How to Hear and Discern God's Voice Clearly. | Becky Haag

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Discerning the voice of God can be confusing sometimes. It's hard when you want to hear from Jesus but you can't differentiate if what you're hearing is from God, yourself, or even satan. Although, Jesus made a way for us to hear his voice clearly. We can biblically see that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit, our Helper, who speaks to us all the time. As we learn who God is, pray for discernment, and walk in humility, we will begin to hear God's voice more clearly! Our Savior did not leave us alone to figure things out for ourselves.

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Hi, I'm Becky Haag! Welcome to my YouTube channel. Jesus has radically transformed my life, so on this channel we will be talking all about him. On my channel you will learn about the Bible, faith, and practical Christian living. Together we will learn more about who Jesus is, how to deepen our relationship with him, and about how to step into all he is calling us to be! My hope is that together we can seek Jesus and grow more in love with him everyday.

#beckyhaag #jesus #discernment #holyspirit
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Hey friends! There has been a telegram scammer in my comment section replying to people. I DO NOT HAVE A TELEGRAM. it is not me. they are trying to scam people. please do not believe them! ❤ Praying for y’all!


Remember God is only good. He isn't the one causing all of the negativity and confusion in the world.


to Learn English is great, learning english by listening about Jesus is even better.


Nailed it at 12 minute mark! Satan is the master of confusion. Confusion leads to wrong decisions and robs of the peace in your life!


I prayed this prayer during a relationship with a girl. I felt anxiety throughout the relationship and kept playing this song every night. 2 weeks later the girl ended the relationship, leaving me broken and confused. I then ran to drugs, pornography, and success to fill the void. None of it worked and then quarantine hit. And when quarantine hit it helped realize that I was building my life on falling sand, so I finally gave my life to God. Fast forward to now, I can listen to this song and look back on that time when I was praying for God to put me in the fire, GOD IS SO GOOD. I'm praying the same prayer now but this time I'm living for God and wanting Him to use me to impact people for His kingdom.


A lovely lady knows the Lord and her value is far above jewels! Thank you Jesus for this message!


This is actually something that I've learned more about recently, so hopefully sharing this lesson with you will also help. It is through three examples in the New Testament in which Jesus spoke to others, but in only one example does the person truly hear God.

And, fair warning, this will be very... very long...

The first example is the Pharisees. The Pharisees were the religious zealots in Israel who regularly studied the Old Testament. In fact, because of how rare Old Testament books were in ancient times, they were essentially the only group of people in the entire world that had regular access to the Old Testament. With all this in mind, they considered themselves the closest to God, and so did the vast majority of Israel.

There was a time in Jesus' life where He witnessed the Temple of Solomon be used as a place of commerce and exchange. At this, Jesus became furious, made a whip of chords, and drove everyone out of the temple while turning over tables. When the Pharisees saw this, they rebuked Jesus and even challenged Him, saying, "What sign can you perform for us to prove that you have the authority to do this?"

To which Jesus responded, "Destroy this Temple, and I will raise it again in three days!"

The Pharisees scoffed and replied, "“It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?!"

But they did not know that Jesus was not referring to the physical temple, but to Himself. Not even the disciples understood the true meaning of His words until His resurrection had come to pass.

*God spoke to those who claimed to be closest to Him and know Him best, but they did not hear His words when He spoke to them.*

The second example is Jesus' disciples. They were the twelve men chosen among fishermen, tax collectors, and overall the lower members of Jewish society to be Jesus' personal followers and the closest people to Him.

Yet there was a time when they were travelling between the regions, and the disciples inquired about Jesus' hunger.

Jesus responded, "I have food to eat you know nothing about."

To which the disciples responded, "Who got you food?"

In response, Jesus said, "The food that keeps me going is that I do the will of the One who sent me, finishing the work he started."

*God spoke to those who truly were in His regular company and fellowship, but even they did not truly understand His words.*

The third and final example is the Caananite woman. For context, Caananites were the people who previously had occupied the regions of Judah and Israel, yet were pushed out when the Israelites came from Egypt to claim the promised land God gave to them. Even after their exile, they were still infamous for being a godless and immoral people, and were thus rebuked by Israelites for their past and present sins. The fact that she was also a woman also meant that even if she wanted to pursue God, she would not have been allowed to study God's word as only male Israelites were permitted to study Torah.

In short, she was a woman completely born outside of the covenant of Abraham, did not know Jesus, and very likely didn't know a single verse from the Old Testament.

However, during Jesus' travels, there was a Caananite woman who persistently pursued Jesus in hopes that He would cast out the demon that had taken her daughter. She constantly cried out to Him despite Him telling her to leave, and the disciples constantly begging Him to finally get rid of her.

