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Have you ever got water up your nose? After this video, you will never have it again!

In this video, you will learn all the necessary elements to breathe easily and comfortable while swimming.

Firstly, I will tell you the most important points about freestyle breathing. You will find out why it is much harder to breathe in the water and what you need to do to overcome difficulties.

I have made series of swimming drills that will help you to set up breathing technique. It is important to perform all the drills step-by-step. Please, include these swimming drills into your learning to swim process and you will soon see great results.

For beginners swimmers who is starting to learn how to swim, I recommend to blow out the air through the nose. By doing this while swimming, you will get the reflex and water will not get up your nose.

In the end of the video, I have shown a unique swimming drill that will help you to learn how to breathe while being in the water that water does not get up your nose. Perform this drill in a relaxed manner and carefully!

Learning to swim process can take some time, this is why, regularly perform all the swimming drills and your breathing in swimming will be perfect.

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Do you get water up your nose? Please, let me know in the comments!


I have been swimming for about 5 years and have had lots of lessons and have watched 100s of swimming videos. I can swim but have problems swimming more than 400m without feeling exhausted and I know it has to do with my breathing. No one has said to hold your breath for a second or so before blowing out air in the water then taking a breath. I tried this last week and every swimming session since and this one little gold nugget of information has made a massive difference to me - absolutely massive! I am feeling much more relaxed, my heart rate has reduced and I no longer feel as tired. Thank you.


This looks easy
me - drowning in the water


Never read about holding breath for at least 1 sec before exhaling, always exhaling as soon as I entered the water after recovering, for me it really has been a game changer. It may sound stupid, but in a few days this little thing helped me swim continuously 300-400m, previously I couldn't swim more than 100m. Thank you!


"My head's under water but i'm breathing fine".


This is an excellent video I’m teaching my self to swim at age 66 and am doing quite good....but you’re method of holding on to your breath makes sense and blowing out through the nose does work much better because I was getting water up my nose... really awesome swimming Monday I will practice holding on to my breath for thanks so I’m aiming for more laps 🏊‍♀️


I love this video. I love that it shows the swimmer swimming for a long time, not just a second or two, so I can really watch and study his form and learn. I am a new swimmer at age 48, literally just learned to swim in the last month. Only a few days ago did stuff start to click for me so that I can get from one end of a 25 yard lane to the other and back without feeling like I ran a sprint. What's helped me so far is relaxing first, calming down and focusing, which is hard to do because I still have fear of deep water. Slowing down, rotating my whole body at once, reaching and gliding with each stroke, keeping my body narrow and arms close not too far out, hand over hand method etc. the breathing has been the hardest aspect, but I feel like learning to rotate and not turn my head separately to the side has helped without slowing me down. I am definitely that person who was craning my neck out to breath lol. I find I am one who needs to breath out completely before inhaling quickly. Relaxing helps me do that. I still have moments of panic and I find I hold my breath slightly when I do this which does not help me. Slowly it's getting better but with lots of practice. I love the simplicity of this video, realizing it is not as easy as it looks, but once it starts to come swimming definitely becomes much easier. Very unfortunately our lap pool at my gym is closing for a month due to covid shut downs, so I will have to go through this again when I return but hopefully with more knowledge and skill! I plan to practice dipping and holding head in bathtub and breathing out just to keep that feel of being in water going.


I tried this in the pool today and the rhythm of it felt quite relaxed. It means you keep air in your lungs for buoyancy but get rid of air too before you take your next breath. I think I was breathing out too late before which meant I had to rush my next breath, which would make me out of breath. Thanks for the tip!!


Breathing is the ONE thing I can't yet do with freestyle. This is helpful!


I have watched a lot of swimming videos before, as i dont have the means to join a swimming class, but still couldn't swim. I found uiur video a week ago, one hour before my usual trip to the swimming pool. I watched your video an hour before swimming, and im grateful and glad to say that i can swim on the same day. It might not be perfect yetm but i can swim. Confidently. Thank you so much bro. You made a huge difference in my life.


This was amazing. Unbelievably helpful and to the point. I've always had a serious issue with breathing and your tips and drills helped me a lot in just one session. I'll be watching all your videos and doing all your drills. I hope anyone who is struggling with swimming comes across your amazing channel. Hats off 🙏🙏🙏


The challenge for me is how to breathe during freestyle. I can go for 10sec without breathing...How do l ensure that l don't drink water while trying to breathe?


My swimming is exactly like that! Not enough time to breathe and struggling to swim fast and smoothly. I had no idea because as a child when I learned swimming, nobody taught me how to breathe! Thank you so much for sharing the techniques.


That's how I swim I sink
I swim best when I hold my breath


Everything is easy near the wall but I panic when try to float or exhale in mid of the pool. It's been two days I started learning and I think your videos will help in not panicking. Thanks for posting.


I don't have more water in my nose since I was going to practicing the exercises explained in detail in this video. I am very happy because I can swim better than my friends who's has many years experience in swim. I am very happy so much thank you very much


Idk if you are born in water or sth but you have mentioned every error I do while I swim. Thanks man I really appreciate what you do


I started practicing breathing out in the water and I can already see some improvement. Squats are helpful and I can do them without any effort but using that technique in freestyle or breaststroke is still not so good for me. I keep losing my breath and I have no clue how you can inhale in freestyle and not swallow water. It requires a lot of patience but I'm sure it will get better.


I have went into water first time in my life for last one week, all with the help of your videos... I am facing two problems, when breathing in, I suck water into my mouth which is flowing down from the head (not wearing cap), secondly when I let go my hands off the wall while trying to float, I tip over to left or right side until face up and back down in water (feeling like falling down and get panicked)


i try to exhale on both mouth and nose, but somehow i still get water down by nose, not a nice feeling. and while at the edge of the pool, it's really easy to breath correctly, but when adding swimming, i get a bit chaotic :(
