Overcoming Chronic Fatigue – by Overcoming Herself

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“I could feel that movement of joy and happiness moving outwards toward others. ... I think that was healing to me; to not have it just be about me.”

When Rima first became sick with chronic fatigue syndrome, she managed the symptoms with myriad alternative therapies. But long COVID compounded the problem – and her fatigue became overwhelming. As her world got smaller, Rima began to look for other ways to heal.

After discovering Dr Joe’s books through an online course, Rima began doing the work at home. She began to feel something shifting – and decided to go all in. “I think maybe what needed to happen was for me no longer to rely on something external to myself – but do it within me,” she says today.

As she began to change her energy, Rima’s life began to change. And, as she overcame more and more aspects of herself, she began to heal.

Recorded at the Cancun Week Long Advanced Retreat in December 2023


About Dr Joe:
Dr Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant, whose research has led him to develop a practical formula to help people transform their lives. Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He integrates that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.

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Рекомендации по теме

My story with Chronic Fatigue is similar to hers. In 2019 I found Becoming Supernatural book, and I did almost all of the meditations recommended in every chapter. I did every day twice a day the Blessing of the Energy Centers II or III, also I changed my diet (food and emotions), I did very slow exercises, started painted again, practiced earthing and I started to heal. In 2021 my lab tests were normal. Chronic Fatigue is in the past now. I learned that my peace of mind and spirit is the most important goal to achieve.


I am struggling with adrenal fatigue right now and I woke up from a forced nap (couldn’t stay awake :( ) and I asked the universe - ok you got to send me a sign I’ll be ok

I pick up the phone and I see this. I’ve overcome chronic fatigue before with tremendous difficulty and after some extremely stressful years I’ve got adrenal fatigue again.

Thank you universe for this. I will keep doing the work.

Team - please can we also have the longer testimonial like from a few years ago? I’d love to hear this lady speak of her experience in more details while healing chronic fatigue

Thank you again for all you do 🙏🏼💜


The possibility of being able to exercise again one day is mine! CFS is brutal and misunderstood. I have been isolated for 8 years. I found out I have Lyme disease 9 months ago which caused chronic fatigue. There is a future version of me, happy thriving and 100% healed and as healthy as humanly possible 🙏


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to move on, I really loved her so much i can't stop thinking about her and the memories we shared. I've tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail. I'm frustrated, and i don't see my life with anyone else. I've done my best to get rid of the thoughts, but i can't. I don't know why I'm saying this here, but i really miss her and i wish i could get her back.


I have been dealing with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis since 2021 I have lost my ability to walk and im in a nursing home I am only 47 but I have all Joe’s books on audible and I need to listen to them.


❤ Overcoming and overcoming. Thank you for your story. It is encouraging so many to keep doing the work. I'm so happy for you❤


I had the same effect from BOTEC, makes you happy without much external!!


Good for you... I suffer from adrenal fatigue, and TRE somatic exercises by David Berceli helped me a lot to release stored emotions from my body. Love Dr. Joe information... it is a life changer... combined with exercises that will help to regulate the nervous system... you have a winning combo. Blessings


Finally a testimonial about cfs. Ive had cfs for 2.5years now. I cant workout anymore and I quit my job. Its soul crushing. But my sleep has returned so I think im slowly getting better


Why is this channel only 1M? Still, thank you for your vids!


Eso linda joven, 😊 gracias. Cierto la negatividad agota, enferma 😢.


Thank you for being the example of truth


Thank you for sharing your incredible transformation Rima. Much love Dr Joe Dispenza and everyone here!


I really appreciate everyone’s honesty. It’s so healing to know we’re not alone and we can do this ❤


Really helpful and encouraging. Thank you!! 💗


Thank you so much for sharing! This is exactly what I’ve been dealing with.❤


I am so happy to find this testimonial I have no words.
Many of us are experiencing chronic fatigue due Covid or Covid Vaccines and to learn that it can be changed and someone already made it give me faith. I just got the book supernatural and want start the healing.


I have it too! Encouraging to hear! There is hope for us! ❤


I clicked immediately, this is also me. Thank you, I know the meditations work I need to maintain consistency.
I have chronic fatigue, bowel disease, inflammatory asthma, psoriasis and various symptoms of menopause. I continue to try to manage it all and work full-time. I just really want to stop. To be in the moment, to rest and recover. Then I can move into what I prefer to do.


Thank you for the short vlog. I don’t watch the long ones.
