I Heard God Say 'The Rights of the World are at Stake' - Prophetic Word

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The Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic word from God about a strange precedent being set in France that the UN will scoff at. Please take this word to the Lord in prayer before running with it.

Troy Black is a Christian YouTuber, author, and prophetic voice. His two simple goals are to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and to get the gospel of Jesus Christ in front of as many people as possible.

#prophecy #propheticword #bible
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Troy, I’ve got to say this is exactly the word I needed today. Today is my 39th birthday. And I found myself getting so caught up in being in sacrifice mode for my job, spiritual walk and also my family. During this video, the Lord gave me some great insights on ways that I can be in his presence and have fun along the way waiting on him and not dwelling in all the pressure. Thank you and God bless you!


Just bawled my eyes out because when you started referencing Mary, the Holy Spirit just gave me so much comfort and reassurance within those words. All I’ve been doing is seeking his presence, sitting and studying his word—as much as I can. The hunger is real right now! I’ve really been isolated from the world, the guilt of not showing up really downed my spirit, bc I feel useless to everyone, but I just can’t get enough of Him. This totally refreshed my spirit, I just felt an abundance of love flooding in from His presence within that moment. God Our Heavenly Father is good, ALL👏🏼 THE👏🏼TIME!👏🏼 The refreshment I didn’t know I needed. When He says he’ll make it happen, he’ll make it happen. He always knows what you need before you need it. THIS IS WHY WE LOVE HIM!

God bless all who receive this word, it has the light of Christ written all over it! 🤍 Grace and peace be with you in God our Father and Christ our Lord, my beautiful family!


Troy, I've gone from super religious and depressed, to filled with the love of the Father and feeling the Holy Spirit in just the span of 3 years. You had a lot to do with that, Troy. Your obedience to the Lord is admirable and has touched me deeply. I don't think I've ever spoke in tongues, but I'm willing to learn how.
I'm so glad God wants to have a relationship with me and that He cares so much for me. I've wasted so many years thinking He didn't. God is good! ❤🙌


My most treasured time is sitting at the feet of Jesus, praying, reading his word then being still in his presence.


An illustration that helped me better understand that I am in Christ is this: I am a piece of paper placed inside a book. That book is Jesus. Nothing comes to me or can hurt me that hasn't first come through Jesus first. My response is to stay inside the book


God's blessing never brings sadness. it alway comes with unspeakable joy. The joy of the Lord is our ❤🙏 🙌


France's Proposed Law: Criminalizing Criticism of mRNA Covid Vaccines
A new legislative proposal in France could criminalize criticism of mRNA Covid vaccines, carrying a potential sentence of up to a year in prison and a 45, 000 euro fine. This development tests the balance between public health and freedom of speech, igniting a global debate on democratic values and government authority in the 21st century.


Amen, may Jesus Christ guides us in our prayers. Greetings from France.


Troy I'm 60 years old and I've never understood or agreed with until today why pastors real ones say just start speaking in the spirit when in prayer I understand today that this is were being child like is what he means I always have wait for kinda like that upper room to come upon me like it did them back then, I beleive I understand it clearly now and I thank you son for helping open my child like eyes God keep and Bless you 😊❤😊😊


God is knocking at the door of our hearts to speak to us all the time. If this young man has yielded his life to GOD to speak to him all the time and even to our benefit, we should appreciate him. God bless you Troy. Never despair. Stay blessed ❤❤


Thanks Troy!
Did you know that Spikenard was mainly used as a beauty treatment back then, but it has been found to be effective in relief of anxiety depression and stress. Other properties include reducing inflammation, muscle aches and pains, menstrual cramping and joint pain. It is also effective for migraines. Maybe that's why Jesus said she's done more for Him than she knows. I like to think it helped Him to get through that brutal time as it makes me cry thinking about then. Just think, every time He smelled the "Spike" nard, He was reminded of being loved by her. 🙏🏻


I needed to hear this. I want to be proactive, I'm itching to do something that is for the kingdom. I try spreading the good news but my words come out wrong or it's falling on deaf ears. I pray for the words, I pray to know my purpose. But two things happened today. While praying this morning I got the feeling of being told to be patient. Hours later when I turn on my phone, I somehow had turned on YouTube and the first thing there was this video. I've never thought of myself as a Martha before. But I got the message loud and clear. Be patient and wait, for now just be with me, be still and enjoy this time together.

I love that God is in control. I see all the things happening, like the agenda of the World Economic Forum, the 2 big Communist Countries agendas. How our country is giving everything we have to the world but not doing for our own people. Every direction seems to be tearing us down, even from within. I might not know what will happen in between now and the end, but understanding it's going to be ok. I love already knowing how it ends and that our father is in control. I feel protected, but I fear for my hard hearted and hard minded children. People in our lives, that we know were raised right, but have pulled away. It grieves me deeply.


Troy, I was a public school teacher . I now homeschool . I can give you a good perspective on how this topic as far as education


The United nations have been trying to do this and I've heard a similar thing from not just the Lord but scripture also Daniel 7:25. And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.


Blessings to ALL watching 🙏, Blessings my brother Troy in Jesus Christ 🙏 AMEN.


I am a Martha. But the Lord slows me down the hard way that I can be at His feet. Your words are confirmation from the Lord for me.
Praise the Lord and thanks Troy for your obedience. ❤


Father I repent for being Martha when you had call me to be Mary, I repent . Clean my inequitable and washed me with the blood of Jesus and I will be clean. Amen and amen


Anointing is also the ability to follow the word of God in truth and at the feet of Jesus is the place of hearing directly


I truly find it amazing that God had been giving France the responsibility of fighting for freedom and freedon of speech, from governments and Royal Houses shackling the people. I pray that God will give us the wisdom and courage to fight!


🌹Please continue to 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick, who no longer believes in God.😥
