Primitive Life-Ancient Concrete-Next 3 months in the forest!

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Primitive Life-Ancient Concrete-Next 3 months in the forest!
Please wait me a few day for my new video!thank you!
This video,im sum up previous videos!i Look back the few months in the forest!
Share and sub my chanel if you like this!thank you very much!
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i sum up previous!please wait me a few day for new video!thank you very much!!!


no annoying music or dogs barking, no people yelling or cats screeching . this was such a relaxing meditating video to watch . :))


Did anybody else start to worry he was just going to keep making bigger and bigger ovens?


This here is my heart and soul idea of living. I actually did something similar to this on the land I was brought up on, while my mother was drinking her life away. We lived on a hill, with many trees which I used for many things making "Forts", and I learned a lot on my own, I didn't feel lonely at all. From the acacia trees you can make rope, and all sorts of things from the bark peeled-off in spring or winter. They are a hearty tree that grows amazingly fast. I've made baskets, ropes, and used the bark for tying together other cut trees. I had pine trees to use and make tree nests, but most of all, the wild animals made friends with me. I had a pet Virginia Opossum, named Contessa, that I loved dearly. She was sweet, and had babies which were a bundle of joy and so darn cute. I brought them to places I worked later when working with disabled adults. Slimer, they called him, one of the male offspring, loved rubbing his face at the nap of the client's neck to say, "Hello! I like you lots" and the rest were just as wonderful. I spoiled them with salmon, snails, vitamin-fortified sardine bait, etc.


The fact that he doesn't utter a word in his videos is genuinely one of the best things about this channel,
doing so adds a meditative feel to his videos!!


im just amazed he was able to make a webcam out of coconuts and bamboo.


Is anyone besides me impressed with that 1-BOWL he uses throughout the whole video?


This is unbelievable. The only problem is that we have no sense of time passing. It is hard to realize how much work goes into this project. You did a great job. Thanks.


There is something strangely pleasant about watching someone make something completely from scratch. When the world ends and we go back to the stone age, I want these guys on my team!


Amazing how your brick making skills improved by the third batch and looked much nicer. It's easy to see how you learned to keep perfecting on making your bricks smoother and precise. Very nicely done indeed!


How in the hel- heck do I keep ending up here? I watch these for days on end, forget about them for months, and end up here again. Truly amazing.


Dirt that becomes clay, dirt that becomes lime, dirt that becomes cement, dirt that becomes bricks... Man, this guy knows his dirt.


For the love of God, someone send him an old Lowes bucket or something. is awesome stuff.


This is my favorite primitive channel. Please, come back.


Primitive hell, for not using any “ modern tools” this guy is doing some very impressive work. Just think what he could do if he only had a shovel, a pick axe, and a sturdy knife. Having said that I find these videos amazing and enjoyable to watch. The only thing I would like to see are some captions to explain what some of the materials are that he is using.


In a few more videos this guy will have leveled up to powdered wigs, cannons, and big ocean going sailing ships.


You know, I love watching these videos out of all the primitive tech channels the most, because it shows more of what they do and how, but I always think, some subtitles would be just amazing to go with it, just to have a better understanding of what it is they are collecting or why they do something a certain way. That's all...keep makin content tho, love to have a mad binge now and then!!!!


for those wondering hes making a water filtering thingy


How does this man stay so clean? In 5 minutes i'd be sweating and covered in dirt.


Everybodies a critic. Got suggestions from the comfort of thier home but this man is out there actually doing it. I got nothing but respect for ur skills man keep up the great videos and anybody who thinks they can do something better then do it and make a channel its easy to talk but hard to do. this man just makes it look easy.
