Can Math Change Your Mind?

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Can Math Change Your Mind?

Can math actually change your mind? What do you think?

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Yes, I become more rational with math and I am 24. I didn't realize that being smart is all about being an active problem solver until I take math seriously. Love u Sorcerer!


IMO math is the only provable thing that can increase your IQ. There's no other subject that comes close.


I've been studying math at university for about a year and I can already tell it has changed the way I think about stuff, specially the way I tackle real life problems even if it doesn't have anything to do with math.


I started my studies at an older age than the others. At 25 fluid intelligence is already declining. I was above that. it took me much longer until it clicked. but this change stayed with me. My psyche is more robust and challenges seem much less intimidating.


Absolutely. I remember when I started doing Algebra I was like "I'm gonna fail math", at the I was not the top student so every day I practiced and learned math. Eventually I came to love the subject and one day I realized how different my mindset was to learning something new. I said to myself "Just practice and practice you will get better. " This has helped extremely to point where I now have the curiosity of a child, now I see failure as a way to learn (I don't fear it). So, yes, I completely agree.


Math has not only improved my mind, but my spiritual well being! I feel as I progress in my studies I grow as an individual, and that is why I want to be a lifelong learner.

More specifically, calculus was a huge gamechanger for me, and I spent many evenings pushing myself to my cognitive limits - my brain was rewiring itself! I could do more and more as time went on. Going into my senior year of a B.S. in pure mathematics I now find the largest barrier to learning to be attention and patience. I'm learning to be comfortable being stuck on a problem for perhaps 1 to 2 days.


I have selective memory. In other words, I remember only what is important and quickly forget easily what is trivial. I forget yesterday, last week, and before. My memories of past are only scraps. I had few head injuries in the past.
My family say that I am always forgiving, and it is because I forget heated arguments in minutes. 😕


Neural networks
Of course it LITERALLY changes your mind


I’m 29. Never went to hight school or college. But now I am extremely addicted to math. I can literally feel my mind changing everyday More logical and control 😂


I think math could help you visualize sentences. for example the statement “a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t necessarily a square.”, you could imagine a subset of a set which is faster than repeating the sentence in your head. There are all sorts of other diagrams, translations, ways to organize information that we could just apply to everyday life and think faster.
Edit: another example (inspired by geometry) would be to visualize people’s opinions as points on a line or a sphere


Your channel gives me that great boost of energy to do math!


This is quite true. Math has, among other benefits, improved my ability to learn in general.


This brings to mind the concept of growth mindset as opposed to fixed mindset. It has been proved (via randomized controlled trials over large enough groups) that if you make kids believe that they CAN change their mind and learn ANY math concept masterfully, they score significantly better than kids who believe the opposite to be true. Talent, IQ, natural abilities might be a real thing, but they are definitely overrated.

If you want to learn more google "Growth Mindset Carol Dweck" or pick up the old classic "Talent is overrated" by Geoff Colvin. There's also a very accessible playlist named "Growth Mindset" on the Khan Academy website. It could be the start of an inspiring and fascinating journey.


I think yes it changes mind physically too. I was watching one documentary on Einstein's brain. Where they have taken out the brain out of his body and made several slices of it and then studied the structure of his brain. As Einstein was also a piano player so they found that there was a little curve type of thing got formed at the back of his brain. Which forms in the brain of piano players only. So if piano can change your brain physically then I totally believe that maths would definately do it too.


yes In the incredibles 2 and mr.incredible don't know why it change math he said "math is math"


Helps me really think logically and win arguments hehe


Yes you are right. Also the universe would be boring if it wasn't for math.


Yes, both math and acid changed my mind


Not only math. Reading non fiction/ fiction books makes you smarter. You can feel it the very next day


I physically hurt my brain doing math, do I need to apply myself harder or take it easy?
