6 Things I Wish I Knew In My 20's

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The way Levi looks at Leah, you can tell he's really listening to what she's saying. That right there is so important. Everyone deserves someone who values their thoughts and feelings.


Leah has such a playful and sweet aura but when she starts speaking about more serious matters she is captivating, I love how intelligent she is. Cheers to 30 love! It’s not so bad here! Haha.


I just turned 39, and let me tell you, my 20s didn’t really go as planned. And it’s amazing! My 30s have been 10x better than my 20s. My 30s have seen more success (both personal and financial), more traveling, more stability, more self confidence, less stress, better friendships, and a better relationship with my husband of 15 years. Oh, and 3 weeks ago, we finally welcomed a little baby boy into our world 💙. Everyone else’s timeline doesn’t have to be yours.


I am so in love with this video. I’m turning 29 this year and for some reason it’s causing me a lot of anxiety, like I didn’t use my 20s wisely and now I have just one more year to make it count. But watching Leah reflect made me start reflecting on what I have learned about the world and myself and how I’ve grown and changed, and it makes me feel better. I’m not sure where exactly I thought I would be by now, but it doesn’t mean the last nine years were a waste.


As a parent of 3 children; 1 is gay, 1 is queer, 1 is straight, it is great to hear of this growth from your perspectives. Relationships with life partners, IMO, are both a wonderful place to learn about oneself and equally an ugly place to learn about oneself because our life is only “so” long. We need to live our authentic self and be flexible with everyone around us. Inflexible plants in nature break easily under stress: humans do also. Stay fluid, grow, learn, survive, and thrive. 🇨🇦


I don’t know if my 20s learnings were the same, but I will say: more Leah, all the time! This is wonderful! She is wonderful!


The first point is a daily struggle for me but I appreciate that you're bringing imposter syndrome to the forefront because it's still not talked about enough and it really affects people. I really appreciate hearing Leah's calm and articulate perspective with Levi's insightful interjections. These are definitely my favourite kind of videos.


What i learned in my 20s.
- Depression gets in any crevasse of your being so easily when you don't know what to do with your life.

- It's alright to be bad at something, you have to try things to know if you enjoy them.

- Living when one parent passed is different.

- Autonomy is amazing.

- There's no "cure" for motivation/inspiration except actually doing the thing you want to do.

- Caring about others doesn't mean you devalue yourself.

I agree with your all your points. particularly with the 3rd one.


Eyyy welcome to the 30s Club Leah! 😊
Lessons I’ve learned before earning my card:
1. The dumbest mistake (at least my dumbest!) is thinking you know everything.
2. Learning never stops - knowledge is power! 💪🏽
3. It’s hard to want happiness because it is fleeting. I prefer peace 😌
4. Time is a bigger price than $$$.



Thank you for sharing this with us, turning myself 30 this year too and your list really resonate with me.

I would love to share my 6 things I wish I knew:

1. You are allow to fail
2. Nourish your relationships
3. Seek discomfort and try new things out of your comfort zone
4. Your life path will be different from what you were expecting in your 20's. Different doesn't mean worse.
5. You are not late for anything in life.
6. While struggling with mental health, every little change, every single day, every effort really count. You'll see the progress down the road.

Keep going with the great contents ❤


Happy birthday Leah! I am 28 years old, also finishing up my PhD and for most of my 20s I thought of becoming 30 as the end of an era, the end of fun and spontaneity. Going to therapy really helped me gain perspective over the fact that our 20s is really the only decade we have lived being independent, with plenty of responsibilities and pressure, which is probably why it feels so heavy! And it is really just one of the others yet to come. Just surround yourself with people you like and keep being optimistic and interested in whatever makes you happy. I now think of my 30s as starting something new instead of ending something. Like starting 1st grade again and being the youngest in that scale. Makes all the difference in the world! A whole new decade :)


Turning 30 this year. Leah, so proud of you. Also, you guys are super sweet :)


Leah, your writing is lovely. You're always a delight and especially so in this video. This was such a nice expression of the joy of personal growth.

I'm 40 now and just want to say that, looking back, my 20s were still about growing up and properly learning what actually mattered to me. My 30s, however, were when I truly began to love life. Every day is still about growing, but that process is so much more enjoyable as time has gone by. My 30s were easily the best times and for anyone uncomfortable with turning 30, buckle up, because your next 10 years can be so much more!

Leah & Levi, thanks for sharing your passions and taking us along for the ride


Leah, you talking about listening really caught me and you are so right! The *most* important thing that I have learned in my education, behavior theory, and community health classes is that truly listening to people is one of the foundational pieces for effectively engaging with others. Everything is so much deeper when people feel heard.

A little bit ago I finished reading an article called "Let Me Finish: How to Stop Interrupting... And Change The World" by Nancy Kline from 2020. It uses ideas from her book on the importance of genuinely listening to people, so it really just gets to the basics, but it's still such a good starting place for this idea and why it's important.


I'm 67 and still haven't got my shit together yet. Plants are awesome, I find them very helpful. They make energy for themselves from air and water. We need their energy to survive.


Not sure if it’s different pressures on women and men, but I really didn’t feel the push to do “everything” in my 20s (aside from getting a steady job). I think because I’m the youngest in my generation (only child, but I have 4 cousins and somehow we all got married in chronological order) and my next two oldest cousins didn’t marry until their 30s too (he and she didn’t even meet their spouses until their 30s.) So me meeting my wife at 32, getting married a few years later and adopting (from Bulgaria) at 38 was totally fine. (My parents are pretty chill, and they adore their granddaughter.)


You are very insightful! I am 51 and I can say with confidence that, as you go through each decade, you will continue to grow and learn from your past self. Keep being you!


You two are so sweet and I loved these talking points! I just turned 26, so I am still on that 20s journey. I sometimes feel like an imposter, but also recognize and appreciate the knowledge I know I have about certain things and do my best to keep an open mind while learning new things. I’m excited to enter my 30s, but know I have some more growing to do before I get there. ❤️


The way Levi looks at Leah in this video 🥺


I turned 25 2 months ago and I felt so behind in my career bc of pandemic reasons. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and celebrate my achievements. The biggest thing i've learned from the first half of my 20's has been to slow down and appreciate the life I have in that moment. Life is always changing and I'm never going to experience this present moment as anything other than a memory so I'm trying to appreciate every day.