After awhile, Jesus directly addressed her, and said, "It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs."

To which the woman responded, "What you say it true, yet even the dogs will eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table."

Jesus' response was that His healing ministry was meant for the people of Israel, and not the outcasts and those who scorned God. Yet this Caananite woman's response showed that she truly understood His words, and responded saying that she is indeed an outcast who did not deserve God's mercy, yet would be more than willing to receive even an inkling of God's help.

And when Jesus saw her faith, He said that it was wonderful, and cast out the demon at once. The Caananite's daughter was healed then and there.

*It was not the people who knew every verse of God's word that heard Him. It wasn't even the people who had regular fellowship with Him. For they had all tried to hear God based on their own understanding and even from a place of pride.*

*It was the one who had come to God with a completely humbled heart, and was truly willing to hear anything that God had to say that was able to truly hear Him.*

There are also many other examples of verses in the New Testament where it is those whom have also humbled themselves before God and truly listened to His words that Jesus claimed to be right with Him; the Samaritan woman at the well, Mary Magdalene who was once a street woman, the Penitent Thief whom Jesus Himself promised salvation, and even the Apostle Paul who was converted on the road to Damscus and considered himself the greatest sinner.

It is also a Biblical concept to come to God with humble hearts and be willing to follow whatever He has to say.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight."

That is how we can truly come to hear God.


I have a really hard time hearing God I have spiritual OCD and I’m really struggling please pray for me and thank you so much for


Becky, that was a beautiful talk on God.Once, I had a beloved niece pass as a teen.The Sunday after she was laid to rest I went fishing to clear my mind. (I have spent a tremendous amount of time in the woods in my lifetime).So, as I was fishing a white tailed fawn ran right up to me and stood before me at the small river.There was nothing that pushed that deer toward me.Then, the little deer swam across the river.That was God speaking to me telling me that her spirit had crossed over the river and was with him in safety.After, that I felt at peace with what happened to our family.Again, thank you and God bless...


JESUS is my everything, Thank you Jesus for waking me up today


"Well if you want to hear the Lord speak read the Bible, if you want to hear Him speak out loud then read the Bible out loud." ~ Justin Peters


God's beautiful voice always speaks thru Love, prophecy, your protection, and growth within Love that always brings you ever closer to Him.


The world needs women who love the almighty like this young lady, if only everyone in the world was like her it would be a joyful place. 😭❤️🌍☀️💎


God usually shows himself and lets you hear him during difficult times. The things he'll do, is unimaginable. I remember going through hard times, and something happened, and the only conclusion I could've came up with is that god is with me. Sometimes god puts us in situations to which we come back to him .


So well said sister. I confirm. I had a really hard time thinking every thought or nudge was from God. I am deeply grateful to him for protecting me and showing me what is true or not. Whoever is going through this, one of the best things you can do right on the spot is taking a deep breath, calming down, and using your brain. God won't force you to do anything nor will he tempt you. If God wants you to do something, more likely than not you will know 101% and not be worried. May God bless you!


Somehow watching this video makes me feel so calm


I just love how genuine your walk with God is its really inspiring. I think too many people can get caught up in the theology where they miss the simplicity of getting into a quiet place with God and tell Him your needs but also glorify Him with your words and thank Him. Thankyou so much for sharing


I thank God for you Becky! I am so glad you came to know the Lord and you like to share teachings. Hearing God's voice has always been paramount for me. I love that Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice". Jesus and I connected when I was 20 years old. I am now 72. He never leaves me. Yes He has given me His Spirit and His Word is Spirit and Life. You are wise to turn to the Word for everything. These days I need direction. I have been claiming Ps. 32:8. "I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go." Pray of rme.


It can be difficult to make out what God is saying/showing us. Because of the flesh the signal doesn't always come in clearly, but it will if we continue to trust and do the best we can. Great message!


For me personally, when God talks to me, I will have this thought & hear this voice that is louder than my own & it just repeats the same few righteous words over & over. They echo throughout my whole mind, I hear them through my ears, I feel my tongue & my lips move in their way without audible utterance, & my heart & soul feel that it is right. There has only been one instance during deep prayer that the loving words whispered outwardly through my lips, it was the holiest moment I’ve ever had with him & the closest I’ve come to having a true conversation.

When a dark spirit tries to corrupt me, it is in my own voice in my own head, that is instantly combatted with another, more powerful voice, sometimes my head will hurt from the conflict. There was really only one instance that I conversed with a darker voice that I know to be the devil & it was through a fortune telling device. That event scared me straight & kicked off my deep dive into theology, that is where I am today.
