Misused Bible Verses Part 1

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Thank you for posting this! Yes, verses are so easy to misuse - especially since quoted verses are removed from context.
Very original series. Please keep on making more.


Yes. I just shared this morning how I experienced His goodness... I was hanging over Hell, but it sure woke me up! His compassion is beyond comprehension.


Thank you. I look forward to more on this subject.


Dr. Brown, some of the sources I've used interpret this passage as the "perfect" meaning "complete" and the coming of the perfect being when Jesus comes and us receiving our glorified bodies. They also say that knowledge and prophecy will be rendered inoperative by an external force (the perfect) while tongues will cease by themselves, so that tongues will have ceased before the coming of the perfect. What is your personal interpretation of the 1 Corinthians 13:8-10?


1Chr 16:22 "Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." Mal 3:8-10 (Paraphrased)Bring all the Tithe or God will curse you with a curseThese are the most abused Bible verses by the "word of faith prosperity preachers"


Another misused, misconstrued, misunderstood and highly abused Scripture is Matthew 7:1


some christians don't even don't believe in eternal hell


The most common way Christians abuse Scripture is by claiming promises out of context. Probably the most common example is Philippians 1:6, which is almost always partially quoted as

He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

This half-verse is cited as proof of once-saved-always-saved, which of course is refuted by the entire Bible.
What does Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi really say?

1) Paul was writing to a specific group of people who lived 1900 years ago. You can’t just take everything said to anyone in the Bible as if God said it to you. If a promise is made to everyone who fulfills the conditions of that promise, then go ahead & claim it if you fulfill those conditions.

2) Paul was writing to a church, not an individual. So this has nothing to do with an individual’s supposed eternal security.

3) Paul clearly said in the next verse that it was his feeling he was expressing, not an ironclad promise. In fact, in the first part of the previous verse—the part that rarely gets quoted—Paul said “For I am confident of this very thing…” Confidence is a feeling, not a guarantee.

Paul FELT CONFIDENT that God would continue to work IN A CHURCH. So there is no promise that God will always perfect the individual who turns away from his salvation & rebels against God’s grace, which is something that countless individuals have done throughout church history.

Please don’t handle God’s Word carelessly, searching for every goodie you can personally get out of it.
I wish church folks would be as eager to claim the commands of the Bible as they are in claiming supposed promises.


What about Flavious Josephus is he a liar?


Not one jot of Torah done sway, Yeshua. Matthew 5.
Let's start with 10 commandments, not 9
