🤔Difference Between Whiteheads, Milia and Fungal Acne : What it is, How to treat

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whiteheads, closed comedones, milia, milium, fungal acne, yeast infection, malassezia folliculitis, pityrosporum folliculitis

------- C O N N E C T -------

------- M O R E B I T E S ? -------

How To Treat Fungal Acne : Tiny Little Bumps on the Forehead

Fungal Acne Skincare Routine

How To Control Oily Skin • Regulate Sebum Production FOR GOOD!!!

Summer Skincare Routine • How To Fix Dehydrated Oily Skin

How To Choose Moisturizer For Acne Prone Skin

How to start a skincare routine

How To Minimize Large Pores

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Graphic design by Maitreyee Kalaskar

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Please note that I'm not a doctor or qualified cosmetic chemist. I do my best to quote credible sources, but medical research is complex and I can't guarantee the information on this channel is error-free. So feel free to do your own research according to your skin & health concern. I always welcome feedback to correct any misleading information. So please take this as entertainment and not as medical information.

I am not qualified to diagnose or provide professional advice regarding your skin concerns. I will do my best in educating the basics of skincare and to empower you to customize your regime and lifestyle according to your dermatological condition.

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Рекомендации по теме

PLEASE DO A VIDEO ON CLOSED COMEDONES!! For those who don't know they are whiteheads that are have not formed a head yet so you can not pop them. My face is covered with them and I have had it for years. I know a lot of people suffer for this type of acne and I think it would be super helpful.


I feel like I have a mixture of these three + proper acne🥺🥺🥺


The universe is so strange. I've struggled with deciphering the difference between these 3 for so long and just googled yesterday how to tell the difference between the 3, but could not find any sources that had the information I was looking for. I was shocked to see this pop up on my subscription box. Thank you skin gods (and Leah!)


first i undermoisturize now i overmoisturize and am having a fungal acne rave on my face, cant win


wow I never knew whiteheads can be caused by dehydration as well! For the longest time I’ve always thought they are only caused by sebum/dead skin cells but I exfoliate regularly so I didn’t know why I still get them randomly. And I don’t have dry/oily skin so I never thought I needed to moisturise even more. Thanks Liah! I finally know why.


I think whitehead is the most obvious because of the white gunk that shows on the top and you can pop it. They can occur anywhere. Whiteheads have kinda gloopy gunk. Milia is a white solid bump or bumps but cannot be popped unless you use a needle to pierce at the top. The milia extracted is usually a hard and solid ball unlike whitehead. They usually show up on the eye area and around cheekbones. Fungal acne is usually itchy, and it doesn’t have the gunk. They usually form on the forehead. Liah please make a more specific video on milia prevention!


A lot of people seem to think they have fungal acne when really their skin could just be dehydrated. Hydrate and nourish your skin for a few weeks (with fungal acne safe moisturisers/hydrators, just to be on the safe side) for a few weeks and see if the bumps start going down on their own.


Finally, the MILIA!
I'm struggling with this type of acne since high school, now I'm 24. It become problem in my daily life


I’m confused because I have fungal acne which you said can be triggered by over moisturizing but I also have whiteheads which you may need more moisture to heal.


All these years!!
ALL THESE YEARS!! I thought I had normal acne and tried everything possible for clear skin! And turned out that was fungal acne as I live in hot and humid area! You’ve changed my skin 180°. Thank you so much! 😭🙏🏻


Love this video Liah :) I've struggled with fungal folliculitis in the past and recently had a breakout after taking antibiotics. It’s recurrent and can take months to resolve but if you do all of the following it should be gone in 1-2 weeks:
- Never pick or extract fungal acne; it will only become very painful and inflamed
- Use chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid (The Ordinary) on affected areas DAILY. If you do, you must wear sunscreen but make sure it is oil-free and non-comedogenic
- Use products with anti-fungal ingredients like sulphur (Selsun shampoo or Mario Badescu Drying Mask), zinc pyrithione (Head & Shoulders) and tea tree (Thursday Plantation). If your fungal acne is persistent, use ALL of these ingredients
- Dry your hair and skin immediately after showering or exercise
- If you live in a humid climate or have oily skin, avoid occlusive ingredients like mineral oil and humectants like glycerin - be wary of hair products too, i.e. conditioners and hair oils
- Change your towels and pillowcases weekly
- Wash your makeup brushes using alcohol based cleanser
- Reduce sugar intake and take probiotics


Not skincare-related but can I just say that Liah's voice is so 😍


Ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, piroctone olamine are efficient against fungal acne. I like piroctone olamine better since it is very mild and less concentrated and still effective.


Thank you!!! I've been so confused about what's on my face 😫


OMG I can’t thank you enough for making this video because I have milia under my nose (no one can see it thank god) and it was really concerning because I had no idea what it was and I’ve had it for so many years so now I can finally treat it properly thanks to you! 💕


hi guys i've dealt with fungal acne for more than 4 years but i've found a routine that has made it go away i wanna share it with you because i really think it could help if you feel like you've tried everything
so, in the am i wash my face with lukewarm water, then moisturize with cerave moisturizing cream (the one in the tub) and last elta md clear sunscreen
in the pm i use cerave hydrating cleanser, a hydrating toner (isntree HA), eucerin urea 5% cream and lastly cerave moisturizing cream with squalane oil. i use aloe vera a couple times a week and i use a humdifier at night and stay away from exfoliation in the mean time hope this helps someone!


Perfect! You cover everything super comprehensively and understandably! And your info-graphics are adorably convenient! Muahhh!


I squealed when I saw the notification . I haven't watched the video yet but I just wanna let you know how grateful I am that you've done one! I've been struggling with milia on my forehead for the past two years now and although they are mostly gone, they keep coming back when I'm out in the sun for too long(this, no matter how much spf 35 sunscreen I apply 😞) so thank you, Liah! I'm sure I will love the tips you've shared. You're the best! 💟 love, from India


i got fungal acne last summer while working in an extremely hot kitchen for a couple of days when our air conditioner basically broke down. i woke up the next morning and my entire face had broken out, especially in my T-zone. i immediately minimized my skincare routine to these steps: double cleanse, aloe vera toner or the Cosrx one step pimple pad, and rosehip oil. my skin completely cleared up in 10 days.


Great video! I had fungal acne after I took antibiotics and I used a homemade recipe to treat it: a mix of ACV and turmeric. It can sting a bit, but after a couple of days the acne was all gone.
