Difference Between Credit Card Inactivity and 0% Utilization

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There's a difference between not using your card at all and keeping a 0% utilization on your credit card. Not using your credit card will show as inactive, if kept in this state for a few years, your credit card company may close this account for you without your input. However, if you use my low balance cancellation method, you can keep the card active and also get some spare change for free.

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Oh my Gosh 🙏🙌 😭 I called Discover and capital one so many times with this question and they couldn't answer it 😝 new subbie!!!


Man you have no idea how much I love your videos homie . My score is about to go through the roof because of you.


I have 0% Utilization and was wondering if its good or not because I always pay before my statement date. This video was exactly what I needed THANKS!!


I know this is an old video but it is the ONLY place I found a definitive answer to the question “how do they know I’m using my card if I pay my balance in full before my statement date?” Amen! I’ve been searching for hours to this specific question. Thank you thank you thank you!


Thanks soooo much for explaining this. So many people says to NOT pay off your card bal. Plus my grandmother paid off a card and never used it again and the company gave her a letter saying they was going to close the card since is was no inactivity. Okay so i will do this method for now on. You have proof that shows it works!!! Thanks a zillion!!


Low Balance Cancellation. I'm gonna try this with both my cards. Thanks for this Info.


Last month I paid off everything minus $1 for two of my accounts. I noticed that Capital One did a "charge adjustment" and Discover did a "Small Balance Credit" and my statements showed zero balance. I got scared because I thought they would report as inactive. Just verified today that they were not reported as inactive and I saved 2 bucks. Win Win!


Thank you so much again for all thise videos...
I applied for my first credit card Dec 2016. It is only 1 year and my credit score is around 747. I have BoA cash reward and Discover it. I am gonna apply for Us bank cash + this month and Amex blue cash everyday.


New subbie here ... Thank you for these credit information ....ur actually the only one that's thorough with this credit lesson and very easy for me to understand ... Thank you :) also where was u few years ago when I needed your expertise lol glad I came across you now cause as long as I follow along I will well on my way


Just subbed, your videos are the best and I’m well on my way to better credit thanks to


This video really helped me. *Thank You! 🙌*


I learned a lot from your channel but the "Low balance cancellation method" is one of the best if it is still available. I am gonna check it this month. Thanks.
Small question. How did you get those exact reports from TransUnion, Equifax and Experian!?
Thank you again.


Things have changed, on my credit report on Experian it states that my FICO score was hurt because it showed no usage, but in fact I do use my credit cards and pay them in full each month before it's reported to the Credit bureau which is usually 5 days after the payment due date.


Thanks for all the great info ! Does utilization matter with change cards and paying off before statement close date or due date is same ?


But how do you keep a 0% utilization rate on ALL 18 credit cards you own?? Especially when you don't spend very much. Just seems like a lot to keep track of. I can't quite picture it.


Hey Master Beat The Bush. I got so mad this morning lol my utilization was 6% for a while and this month I made sure to get it to 0% and my Score dropped by 13 points on Experian. I called them and they said it's because now I have no more credit to be evaluated upon lol. So I believe it's best to leave at least something until you past like 800 or 775 I'm now at 702


There are "credit guru's" out there saying 0% utilization (not inactivity) is bad and it does not boost your credit score.


Well, I used to think that 0% utilization is not okay things. But what if I overpay my balance, will that negatively affect my credit report?


Great video! I noticed from my own experience that if I didn't use my credit card for 2-3 months sometimes, it would still be reported as OK instead of N/R or unknown in my credit report. Would this still be okay and would be similar to 0% utilization rate? It seems like you can get away with doing this and the creditors would still say the account is active or would this still have a negative impact? Thanks!


Hello. Thank you so much for all your videos. They have helped me tremendously to understand everything I need to know pertaining to credit. I do have one question. I have been wondering why my debit cards appear on my credit report. I have two checking accounts, one for myself and one joint one for myself and my wife. The fact that they appear on my credit doesn't affect my score that bad because they're put in it as having a $60, 000 limit and $40, 000 limit respectively. However, I don't think I'll ever be able to achieve a 0% utilization as long as my checking accounts are considered for my credit reports. Any idea why this is the case or what I can do to fix it? Is there any way to get these not to come up at all on my report? If not, do you think that if I open up a savings account, that will help to keep the utilization on my checking accounts low?
