🇰🇷 6 things i wish i knew BEFORE learning Korean

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안녕하세,유~! 안녕하세요~! Hey, you! It's Natalia and I'm here to encourage you to believe in your ability to learn Korean~! Today I want to talk about the top 6 things I wish I knew before I started learning Korean!

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♡ ♡ ♡ Instagram & Twitter: @Nataliaa_Garza

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🌸 G E N E R A L T E X T B O O K S | | B E G I N N E R S
♡ Integrated Korean Beginning 1:
♡ Integrated Korean Beginning 2:

🌸 G E N E R A L T E X T B O O K S | | I N T E R M E D I A T E
♡ ♡ ♡ Correct Your Korean - 150 Common Grammar Errors:

3-1 Study Guide: Not Available on Amazon
3-2 Study Guide: Not Available on Amazon

🌸 R E A D I N G
♡ ♡ ♡ Generation Gap and Other Essays: Readings in Korean

♡ ♡ ♡ Yonsei Academic Korean Reading 중급 1&2
Intermediate 2: Not Available on Amazon

🌸 L I S T E N I N G
♡ ♡ ♡ Yonsei Academic Korean Listening 중급 1&2

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🌸 T O P I K I I P R E P
♡ ♡ ♡ Complete Guide to the TOPIK II

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hi Korean here hahaha
Yeah I haven't heard anybody saying "당신" as "you" in conversation hahaha
If you're saying "you" to an older brother, you say "오빠(oppa or obba ㅡ it sounds somewhere between p & b)" if you are a girl, or "형(hyeong)" if you are a boy.
And if you are saying "you" to an older sister, you say "언니(onnie)" if you are a girl, or "누나(nuna)" if you are a boy.
(if you know the name of them, better to say their name before saying either 오빠, 형, 언니, or 누나. There is no problem when you call them without their names, but they might be confused if you only call them by 오빠/형/언니/누나 without their names if there are a lot of them who are older than you hahaha ㅡ they all might think you are calling them or calling somebody except him/her since there are too many people in that range.)
And if you are calling "you" to the ones in the same age (or position) to you or younger, you can just say their name or say "너(neo)" (너 is used in casual conversation) but we usually call their names.
(all of them above are informal except 당신) ㅡ 당신 is used only between spouses (however, even between spouses, they don't usually use 당신 to each other. It looks super formal LOL), but if you can hear this from the conversation between not spouses, it can also mean that the one who is using the word is angry at the other. It's something like you say super polite when you are angry at another person with -sarcasm(?)- . But many Koreans will understand non-Korean saying this word when you speak to Koreans because we also know that this word is written in so many Korean textbooks for foreigners. However, it's a fact that it sounds somewhat awkward. When you see the word 당신 in a lyric, poem, etc stuff, I think it really means "you" (without anger or anything, but still formal). (summary for this paragraph: 당신 IS FORMAL SO IT'S HARD TO SEE KOREANS CALLING EACH OTHER USING THIS WORD, but there are some different nuances coming from the situation that word is used.) ㅡ as I mentioned at the beginning, I haven't heard anybody calling another person as 당신 in 'real-life conversation'.

There are also some cases you don't have to mention "you" in the sentence for example when you and the one you are talking to are the only people there.
It’s smth like in conversation, “저기 갈래?” = “Wanna go there?”. The sentence already implies that you are talking to another person without need of mentioning “you” in the sentence.

If you are in a school or a company, you can call the ones who are above your position as "선배(님)(seonbae(nim))", or just call their position in the company. ㅡ formal
When you call a teacher, you can call them "선생님(seonseangnim)"(<- formal), which means "teacher" or you can also call them "쌤(ssam)" when you call them in a casual way. But if you are dealing with a professor of the university, you should call them "교수님(gyeousunim)" which simply means professor. In the case of teachers and professors, you can say the subject they teach before saying 선생님 or 교수님. It's somehow similar to how we call "science teacher" like that hahaha.

I can help you learn Korean if you want to because I'm glad that there are people who try to learn Korean :D


guys don’t give up... as a Korean, I think Korean lauguage is the easiest language and the most confusing language at the same time, ,


me in january: OK my goal is to be able to have a conversation in korean by december

me in november: *still watching videos on how to start learning korean*


As a Korean, I know that Korean is extremely hard to begin with (It used to be my worst subject in school lol) but trust me when I say this, Its gets so much easier. Its just like English!


I learned korean and it took me almost 2 years. Heres an advice: it’s confusing so take your time


I love how her accent suddenly changes when she speaks korean, it’s so satisfying to hear


The nice thing is, in my experience, that the native Korean speakers are SO sweet and kind when you TRY. Even if you sound like an idiot or say something technically rude most people I've met have been so pleased that I was trying at all that it makes me tear up. Especially older people always say how wonderful it is that I'm learning Korean and I'm doing "so good!" I know they're being polite, but it still gives me courage to try even though my skills are still around toddler level. 💜


I’ve been studying Korean for nearly 3 years and I can understand most of what people say in Korean but when it comes to talking my mind just goes blank. It’s like I understand Korean but can’t speak it (with the proper grammar) and it really annoying but I’ll keep trying. Fighting!


Following kpop groups really helps because you watch a lot of korean videos and listen to korean music while fangirling over your favorite idols


why do i want to learn Korean even though i can’t even speak *ENGLISH* properly-


I’m a proud Korean myself, I find it so amazing that there are so many people interested in learning our language. Whenever I see someone struggling I always try to make them comfortable.


Hello, I'm an elementary school student in Korea who happened to watch this video. First of all, thank you for trying to learn Korean!Although I'm using a translator, I'll try to learn foreign languages such as English and so on! When COVID-19 ends, go to Korea and have fun! Koreans welcome foreigners to come and play!😁


no one:
taehyung: voice goes low when speaking English
me: voice goes high when speaking Korean
what is this language logic??? 🤔


Hi, I'm Korean, and I'm studying English alone these days. One thing I think every time I feel English is difficult; What if I am learning Korean while Korean is not my native language? How lucky am I? Take pride in learning Korean. You guys are amazing!!! :)


As a Korean mom who has an 11 yr boy born in New Zealand, I think learning Korean from watching various YouTube videos is much better than from watching K-drama. cuz words or expressions in dramas are quite often awkward if used in our real life. I sometimes tease my son about his "K-dramatic" Korean. :-)


I just learntㅏ, ㅓ, ㄷ, ㄴ, ㄹ, etc.I was so proud of myself and now I'm hesitant to even continue🤕


Everyone! Don't be discouraged if these things scared you. Trust me you'll learn it gradually if you just continue your journey in learning😊


I've studies Japanese for 4 years now and the problems you mentioned are basically the same problems you have while learning Japanese haha


I’ve always picked up languages quickly so Korean was no different lol. Learners over complicate things in their mind easily! It happens ALL THE TIME, just remember that even five year olds struggle with speaking, some eight year olds do to! Don’t worry about it! Your doing great. The only thing I seriously seriously suggest is DO NOT learn English romanization, I never did, and I’m so glad 😀


I remember watching this a year ago and being so scared to even start learning Korean, here I am now after a year of studying, getting ready for my first topik exam! Don't give up guys, it's not as hard as it seems plus it's totally worth it!
