The 5 Most Misused and Abused Bible Verses

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Not my typical video post, but as someone who has worked in Christian media since 1990 I often have opportunities to voice projects like this and if it's something I feel could benefit others if shared, I post it.


Another misquoted verse is "Love of money is the root of all evil." (Timothy 6:10) Most people think it's "Money is the root of all evil." The difference in meaning is huge. The second version justifies all manner of error and evil in itself.


Judge not, and you will not be judged, is the totally the most misused one imo.
Thank you for this video!! Very well done.


What about Levicitus 20:15? Most people who are Anti-Furry misused and abused it using it againts people who just cosplay as Furries


Why does EVERYONE seem to have to put that annoying and distracting "thump...thump...thump" in the background of their videos?


I’d like to see the comments if you addressed the false teaching based on the misunderstanding and misuse and abuse of Malachi 3:8-10. Tithing is not for us, despite the way it’s taught today.


My favorite is "Teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for life" Jesus did complain about feeding the people, he just feed them


Love this already, by the title (: Thanks, Darren.


When two or three are gathered in my name, and they are Catholic, someone will pass around the collection plate!


Hi sir/mam, can i re upload your video to my channel, ? just wat to get permission from, your video is worth sharing


The term, "The Holy Bible is the word of God!" is not really accurate. The more accurate to say is "The Holy Bible is the book of the Lord!" based on the verse Isaiah 34:16. Yes, the word of God, His teachings and gospel are written there.


One of the most misused and abused verses in the scripture is Matthew 5:28. This is often used in order to condemn a person's(mostly men's) attraction to the opposite sex. This is not what Jesus meant in this verse. Jesus talked about coveting another man's wife, and declared that it's not only adultery to do it physically but even to have in your mind to do it. Matthew 5:28 is consequently not appliable to a single woman. If so falling in love with a woman and even searching for a wife had been adultery. Which is totally insane to claim. Still many preachers do just that. So horribly stupid!


How about, now sell your cloak and buy a sword. This seems to be a directive to arm yourself and by extension, be ready to use those arms against whoever comes against you. We leave out that an apostle then states. " master, here are two swords". Jesus then says, "it is enough. Two swords for a band of 13. Not a very well armed band. Why then get a sword? Later in the garden of Gethsemane, Peter cut the ear off the captain of the guards' servant. Jesus then instructed Peter. They that live by the sword shall die by the sword" and then he healed the man's ear. Clearly, the reason for the sword was not for protection, but to instruct the one and all who follow that killing people is not a Christian activity, even in defense.
