Construction of London's First Mosque

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‘The building of the first London mosque, in Melrose Road, Southfields – was begun yesterday by the community excavating for the foundations with their own hands, as Mohammed and his companions did at Medina, where the Prophet dwelt after his flight from Mecca.’

This was the humbling comparison drawn by an English newspaper in 1925, when construction on the Fazl Mosque had just begun.

The comparison was justified to a degree because, following the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (sa) whilst he was building the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina with his companions, the article states:

‘Wheeling away some of the earth. As these modern builders worked they chanted the Arabic verses Mohammed and his companions did at their labours. Yesterday’s was a strange spectacle in a London suburb.’

The Daily Graphic, Tuesday 29 September 1925.

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