Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #06: Frequency Distributions & Column Charts, Categorical Variables
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This video covers how to create Frequency Distributions and Appropriate Charts for Categorical Data using Formulas, PivotTables, Column Charts, Bar Charts and Pie Charts:
1. (00:32) Overview with diagram of tables and charts we will create in this video
2. (01:01) Notes in Workbook that you can print out and read
3. (02:05) Define Frequency Distribution
4. (03:55) Frequency Distribution create from Cell Phone Sales Data
5. (04:00) Advanced Filter to get a Unique List for Frequency Distribution
6. (05:55) Using COUNTIFS function to Create Frequency Distribution
7. (07:00) Formulas to create Relative Frequency
8. (09:36) TRUNC function to show that Number Formatting does NOT remove decimals
9. (11:00) Why Relative Frequencies add up to 1: Collectively Exhaustive and Mutually Exclusive Categories
10. (11:20) Formulas to create Percent Frequency with Number Formatting
11. (13:24) Formulas to create Percent Frequency with Times 100
12. (14:54) Add Borders using Format Cells Dialog Box: Solid Top Border and Double Bottom Border
13. (16:38) Use PivotTable to create Frequency Distribution
14. (17:38) Create Relative Frequency & Percent Frequency using the “Show Values As” feature and the “% of Column Total” option
15. (19:30) Compare and Contrast Formulas and PivotTables
16. (21:09) Column Chart for Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
17. (23:59) Column Chart for Percent Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
18. (25:10) Bar Chart for Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
19. (25:44) Pie Chart for Percent Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
20. (27:30) Chart from PivotTable with Many Columns of Calculations (Trouble)
21. (28:57) Create Individual PivotTables and PivotCharts to solve “Trouble”. Frequency Distribution create from Boomerang Product Sales Data.
22. (31:11) Discrete Quantitative Data (Numbers) should be charted with a Column that has Gaps.
23. (31:55) Pareto Chart
Tabular & Graphical Displays For Categorical Variables
1. (00:32) Overview with diagram of tables and charts we will create in this video
2. (01:01) Notes in Workbook that you can print out and read
3. (02:05) Define Frequency Distribution
4. (03:55) Frequency Distribution create from Cell Phone Sales Data
5. (04:00) Advanced Filter to get a Unique List for Frequency Distribution
6. (05:55) Using COUNTIFS function to Create Frequency Distribution
7. (07:00) Formulas to create Relative Frequency
8. (09:36) TRUNC function to show that Number Formatting does NOT remove decimals
9. (11:00) Why Relative Frequencies add up to 1: Collectively Exhaustive and Mutually Exclusive Categories
10. (11:20) Formulas to create Percent Frequency with Number Formatting
11. (13:24) Formulas to create Percent Frequency with Times 100
12. (14:54) Add Borders using Format Cells Dialog Box: Solid Top Border and Double Bottom Border
13. (16:38) Use PivotTable to create Frequency Distribution
14. (17:38) Create Relative Frequency & Percent Frequency using the “Show Values As” feature and the “% of Column Total” option
15. (19:30) Compare and Contrast Formulas and PivotTables
16. (21:09) Column Chart for Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
17. (23:59) Column Chart for Percent Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
18. (25:10) Bar Chart for Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
19. (25:44) Pie Chart for Percent Frequency Distribution with Categorical Data
20. (27:30) Chart from PivotTable with Many Columns of Calculations (Trouble)
21. (28:57) Create Individual PivotTables and PivotCharts to solve “Trouble”. Frequency Distribution create from Boomerang Product Sales Data.
22. (31:11) Discrete Quantitative Data (Numbers) should be charted with a Column that has Gaps.
23. (31:55) Pareto Chart
Tabular & Graphical Displays For Categorical Variables