Stick Welding Techniques 6010 Downhill

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Welding open root practice plates is a good way to prepare for a 5g pipe test.
As long as thickness, bevel angle, root opening, and land are the same, the same settings and techniques that work on plate will work on pipe.
With pipe, you will still need to practice body positioning and transitions to different rod angles but other than that, the techniques used on practice plates will work on pipe.
hope this helps...
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Welding open root practice plates is a good way to prepare for a 5g pipe test.
As long as thickness, bevel angle, root opening, and land are the same, the same settings and techniques that work on plate will work on pipe.
With pipe, you will still need to practice body positioning and transitions to different rod angles but other than that, the techniques used on practice plates will work on pipe.
hope this helps...
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