Maybe It's All Real

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A new study done on the Shroud of Turin has found that the purported burial cloth of Jesus is 2,000 years old rather than several hundred years old. This is scandalous, even for some religious people who want religion to be an abstract thing.

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If the shroud is fake, Christ is still resurrected . If the shroud is real, Christ is still resurrected, just left us a relic


Christ is real. I grew up catholic, then gave my soul to the world, and came back to Christ. I know he’s real, I don’t even believe, I know with absolute certainty. It all makes sense.


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

The second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was trying to convince the world that Jesus doesn't exist.


The Greatest Man in all of history is Jesus: He had no servants, yet they hailed Him as Master.
He held no degrees, yet they revered Him as Teacher.
He dispensed no medicines, yet they sought Him as Healer.
He commanded no armies, yet kings trembled before Him.
He fought no battles with sword or spear, yet He overcame the world.
He dwelt not in a palace, yet they called Him Lord.
He ruled no earthly nations, yet they crowned Him King.
He committed no sin, yet they nailed Him to a cross.
He was laid in a tomb, yet He rose again and lives forevermore.


Another fact about the image on the Shroud: the photonegative, which would have had to be created by an extremely powerful light source, is only between 5-20 NANOMETERS thick. Our modern lasers are not able to burn such an image onto a fabric such as linen with such precision.

By all modern science and physics, this thing should not exist, let alone be a medieval forgery.


I am Russian Orthodox. One priest once told me that Lord is closer to us than our carotid artery. And there is a well-known Orthodox saint Seraphim of Sarov who lived in the 18th century, and who greeted everyone who came to see him with the words: "Christ is Risen, my joy!”


I'm an engineer who has designed thermal imaging cameras for many years and I like to do what I call "stupid IR tricks", one of them I refer to as the "shroud of Turin", I take a piece of foam or fabric and wrap my head in it and then take it off and look at it with the thermal camera - the resulting image looks like the shroud's image. Basically, the heat of my face is transferred to the material and remains there for a few minutes. As you say, sort of like a burst of energy. Now how would a Medieval forger know how a burst of energy would transfer from a person's face? My faith doesn't depend on it being real, but my knowledge of energy transfer suggests to me that it is.


The leading Shroud of Turin expert in the world, Barrie Schwortz, passed away recently. I had the privilege of interviewing him for an hour, two years ago when I was a senior in high school. He wasn’t even a Christian, but was convinced purely on the evidence the shroud is authentic.


Whether or not the shroud is what some claim it to be, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again three days later.


Jesus walked this earth
Lived a sinless life
Died for our sins
And rose on the 3rd day
He is God
He is the messiah
He is my lord savior and God
All praise and glory to the living God Jesus Christ
Christ is King
Jesus is the way the truth and the Life
Follow him and No one else


The shroud is one of those unsolvable mysteries, like how the pyramids were built and why people keep voting Democrat.


Jesus saved me!! I’m now a proud Christian!


The good thing about Christianity is that it doesn’t need relics to defend it. It’s the only religion that logically makes sense.


The image on the Shroud is also anatomically perfect. If you know anything about art from the 1300s, you know that they often get the proportions very wrong when depicting human figures. However, the image on the Shroud is PERFECT, and it is a photonegative.


“Blessed be he who believes without seeing”


*Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40, 000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85, 000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*


I was saved only months ago and my life has taken a complete turn since then. Thank Christ


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ ‭


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


Lived in Turin and visited the Duomo many times as an agnostic. Its beautiful. I am now catholic
