Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #62: Calculate Slope and Intercept for Regression Line

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Topics in this video:
1. (00:09) Discussion of Slope and y-intercept formulas
2. (03:30) X Y Scatter Chart / Plot
3. (05:00) Calculate Slope and Intercept
4. (09:55) Use equation to predict
5. (10:48) Example 2 for calculating Slope and Intercept
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Excel 2013 Statistical Analysis #62: Calculate Slope and Intercept for Regression Line
Topics in this video:
1. (00:09) Discussion of Slope and y-intercept formulas
2. (03:30) X Y Scatter Chart / Plot
3. (05:00) Calculate Slope and Intercept 
4. (09:55) Use equation to predict
5. (10:48) Example 2 for calculating Slope and Intercept


Oh my god, after more than 10 years of excel using, I just know the existence of RSQ, SLOPE and INTERCEPT, simple but really very useful, both this video and the functions ~


Mike, I have been watching your YouTube channel for 3 years. I have to thank you, your videos not only are the reason I have a career as a Financial Analyst, but am know as the excel guru in the office.  So thank you, I don't think I can truly put into words how much I have learned from you.

I also wanted to see if while you are doing your statistics series if you could do a video on forecasting. My goal is to build a forecast model from historical retail product sales data( with different retail prices every week.be it list or promo ) . My goal is to forecast sales units based on price point, seasonality, and trend. I have seen videos on forecasting time series that helps with the seasonality, and forecasting with linear regression that helps with the price point, but none that tie them together.  Again thank you for all the hard work you put in to this channel I greatly appreciate it.


This video is actually #32. Not #62. Just in case anyone is going through the playlist and thinking that they are starting 'Analysis of Variance'. This video was inserted incorrectly into the playlist.


Thank you Mike! BTW, a quick question, are you planning to teach Power View in the near future?


Is there any video for multiple regression or non linear regression?
