Signs You May Have POTS

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Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) falls under the umbrella of dysautonomia, which indicates a malfunctioning autonomic nervous system.

This is the system responsible for regulating various automatic bodily functions like blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion.

Although POTS is not a rare condition, it often goes unrecognized. However, recently there's been increased awareness due to its association with Long Covid, where many people are developing POTS as a result.

So, what are some signs to watch out for?

🎈Fatigue is a prominent symptom, indicated by an overwhelming sense of exhaustion and a persistent lack of energy that cannot be easily fixed by sleep alone. Concentration difficulties go with fatigue, possibly also affecting your mood.

🎈POTS can manifest in individuals for various reasons, such as following an infection, surgery, pregnancy, or concussion. Sometimes, the onset of POTS can be gradual, without a clear triggering event that can be recalled.

🎈One distinguishing feature of POTS is a rapid increase in heart rate, typically by 30 beats per minute or more within the first 10 minutes of standing.

In contrast, under normal circumstances, the heart rate increases by only 10 to 15 beats per minute upon standing before returning to a stable level. In POTS, this increase is exaggerated.

These examples provide just a glimpse into the signs of POTS.

Always consult with your doctor for proper evaluation and guidance.

If you're interested in learning more about POTS, as well as discovering helpful tips and inspiration, feel free to follow my page.

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Reminder: The information provided by Ioana Vintila is solely intended for informational purposes and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. The views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical advice. Always consult your physician and do your own further research before making any decisions related to your health.

You may also find my interview with cardiologist Dr. Gupta on POTS useful:

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I had covid once and that's when my life started to change, I tell the condition of this to my mom but she doesn't seems to pay intention to it until the day that I faint at school, at that time the teacher called the ambulance and I was rush to the hospital and the doctor said that I have pots and then my mom said "why didn't you tell me about ur conditions" when she CLEARLY didn't pay attention at all and thought I was messing around with her


Literally me - this just happened and I got diagnosed with POTS. My world just turned upside down from fainting and tremors. Insane adrenal type responses. Heart rate jumps from 70 to 105 just by standing. Insane. What the hell COVID?! Thank you for sharing - I feel less alone.


I have POTS and it's awful 😢 I've had COVID twice, chronic sinus infections and recently new symptoms of POTS/DYSAUTONOMIA have surfaced


I have POTS thank you for this! Ask your doctor for a tilt table test if you think you have it, that’s how it’s diagnosed. Tough diagnosis to get but demand the tilt table test and you should get the correct results.


Some people also experience it thier whole life and it just gets progressively worse. I have EDS and pots and i didn't know it was not normal my whole life because everyone kept assuring me my symptoms were "normal" it was indeed not. Many spoons to you❤


Last year went to ER, ECG was normal and doctor said it was panic disorder..
But the thing is those sensations caused me to panic, .
Im 23


Never had covid . I have it bad I pass out and stop breathing. I always feel terrible. Was on life support once 😢my heart does some crazy drops.


Check all… since covid infection in 2022. Doctor said it’s psychosomatic. Yeah right tell that to the millions of people suffering.


The problem with this is how many doctors write off as anxiety. I had to see 4 doctors before one would take me seriously and its so upseting because not everyone has just has magic funds to blow on doctors who refuse to even listen before finding one that does.


My heart rate was at 190 when I finally realized something was wrong


I got covid around January 2022, and I fainted the first time in February 2022. Every possible sign was there, but my whole family, including me, were oblivious to it up until about a month ago, when I always threw up, and my mom put everything together.


I go from 75 to 160 when I stand. I just got the diagnosis today.


I have POTS as well...its a vitamin b1 deficiency. I wish you all good health

edit: the comments here are correct, everyone has a different solution. I find vitamin b1, b2 and electrolytes help a lot, specifically sodium (sea salt), potassium and magnesium.


if a dr says it's anxiety, which most do, go to another dr. don't stop till you get answers!


I haven’t got diagnosed, but my mom has and she has all these things severely. It affects her everyday life, and even though I haven’t been diagnosed, i think I have it because I suffer from these things too. I had a sickness around 3 months ago and I haven’t felt myself since. I also get lightheaded, and even though this was not mentioned, I hold my breath while doing tasks that are hard for my body (tying a ponytail, loading the dishwasher).


I had covid in the beginning of covid, I went from working out 2 hours a day to nothing. I eat a significantly less amount of food or my body can’t regulate my weight, my heart palpitations have gotten worse and so has my dizziness


I had read about the symptoms since researching a ton as to why I felt so dizzy all the time, then I wore my Apple Watch to see what my heart rate was laying down then standing up. Yup, I meet the criteria. Going into my doctor today. I hope it’s productive! If he says no to testing I’m going to another one.


I just got diagnosed last week, then this showed up on my fyp!


This is exactly how my episodes look like and even if I sit in a position for too long I will feel it happening to me and then I will have to switch into different positions until I no longer feel that way anymore. My neck injury caused it and the lady at the walk-in clinic suspected that I had covid even before the neck injury because I was very unusually tired and feeling run down and she told me to get tested but I didn't want to because I remembered two years ago when I caught covid that I had to jump through hoops in order to get back to work. But look at me now, I have to miss work for a very long time and barely even functioning. I might not even go back to my job again because even if I get well I still have to be careful when I do physical stuff such as climbing ladders am I boss says that I still have to climb ladders if I come back but he said that I should take all the time that I need to get well. He wants me to be 100% better when I come back but considering there is no cure for pots at most it will probably be 70 to maybe even 80% and then on some days 90% but IDK if I'll ever be 100% better. The problem is that there are not that many jobs that I am very good at that isn't as physical as my job. I should have never put that stupid hula hoop together that injured my neck!


I have pots! I am quite young, and it started after I had pneumonia. I always feel really lightheaded and dizzy, I also faint occasionally and I literally have no energy. This makes me feel less alone ❤
