Women and Ministry, Part I: Seven Minute Seminary

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This episode features Dr. Ben Witherington III on the role of Women and Ministry from Scripture.

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How should we interpret 1 Timothy 2 which appears to limit women's roles in the church? Watch this ground-breaking explanation if you are truly open to where the evidence leads:


I learned more in seven minutes with Ben, than I did in a decade in a particular denomination. Thanks for the balanced and biblical teaching on this subject.


Beautiful. Sound. ❤️ praise God for ALL of the glorious fruit that comes from precious men and women who walk in this truth. 🙌🏼


The very best presentation on this topic I have ever seen.


This is a fantastic treatment. Good job.


Disciple does not mean preacher. Being a disciple does not mean being a leader. It means a worker.


the command paul gave for women not to have authority over men or to teach men in the church is to protect the church from deception paul gives the reason for this command when he said because the woman was deceived . i prayed a lot about this because my sister became a pastor, what God told me is that women can do everything they have ever done in the bible and still obey this command, when you share the gospel you are speaking to men out side the church,


For those who want to study this topic, Mike Winger has a LOT of material (acknowledging that the Bible is the authority) from many viewpoints in his Women in Ministry series.
Not for the faint- hearted, over 30 hours, loads of references. 😮😅😊


Then in 11Kings 22:14 a female prophet in authority named Huldah 5 males sent to her for direction from God.And there were male prophet near Jeremiah and Zephaniah.In Judges you find Deborah judging the nation, that's authority over men, highest authority.In 11Tim.1:5 Paul saying these two women are anointed, he would of had to work with them sometime to identified this.


Very important topic, I appreciate Witherington III's explanation.


Then in Philip4:3 a women evangelist workingw/Paul.In Luke2:36-38 Anna a prophetess, worked in the temple, and got many saved, well then she had to teach or preach and speak to do this!


The book of Titus is clear on the qualifications for Church Elders. The word also tells us the commandments and new covenant are eternal. Women can be many things but not Church Elders/Leaders/Pastors, specifically. I do no mental gymnastics with the word. As it is written, shall it be done. They have roles but Elder/Pastor of a church isn’t one of them. There is also orderly worship as outlined for all the churches of the saints in 1 Corinthians that many love to ignore entirely.


If you listen carefully, he has this bad habits to extend and far fetch other meanings of what the Holy Spirit says crystal clear He puts lots of interpretation efforts in giving to the female audience what they want to hear. more views, more followers.
bottom line is, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit thru Paul, Timothy, Titus, all say that women shall not have spiritual authority over men, like teaching.
But women can teach other women and teach the children
Men have specific orders from God as well, mostly the responsibility of leadership, and be spiritual teachers of God' s words and show obedience to Jesus teachings.
If both sex understand and respect their specific and complementary role given by God, we have a Godly functional harmonious society.
Or they can reject God' s commands and choose the feminist, marxist communist model of equality and equity that replaces God with gvt and we end up in today' s modern society.


pretty interesting about joanna is that she was the wife of Herod's household mgr. so Herod was "funding" Jesus' ministry wo knowing it! gotta love that! - "...Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means, "( Luke 8:3)


If someone wants to oppose or change the traditional view on this subject, they'd have to sufficiently provide an alternative interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12-14. It seems that what Paul was saying is clear, and fits the overarching context of the pastoral epistles, and the immediate context does not link his statement to culture but instead to the creation narrative and the fall, that the woman is more easily deceived.


One of the more important mistakes Dr. Witherington makes with the Ephesians passages is that he claims that "Paul goes on to say" regarding mutual submission vs wifely submission, but no such thing happens.

Paul STARTS with the call for them to submit to one another and then goes on to break down how they, in their particular roles should do so. Husbands are NOT told to submit to wives, nor are parents are not to submit to children, nor are masters told to submit to their slaves.

There are, here and other places, commands to guard those people from abuse (this being the "revolutionary" part) from those that they are told to submit to, but there is none of the "mutual submission" Dr. Witherington imagines there.


Hearing the first three minutes already tells me what this man thinks, believes and his stance.


For those opposed to "woman preacher or pastor" I want to ask why do you think there is woman in the Scripture, who is prophesying?


That Eph.5:21 speaks of MUTUAL submission is a common misinterpretation which ignores the grammar and structure of the context (5:15—6:9).

The main instruction is in 5:15: "Look carefully then how you walk!"

That is followed by 3 contrasts, which further explain the main command:

1) NOT as unwise BUT as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
2) Therefore do NOT be foolish, BUT understand what the will of the Lord is.
3) And do NOT get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, BUT be filled with the Spirit,

The third contrast is further explained by three participial phrases:

1) addressING one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singING and makING melody to the Lord with your heart,
3) givING thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
3) submittING to one another out of reverence for Christ.

[Note how the parallelism of the three participial phrases is enhanced with three references to the Lord Jesus in each.]

Finally, the last of the three participial phrases is explained by three pairs of relationships:

1) Wives, submit to husbands! / Husbands, love wives!
2) Children, submit to parents! / Parents, don't provoke children!
3) Slaves, submit to masters! / Masters, don't abuse slaves!

So, in conclusion, the command to submit to one another (5:21) is explained and it does not mean that everyone is to submit to everyone. If husbands are to submit to wives, that parents are to submit to children, and masters are to submit to slaves. That would make no sense.


Luke ch8 verses 1 - doesn't call these women disciples. So Ben is putting his own ideas in there. I guess God should have contacted Ben so he could have told Paul what to write
