The Narcissist and the 👹 **MONSTER** Within👹

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The Narcissist And The Monster Within

#exposingthenarcissist #narcissists
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Woah. Sounds like narcissism is closely related to demons. Literally demonic powers.


They are similar to gremlins cute and cuddly in the beginning but as time goes by they transform into monstrous reptilian creatures.


Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. - Matthew 10:16


The reason why it’s so hard for a narcissist to change is because their soul is similar to tweed fabric you know that material where the white threads are interwoven with the black threads but in a narcissists case the black threads represent darkness and the white threads represent the light so that means in order for you to make any progress with a person like that one would have to have the patience to separate all the black threads from the white ones good luck unraveling that mess 👍


Sounds about right and it makes good sense with the narcissist I dealt with. Working with a narcissist can be bad to.


Just the video I needed! Thank you for this analogy it has both strengthened and increased my understanding as to what I'm dealing with! After 4+yrs my ex narc is hovering and inviting me to come stay with him as "friends" because he feels bad and wants to help me out, as it's "the least that he could do" is but only one message🙈🤦‍♀️ 😆 I have NOT responded 😈 but instead I've been praying 🙏 Blessings of courage, strength, and peace💞 God bless 🙏


Is this why it is sooo hard to break up and stay away fr these monsters??


Oh i totally understand this analogy, I was a comic artist lol, good analogies


Some rare qustions i havent seen let me know your toughts about this

1: They get a number to a girl in the street and after writing the first messages she ignores him and stop responding.

2: She dont want to go on a date or come whit excuses
3: She says she is not interested in talking or the person is not her type
4: She dont want to make out or kiss on the first, second, or third date
5: If she start to respond to messages slowly (after several hours, days)
6: Love bombing phase do they send 10 messages or more in a row with compliments or how does it work,
7: How do they react if a girl dont like being love bombed and says stop sending messages or i am busy or she says i am not in the mood for this
8: If a girl says she is to tired to talk or to tired to get love bombing messages
9: Dont most girls get turned of by the needy behavior and reject them quickly? Because normaly girls dont fall for men who chase them
10: And what is the reaction if she says she have a boyfriend/lover or dating somone else when they start talking


Super video, ...all the best to you ...take care ..


What are the early signs of narcissis?


They are the army if the Devil only in human form. Only the body is son of Adam, the devils enters it!
