How I Treated My Chronic Fatigue

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Here's how I used Functional Medicine to heal my body of chronic fatigue syndrome and how you can too.
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Very misleading title. There was not one single concrete step that you took personally


if you did have severe CFS then you wouldnt charge so much to heal people as you would know how severely debilitating this illness is causing people to lose everything


Pls change the title, it's very misleading. I like watching your channel because I trust you, but misleading titles drove viewers away and affects your credebility.


Unfortunately not too many people can afford to see a functional medical doctor. My friend had a stomach issue that MDs could not fix, she went to functional medicine drs and spent over $10, 000. Yes her problem did get fixed, took almost a year plus three different doctors two functional and an allergist.
Her most expensive test cost $2000. None of these bills were covered by insurance. That was the one that finally found the bug in her stomach. Now she is finally being treated for the correct thing and is slowly improving.
Why have insurance if it doesn't cover these kinds of problems. Diseases are getting so complicated of late you need both types of doctors. How many people are not being helped because they can't pay out of pocket!


Well, that helped me a whooping amount of nothing.


All these doctors mostly blather on causes and different possibilities of CFS..but no one actually shows up with a solution. They are just marketing their practises by giving you hopes with creative stories!!


I was desperate, but now I am great. This spring I stopped buying any food from grocery stores. I went to local, organic farmers markets. I bought all my dairy, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables from them. Since it was real food, 2 things. 1) it was a little bit more expensive 2) Real food kept me full longer, so I actually ate less, hence in the long run, spent less. Week 1 was HARD, as my body went through a withdrawal of all the sugar and processed food, week 2 was okay, week 3 was good, by week 4 I was GREAT! I am dreading this winter when my farmers markets close down, I have found the solution, I just don't know how to keep it going... Maybe I need to move south where farmers markets are open 12 months a year?


Considering you had chronic fatigue and site it as the reason you got into naturopathic medicine it’s a shame you don’t put out more info for those of us that are still suffering


My feeling is that most experts who claim to have had chronic fatigue, never really had it. just a few weeks feeling off and they label it CFS. it's misleading and frustrating for those that actually have it.


The comments prevented me from spending time on a video with a misleading title. Thanks ❤


Part of my recovery from CFS was recovering from trauma. Doctors never seem to think of this. It wasn’t whats wrong with you, it was what happened to you


One other thing that’s never talked about but it’s coming into awareness more is the electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs. These can antagonize many of the symptoms as well and directly caused many other issues so there are some devices on the market I’m still researching, so I can’t recommend anything here. There’s a lot of snake oil, sales people out there to selling bogus devices, but there are a few that work from what I understand. I post all this here so it hopefully can help somebody to at least follow a trail because it’s taking me quite a bit of time just to get to where I am now.


It would be so SO great if I could see a FM doc and get to the root of my chronic fatigue but, unfortunately, I've been trying for years to find one who accepts Medicare to no avail so it is not affordable for me. I'm 66 now and it is getting worse, despite all my best efforts with diet, supplements, etc. If you know of anyone who can see me virtually on Medicare, I would be thrilled to finally get this resolved and have a life again. Thx for the vids!


In a lot of cases, it is likely that chronic-fatigue is an autoimmune disease. I have tried tons of supplements, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, hypoallergenic diet, had my mercury amalgam removed, practice meditation and yoga, etc. While some of it may have been/is helpful to a certain extent (I'm alive and not in the hospital), I still have unrelenting fatigue. Until there are specific medical treatments for autoimmune-based chronic fatigue, I don't see how supplements can do much. It's hard to treat a disease that science still knows very little about.


I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia and suffered for 6 years before learning I was poisoning myself with aspartame and MSG every day, eating foods containing them, adding aspartame it to my coffee daily, etc. Two weeks after eliminating aspartame and MSG from my diet, I was completely fine and have been ever since.


I healed my CFS with low-dose Naltrexone (I took 3mg daily). My CFS was triggered by almost EVERYTHING I ate... certainly anything not paleo + keto (basically fresh organic fruits and veggies and grass fed meat are all I could have). Within 3 weeks of starting LDN, I could eat normal foods again! After 4 or 5 months, the LDN seemed to start causing sleep / wake issues (common when you're on the wrong dose). I got off of a month later and remained symptom free for YEARS! Right up until I took Ashwaganda Root to try it... it re-triggered the autoimmune condition and now I'm back to struggling with food. Sadly, you can only get this through a functional medicine Dr... but going in armed can let LDN be your first line of attack for CFS if you can't afford tests. The medicine is only $60 / 90 day supply. Dosing doesn't change the price, but trying to take it 2x daily doubles the price. You may need a slightly higher dose. My friend (male) needs 4.5 MG to keep his sarcoidosis at bay.


Every GENUINE CFS VICTIM please read the comments I have written and I sincerely hope my determinations can help or even heal you AT NO CHARGE. My only charge is you pass it forward and treat others as you would like to be treated and disseminate your useful knowledge so others can benefit and cut to the luck.


I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for the last 2 years after covid. I was unable to function in my work as a real estate agent. I found myself requiring frequent daily naps and needing to conserve energy for afternoon showing appointments. I started seeing a naturopathic doctor this year, and one of the supplements she prescribed was colloidal silver - besides the vitamins etc. I had never heard about ingesting silver before - so I went down this rabbit hole researching it. I came out the rabbit hole discovering sovereign copper and also Morley Robbins book - Cure Your Fatigue - best health book I've read! Before seeing the naturopathic doctor my energy levels were around 40-50%. A month after seeing her, it went to around 55-65%. The following month after following the protocol in the book together with the supplements from my dr (there was an overlap) my energy levels are now around 75-85% and still and I sleep so much better!! I hope this helps someone out there suffering from fatigue, It certainly helped me!!!!


We really need help with getting these treatments covered by health insurance. Including naturopathy.


As Cfs started your journey I would have thought you might have done more videos to help those of us still suffering
