Shroud of Turin – Evidence from Bloodstains

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Shroud of Turin – Evidence from Bloodstains

Medical studies have shown that the bloodstains on the Holy Shroud of Turin give stunning details about the Passion of Our Lord, even to the point of which instruments of torture were used on Him. Stay with me to uncover the mysteries surrounding the Passion.
Hello and welcome to America Needs Fatima, my name is Adrien Fonseca! Before we get going, make sure to hit subscribe and click the notification bell to never miss out on another story of Mary.

In our last episodes about the Holy Shroud of Turin, I told you about the loads of heated debate surrounding the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. In those episodes, we found that the most sophisticated methods of modern technology have actually been able to prove the authenticity of the miraculous Shroud.

But before we get into more scientific details, I want to give you a glimpse of what can be observed on the Shroud with the naked eye. If you’ve ever wondered what Our Lord looks like in the flesh, this will give you an idea.

The body depicted on the sheet is a male in his thirties with a beard, long hair and a robust constitution. He was five feet, nine inches tall, with typically Semitic features. From the imprint, we can deduce that the Man of the Shroud was tortured, scourged, crucified and pierced in his side by a lance.

And I’m only getting started. There are blood markers on the Shroud. According to medical studies, to obtain the blood markers seen on the Holy Shroud, the crucified must have been wrapped in the cloth within two and a half hours after death and remained no more than 40 hours since there are no traces of putrefaction.

Incredibly, the bloodstains reveal the depths of Our Lord’s sufferings.

The evidence shows that abrasions and swelling cover Our Lord’s entire head, especially the right side of His face below the eye. The cartilage in His nose had been fractured close to where it joins the bone. These injuries had been caused by a heavy stick about two inches in diameter wielded as a club.

Our Lord suffered so much, so that our sins would be forgiven. And through his suffering, he also gave us the sacraments of the Church, like Holy Mass. We at America Needs Fatima recognize the Mass as one of the most fundamental aspects of our faith, and we want more people to be able to experience the graces associated with it. Which is why we have partnered with a Catholic priest who prays a full Mass EVERY DAY, for each and every one of our Children of Mary members. If you want to learn more, and have a mass prayed in your name every single day, click the link in the description below, or click right here!

Okay, back to the Shroud…..

Studies also tell us that Christ was scourged by a Roman flagrum, which is two balls of lead shaped like a dumbbell at the end. The beating must have been severe (far worse than the Jewish 40 lashes minus one that were called for) since only those bruises that drew blood would show up on the linen. Yet over a hundred have been counted, mostly on the backside. This is simply Horrific!

Then blood from the scalp indicates the Crown of Thorns was actually a cap of long, sharp thorns beaten against the head with sticks. The resulting rivulets are so graphic that many physicians can distinguish between blood flows from arteries from those of the veins.
And the blood flows on the arms and the stains from the wounds on His wrists reveal the acute agony that Our Lord endured during the three to five hours that He had hung on the Cross. Keep in mind that He was attached to the wood by only three nails, or more properly, spikes.

These spikes carried the entire weight of a 175-pound man who was forced to constantly change positions. So, when a man is hung by his arms, the body sags, acute pains develop and he begins to suffocate. To alleviate this condition, he pushes up against the spike driven through his feet, which just transfers the agony elsewhere. And so the victim of this cruel torture keeps changing his position until exhaustion or the unendurable pain, or both, overtake him.

It's difficult to even speak of.

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Shroud of Turin – Evidence from Bloodstains

America Needs Fatima is a campaign to capture the heart and soul of America with the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, Our Lady asked for prayer, penance and other measures to avoid chastisement of suffering, famines, and wars. She also promised that:

“Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

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Рекомендации по теме

The Shroud is one of my favorite artifacts in the history of the church.


The more I learn about your torture and suffering for love of me my dear Jesus, the more stunned I am! It’s only your unfathomable, immeasurable. AGAPE LOVE that could endure such horrors! How I love You with every fiber of my being! And I thank You with every breath I take! I unite my love and thanksgiving with yours and that of Our Precious Mother and I offer it to You in this way so that it is more pleasing to You.


Thanks for sharing this! Only a few years ago did I learn about the Shroud of Turin.

But since then - I have learned that there’s like 33 points of correlation on the Shroud with Location, times and physical items!

The Bible tells us that knowledge will increase in the last days . Thankfully I have been blessed to know Jesus my entire life. There are those that do not, and some who do not believe I pray that God touches their hearts today and allows him to be faithful without having to see evidence. But here is clear evidence- that Jesus died, and just like the Bible tells us that he was wrapped in cloth. Jewish customs of that time reflect the same. The Bible tells us the linens were folded up neatly in the tomb, where Jesus rose.. when the disciples came back with Mary.

I think God each day for the ability to know Him and His Son.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us


Lord Jesus- THANKYOU for redeeming me. Thank you for your Divine Mercy & Love, Redemption & salvation & the hope of Heaven.


Lord Jesus please forgive me of my sins.🥹


Thank you Lord for what you have done for me. Amen


Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on us!


It's the proof, for this wicked generation


Jesus was nailed on the outside of his wrists not middle or palms


What about the coins that were supposedly placed on His eyes? There are some that say they can definitely be identified as coins minted during the reign of Pontius Pilate. I have always believed the shroud is real.


I'm sorry to say you sound like a car salesman. You don't need to stop and pause to say "click the every time, just mention it once after the story.
Thank you for hearing me❗
I hesitated about this comment but I hope you change your method of spreading your site
Thanks and God bless you
