Okay, Maybe I was Wrong

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New evidence has been released on the alleged burial cloth of Christ, also know as, The Shroud of Turin. Which once was believed to be a forgery, new evidence suggests that it might not be. Let's talk about it.


A few great books on the evidence for the resurrection that I recommend:

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This could be exciting news! What do you think about it all? 


"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." - CS Lewis


The resurrection of Jesus Christ was not 'one of' the most significant events of human history. It was by far the most significant.


"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."


“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – St. Augustine


Whether or not it’s fake or real the truth that Jesus is our savior remains real


Metatron's first video on the shroud is an excellent, unbiased summary of the artifact and makes it clear the dating was not reliable evidence (notably, when "scientists" refuse to publish their process you should ALWAYS be skeptical and probably outright reject their conclusion).


I am Catholic - and the Shroud is not the source of my faith - Christ Jesus, my living Lord is.

Even if the cloth were proved to be nothing more than a dirty rag and a forgery - my faith in Him, His saving death, and His Resurrection would be unaffected.

But still, the Shroud continues to intrigue me, it entices me to think 'what if?' I suspect that it may be God's gentle, loving, smiling wink to us men and women of little faith.

Come Lord, Maran Atha!

I have to admit that my heart is burning within me.


The fact that as little as twenty to thirty years after the time of Christ's death, in far-away Rome, a completely new religion, supposedly a jewish sect, completely contrary to debauched Roman culture, was spreading like wildfire so fast that they were perceived as a threat to the Roman Emperor, persecuted, and yet willing to die for their new belief, is proof enough to me that there was some man in the first decades of the first century who had spread teachings that were able to take fear of death away from its followers, that's how powerful his message was.
And that idea does not rhyme with the modern-day perception of a group of revolutionaries following a deceased, radical, jewish rabbi but that of a group of people who were convinced that the Son of God himself had walked among them.


Is it just me, or does the thought of those people torturing Jesus the way they did make y'all wanna cry, too? Like, Jesus literally never did anything wrong in His life, and yet they did those horrid things to Him, then made Him LITERALLY carry his own cross up the mountain, and made him die not by bleeding out (though He was probably really close to that point), but by asphyxiation. He could not breathe and died slowly.

I thank Him often (not often enough, sadly) that He sacrificed Himself for us so that we can see Him in Heaven one day


That’s why God looks more at your faith than what proves who he his


Thank you so much for this video a converting Christian from an Islamic background from Tunisia ❤
One thing I want to add is the pollen grains study..
They found pollen and images of flowers on the shroud suggest that the shroud came from the vicinity of Jerusalem and from the first century


Abba I weep with a heavy heart at what they put you through.
I don’t feel worthy .
Thank you king JESUS 🙌🏽💙


I have finished watching the video. I am feeling extremely emotional. When I have to imagine the pain and suffering Jesus endured on the cross, it affects me emotionally so much. Here I'm sitting and wondering why my life's problems are so bad, only to think what Jesus had to endure on the cross. I pray Lord Jesus would make things better for all of us one day. 🙏🙌✝️


The people saying that the "preponderance of evidence" shows it to be medieval have not looked at any evidence since 1997


It has been known for a long time that the 1988 study was done carelessly; they didn't even follow their own protocols that they had laid down prior to collecting the samples.


I have a hard time believing artists in the 1200’s and 1300’s could execute that kind of artwork.


ONLY a supernatural energy could leave that imprint WITHOUT heat burning it to cinders. And that would be the light 🕯️ resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Yes, also the man who conducted the radio carbon dating back in 1988 also received a lucrative position shortly after his "analysis". Yet, as you have shown, and something I have known for a while, the section of the burial cloth that was sampled was likely a repair section.


This is absolutely true! When I was a young man, I watched and studied this and without any doubt I totally believe it. They have even shown that it is in fact a 3 dimension image! Why wouldn't Christ leave us another wonderful piece of His proof that He is God! Praise Him. Oh and they say that in our day we do not have the ability to make one, it's impossible! God Bless you Brother!
