just sticking it out for 18 months :).


Can you do more deli meats? I honestly am curious how to get deli styled ham and recently I got an ad for Publix's deli meat and realized there are a lot of variations which I find interesting and would love to learn more about creating on my own.
