Taiwan and China explained

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Did you know there are two Chinas? The People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, more commonly called Taiwan. Here's their history, and a look at the complex relationship between them.
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So it"s like...

Taiwan : "my country"
PRC : " *our country"


Comparing to many other Taiwan explain videos on YouTube, the tone of this one is pretty objective.


My grandfather fleed Mainland China to the Philippines becoz of the rising power of the communist regime. He started a new life here and passed away in the 80's. now im a 3rd generation of Chinese immigrants in the Philippines.


One very important point was failed to be mentioned. At the end of WWII, Taiwan was handed back to China as part of the post war agreement. Therefore, ROC had actually ruled the complete China (Mainland+Taiwan) between 1945-1949.


In fact, Mongolia also a part of Republic of China between 1911 and 1921


Experts say the likely hood of China attacking Taiwan is low because of a 160 kilometres of water and 180, 000 active Taiwanese soldiers.
The experts can't be serious 😂


I am taiwanese, and I am ALSO chinese. i dont think these two identities clash.


great video, the perspective is neutrul enough, which is really rare on the youtube.even there are several small mistakes such as the map of the ROC after 1912, but in general, good job!


Taiwan is just a chess piece between China and the United States


I am Taiwanese, and i am also Chinese. Those Taiwanese who not recognize he is Chinese, most of them lack of being educated.


In ROC constitution, they own China mainland, Mongolia, South Tibet and 12 other region. That why Taiwan isn't independent at all.


I'm Chinese from the mainland, I totally understand the political demands of people in Taiwan, that is, to be independent. But what I don't understand is that you are trying to achieve this without realizing and respecting the historical facts. I mean, Taiwan is officially a province of the Republic of China, and the People's Republic of China won the civil war and took the seat of the ROC in the UN, which means, most countries in the world recognize that PRC is the only legal government of China. If you seek to be independent, you can't just ignore the basic facts that actually happened in history and just shout "Taiwan is not a part of China!" (because it is, according to the consensus reached by several major victors of world war II, China will take back Taiwan island from Japan). So this is actually a historical problem left here after the uncompleted Chinese civil war. Before you claim that Taiwan is not a part of China, at first, you should at least change the title of ROC to something else other than anything that contains "China". It's just funny to me that you guys want to be independent so much and are not on the right way to do it. Let's be clear, you should come up with a practical plan, achieve independent eventually by removing the word "China" from your country's title officially; working hard to build a good army in case that PLA will "invade" Taiwan after you announce independent formally, but definitely not by insulting Chinese people. you get nothing by insulting people of the same ethnic group but only our anger. It is dangerous that many Chinese people start to realize that they are being insulted by people in Taiwan for no reason and many of them are terribly angry about this. the western world always criticizes that people don't have democracy in China, but if we have it on this, I can only speak from my own experience, most young people around me would vote to start a war to solve this problem, I don't think it's a good thing for you guys. and of course, it's not a good thing for us, too. war is scary. so let's respect each other, you have your political views and I have mine. but respect the basic facts and don't be ignorant. Let's see how this goes.


Taiwan is a country.
That's lots of person who have no courage to admit
So as a part of Taiwan
I'm proud and want to say
If u don't respect nationality in the "small island" who have their own legislative and culture U are not a country U have no worthy of being called a "country"


Taiwan’s official name is Republic of China, ROC aka China. But now the most countries in the world, including the states, only admitted that PROC as China. As a result, they only call ROC “Taiwan”, which is just a name of a island. But actually ROC was founded in 1911 which was a lot earlier than PROC. As we can’t use ROC in the world, this became a big problem. This is one major reason why the young generation of Taiwanese think that they are not also Chinese. On the other hand, we who claim that we are Taiwanese and also Chinese can’t say that we are Chinese or from China when we introduce us to others, because people will misunderstand that you are from mainland, PROC


A minor mistake in the map. From 1895 to 1945, Taiwan was occupied by Japan. It returned to ROC after WWII. So in the map (1945-1949), Taiwan and mainland China belong to one country.


“American components, Russian components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN” - Armageddon




為共產專制的中國,與國父當初要建立的民主中國背道而馳! 推崇"馬克思列寧主義"、"共產主義"

台灣民眾不能害怕或逃避,本來就能大方承認自己是中國人 (中華民國、真中國)




The only video on YouTube explained this matter accurately.


that pronunciation of Qing dynasty though 😂😂😂


As a Taiwanese I would say, Taiwan has NEVER been governed by the CCP, and that is a fact. Taiwan has once been controlled by the Qung dynasty, but after it collapsed the Nationalism party take over China. Soon after as the video has explained the CCP won and nationalist party came to Taiwan. Therefore, how come ppl keep saying Taiwan is part of China ? It has been governed a long time ago but never under control by the CCP, For me China = CCP. Fortunately Taiwan now is a independent country that has the rights to participate in elections and decide for our future, which is very different from what ppl can do in China. Taiwan is Taiwan. Please don’t exclude us. 🇹🇼🇹🇼
