Is church membership necessary?

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Active participation in a local church is not a luxury for Christians; it’s a necessity. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Stephen Nichols speaks on the importance of church membership.

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I went back and forth on this for awhile. My family doesn't think it's necessary. I finally went to my elders and pulled the trigger. I just became a member this summer and it was the right decision.


By the mercy grace and love of God I became a Christian during the lockdown and I would LIVE at church if I could. I love my Fathers house and the bride of Christ I can’t imagine not going to church


Probably one thing is church government is broken, with too much emphasise on one person, the celebrity pastor, rather than a group of elders. Pastors have also stopped pastoring and have just become speech writers, with all the focus on their speech with little care and attendance to the flock. Whatever happened to the visiting pastor? Also the church sizes are perhaps way too big and the whole thing becomes a little impersonal and no one really knows each other that well including the pastor. I don't really think churches should be much bigger than probably 200 max, otherwise you get a bunch people that don't know each other, and the members become a passive audience.


I’m tired of pastors using the pulpit for telling irrelevant stories, jokes and using scriptures improperly to make their point. Just teach the WORD and go deeper! By the way there should not be a membership requirement in the church.


None of this was about church membership but rather, it was about church attendance


While worshipping virtually was better than nothing I was very glad to go back in person. My week is not the same without Sunday worship


One is a member of the true church
The elect
A body of believers scattered
Thruout the world!


"Church is not a luxury, it's a necessity." ~Stephen Nichols -- I truly love my brothers in Ligonier Ministries! May grace, peace and hope be multiplied to all of you in Christ Jesus!


Can we just bring back the old days where the First Christians came to existence??


My first view is that When we are in Christ we already a part of the Body of Christ .
im not agrees with physical church membership .


With apology in advance for my critique, this video does not answer the title's question.
Answering this question would likely require (and be to the benefit of many were it to include) a discussion of the Biblical Greek translated as "church" and the cultural context and expression of the nascent Church--as well as a better defining of other terms. (e.g. "necessary" according to whom? And for what?)


Please make sure that you separate church membership from attendance and fellowship. Attendance and fellowship is as important as about any other part of the body's existence.

Church membership has become the tool for disciplining and fundraising with little to do with making disciples and spreading the gospel.

If you don't toe the m ark and bow to the pastor's or elders' rule they toss you out. If "tithing and offerings" don't meet the 10% rule or if you question bad teaching. . .out you go fot making disention.

Fellowship and attendence is not the same as membership and combining them, I think, makes it easier for leadership to rule rather than serve.


This video is advocating the necessity and benefits of church _attendance, _ not church _membership._ The question, 'Is church membership necessary, ' isn't answered. People attend church just as regularly as members do all the time without becoming members. I was expecting an answer that explained the blessings of submitting to the authority of a local church body as one of the many means God uses to help us in our Christian walks as we grow and are sanctified in Him. Church attendance is also very important, but isn't the same thing as church membership which adds the aspects of commitment and accountability, (hence the main reason for membership hesitancy).


The title question was not answered from my point of view. I come from a church where they offer a membership class and those who become members are agreeing to be dedicated to that particular church and are in adherence with specific beliefs. My problem lies with permanent attenders who are not granted membership (i.e. homosexual couples). They come every Sunday but are not allowed to serve or be in leadership roles, hence, not allowed membership. My sincere question is if they continue to call this church "home" after being lovingly told by the pastor that their decision to live a lifestyle that is contrary to the Word of God prevents their membership, what difference does it mean to be a technical member? How is the integrity of the church affected by permanent attenders who are choosing to live in visibly unrepentant sin?

Disclaimer: I am not homophobic. These two ladies are very kind and friendly. I am genuinely concerned that they are deceived into believing that they can live in open defiance to the Word of God without it affecting their relationship with God. I am genuinely concerned for new believers for whom the open homosexuality in church would be a stumbling block to them.


In Acts, the following phrases are viewed by some to indicate formal church membership. Phrases such as “the whole congregation” (6:5), “the church in Jerusalem” (8:1), “the disciples” in Jerusalem (9:26), “in every church” (14:23), “the whole church” (15:17), and “the elders of the church” in Ephesus (20:17), all propose the possibility of recognizable formal church membership with defined boundaries (also see 1 Cor. 5:4; 14:23; and Heb. 10:25). Notwithstanding, the consensus amongst reputable theologians is that there is no clear and specific command in Scripture to join a church as a member. This is not to suggest that forsaking the assembled is an option (Heb. 10: 25). ~ ~ If you need a little more info, just ask me.


The last 18 months have only sharpened my resolve to meet with my brothers and sisters in Christ. You didn't answer the question. Your Bible stayed closed, show me a Scripture that says "membership" is necessary or not? I do consider myself a member of the body of Christ.


We need to be a part of the body of Christ in a local community of believers
Each believer has been given gifts to be used for the furtherance of the Gospel for the building up of the body of Christ

Accountability is important for the believer.
Our God is about family
The local community of believers is a family
Being a part of the local body of Christ
Will support our growth in the faith


The title, "is church membership necessary" ? You didn't answer that? I attend Calvary, and they don't have membership, although I've gone to the same church for years. Do you equate membership with attendance?


The fact that so many churches stop services displays the utter lack of faith and commitment to Christ. This should be a wake up for Christian's of what should never happen again. We as Christian's should be utterly ashamed of ourselves.


Agree with the principles but I think other issues are at play too. I always loved church and was a fully involved member. These days the volume is too loud, there is over use of powerpoint and the general sense of reverence is missing. This has largely infected many evangelical reformed fellowships these days. I miss the people and the singing but at home I can control the volume.
