I heard God say: “Get Ready for this August” ☄️ Prophetic Word for August

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I heard God say: “Get Ready for this August” ☄️ Prophetic Word for August
#propheticword #propheticwordtoday #holyspirit

💸 Partner w/ Alwyn Uys Ministries 💸
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----------- VIDEO CONTENT -------------
00:00 - Prayer
00:55 - The Stretching Season
01:55 - The Holding Season
02:55 - The Slingshot Season
05:00 - God Will Direct Your Steps
06:55 - Prayer
07:45 - Outro
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Please God, please help me! These emotions, this pain and anxiety. Please free me from this Lord. My body begs for relief. Please God, I ask for your peace and comfort 🙏


If you’re reading this, please pray for the United States. We need a miracle now more than ever. God bless yall! 🇺🇸❤️


“Waiting isn’t wasting. It’s a season of taking aim.”


After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!


The isolation is so hard. I literally only have God and his word.
- Thankyou to person who commented I shouldn’t say ‘only’. It’s true God is training me to rely only on him and He has not disappointed me yet.
Much love to every brother/sister in Christ who has commented.
I have been blessed and encouraged and pray the same for you all also.


I gave my daughter to the Lord in a quiet moment as a baby and asked him to make her a warrior for Him. She fell away from Him due to witnessing “church hurt” in high school and college. BUT GOD! She is applying to a Christian law school and said God is drawing her close and said she heard from Him that she is part of a “righteous clean up generation” in the legal landscape. She has been filled with endurance for the LSAT and recommitted her life to Christ. She said, I can only study American law from the Creator’s perspective, mom. I wept the happiest tears. If you feel led, would you please pray for her LSAT score—to get into the school and to become the warrior I prophesied over her life? She is giving a TED talk on human trafficking laws shortly. The big plan is of the school already in motion but we need to get her in the door 🚪 to be further equipped. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ! ❤


To everyone watching this that is feeling left behind, and stuck in the mud. I pray for you and all your glory. Let August be a spring board for the rest of this year, and the rest of your life in peace and glory.

In Jesus name.

Amen 🙏


Anyone reading this please pray for the UK. We are having daily riots and breakdown of law and order. Please pray for Jesus name to be glorified and an end to conflict 🙏🙏 thank you in Jesus name.


Read the Bible daily. One chapter takes less than 5 minutes. Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you. ✝️❤️


I’m 74 years old and I feel I’ve been living and observing this like a train wreck in slow motion, knowing people and things are taking the wrong direction, and now it’s speeding up. All we can do is pray for those on the wrong track, keep our faith and be grateful we know we’re on the right one.


I know GOD forgives me numerous times, even though I've messed up constantly. GOD you're good all the time!


I am from India Kerala. I know jesus only the saviour. But family👪 not yet saved. So please. Pray for the salvation of. my. entire family


After I retired, I had plans to volunteer my time, quilt, and garden. However, everything changed when my then 2-year-old grandson needed us. He now lives with us full-time and he has been a bundle of joy. He is a type 1 diabetic and is on the autism spectrum. I have been taking him to occupational therapy (OT) and speech therapy, which is helping him. His communication is much better. It's an exciting time for us, and I am thankful to Jesus for our gift of joy.


Oh Heavenly Father, please keep me from breaking. I ask of it in Jesus’ name! I feel so weary and so overwhelmed. Jesus, I call out to You Lord! Help me in my time of desperate need. I ask and I receive today in Jesus’ name!


August, starts in 15 minutes!! Lord give me the strength to do all the things I need to do! Please help me with my life situations, unsaved family members, finances, health..help us ALL LORD, who trust in you and love you! Fill us with your Holy Spirit and protect us! Give us your words, your love, your peace, your joy❤. Thank you Lord!


This walk with Christ is not easy...I feel like I'm on the breaking point I am pressing on! Because I won't break I'll bend yes


Love thy neighbor. Do not let your love turn cold. Blessed are the peacemakers.


there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


Every family has that one person who will break the family financial struggle, I hope you become the one😊


I have been feeling stagnant for more than 13 years now. Keep me from breaking Lord.
