Top 4 Reasons to Avoid Buying Vacation Rentals!

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Vacation rentals are a stressful investment and you can get better returns and better enjoyment elsewhere.

Vacation rentals create personal conflict when investing and I go into my top 4 reasons why you should avoid vacation rental properties as a vehicle to wealth. You can't maximize returns, you can't enjoy your own home, you can't enjoy someone else's home, and you are paying top dollar with high expenses. Invest in real estate elsewhere and make your vacations a true vacation. Monthly rentals will have cheaper property management expenses than weekly rentals. Avoid investing in Airbnb and VRBO to have better return on enjoyment as well!


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I have 3 vacation rental properties in one area and it’s enough to replace my day job. I use to own 26 units for long term rentals (mostly duplexes and four plexes) and it didn’t make 1/3 of my current portfolio. Ive never had an eviction in a vacation property. Ive never not been paid in a vacation property because everyone pays upfront. I’ll stick to vacation rentals - thanks 👍


Clearly Alan you don't understand the vacation rental business very well. Some of your points are valid but mostly very weak. I own and operate vacation rental properties throwing off 20% ROI and 30-40% return on cash invested. The key is to treat this as a business and not a vacation site for personal use. Pick the right locations for year round rental income. Regular long term rental properties can't come close to the vacation rental returns and are very stressful when managing long term renters. I could go on and on but vacation rentals are great when you know what you are doing.


I really started this video thinking oh maybe this guy will shed light on something I didn’t pay attention to before I invest my money. Instead all I got was reason 1, 2, 3 and 4 are all about how you will feel guilty and worry. It’s a business not a walk in the park, there is going to be worries. And at the end no suggestion on how to use the money other than go use it somewhere else. Thanks for wasting my time


Return on investment is so much higher than traditional income. How do u explain me making $10, 000 net profit in a month bud


Your reasons suck. #1, no... it’s not... we gross 100K and profit over half of that after all expenses. #2, no... not true. You hire all of that out, you don’t do stuff on vacation. #3, you’re renting it out when you’re not vacationing there. So that’s dumb. And #4, yeah, they’re higher prices. Also higher prices. And no, insurance is beyond cheap haha you really don’t know anything about this asset class. I’d recommend sticking with whatever asset you already invest in.

No property could outperform my vacation rentals. They cash flow literally over 10 times what my traditional rentals do.


I own long term rentals and one vacation rental. I hate my vacation rental. Two years now I’m in the hole and not making a dime over what is spent to own it. My long term, in town rentals, I make easy good money. No more vacation rentals for me. And yes, I bought in a very vacationable location…Myrtle Beach SC.


I think you pointed out some good points for people to consider when buying a rental property.


Greetings from Borneo, Malaysia. I’m totally agreed with your points. We used to put our vacation home on Airbnb then we decided to stop that due to multiple hustle and return of investment.
Eventually, we still focus more on the Airbnb properties in town instead. ☺️


I get you are saying why not to own so it makes sense that you do not own one. But you are clearly coming from a position someone would hold who doesn't understand the business. 1. your vacation rental is a business. annual income is the metric, not high season low season. 2. Go on vacation wherever you want. You do not need to vacation at your business. 3. if you are afraid of hurricanes, don't buy in hurricane areas. 4. if your vacation rental makes more money, you can treat yourself to a better vacation anywhere in the world LOL.

I have 20 vacation rentals and 8 long term rentals. they are different. One is not better than the other. They are just 2 different vehicles. I personally would buy vacation rentals within 30 miles of your home, but I live 1000 miles away. I used to live within 2 miles, and have been doing this for a bit, so there is no hard and fast rule.


The stupidest points to not own a vacation home.


I just got depressed watching this dude.


Lmao. 3rd world problems, right?
Valid points perhaps, but if you're looking purely at an investment property, holiday homes tend to outperform regular rental properties. I'm lucky enough to have a holiday home within 90min drive from where I live, so management fees etc aren't an issue. If we're considering staying there any time, sure, we consider the income lost against what we'd spend elsewhere. Easter holidays (or spring break depending where you're from!) is a good time to spend a few days there with the family and make a list of things that need work before the season ahead. I'm short, I wouldn't be so dismissive. It can work, depending on the circumstances, location, initial cost and expectations.


Interesting perspective 🤔. Thank you, new subscriber to your channel


these reasons were absolutely garbage because they are 100% based on the fact that u wanna have fun at ur property and feel like a loser when u do. I’m not looking at properties to have fun I’m looking at properties to make money lol


I don't hit the dislike button often but when I do, the content really sucks. Every single point you made was short-sighted and completely biased... 1. You can't turn a profit because of low season..yeah if you make a str in a place with a single and short rental season. You can say that about any investment vehicle if you make a bad investment. 2. When you stay there you are not on vacation cause your repairing everthing.. don't be a ghetto short term rental investor or you going to be getting crappy rates for a crappy property. you'll feel guilty vacationing elsewhere?? You lose money when you stay in your own place?? Dude your vacationing in a place you like to visit at wholesale prices. When you stay elsewhere, feel good that your str is paying for you to go wherever you want a wholesale on a net basis. You're the guy who would have talked Jeff Bezos out of starting Amazon... "bro, don't do it, it's a horrible investment, do you know how many boxes your gonna have to buy...?


Maybe the key is to buy vaction condos in difference states.


Hey man, by reading the below comments I think you struck a nerve, lol. I can see your points being a issue although every situation differs. Thanks for the content.


Properties i bought for 900k which rents for maybe 4k per month on ltr makes 300k per yr rental gross. You cant even compare. Str is way way higher in revenue.


You probably got the rentals in desert 🏜😂😂😂 in the middle of no were, you look disappointed, this type videos should be banned and removed, because people like this have no power or passion or will power to keep up with vacation rental business! Plus misleading people who just getting in to this type business
