Is Church Necessary? | Doug Wilson

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In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the question, "Is church necessary?"

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Ask Doug is presented by Canon Press.
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One of the things I am most thankful until now in 2022 is that I found a congregation/church!
It is wonderful to worship our Lord together. Meet the brethren.
And also the prayer meetings in the middle of the week.
I can not imagine being part of a church without prayer meetings.


I am a joyful attendee of Trinity Bible Chapel, am hopeful of membership and serve on the Street Evangelism Team. I was saved in January of 2021, during the unlawful and wicked lockdowns, and praise the Lord every day of my life for His saving grace, and for the bold and uncompromising testimony of the saints at TBC. I was baptized in February. That too was illegal according to the tyrants who think that they own the Bride of Christ. The church belongs only to the Lord Jesus. Therefore, if you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ then you need to be in church each and every Sunday morning to give Him the honor and praise that is rightfully due to His name and His name alone. Amen and amen!


His Church shall never perish... Her dear Lord to defend... To guide, sustain and cherish.. He is with her to the end..


It is eye opening to see so many who seem to look for excuses to forgo gathered worship.
The Church in the Wilderness under Moses gathered to sing and hear the Scripture read in their hearing.
New Testament Saints gathered to hear the Word preached by Paul, Timothy, Peter etc.
The Saints of old were drawn together by their love of God and the brethren.
The Saints today are compelled by their love of God and His Church to come together to worship and praise the Triune God, and we join our voices with the angels, the archangels, and the whole company of Heaven.


Here's an answer to what difference it makes to meet in person: Hebrews 13:7. We are supposed to personally know the people we learn from, and they should be demonstrating godliness in their life. Sound teaching is good, but isn't enough because we primarily learn through imitating the actions of others. Usually, this is difficult to do online.

Coincidentally, this is also how to protect yourself from false teachers, when you examine not just their teaching but their lifestyle as well. The requirements to be an elder (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1) are more about a godly life than accurate teaching, though both are required of an elder. So try to avoid learning too much from people who hide how they live, and try to learn from people you personally know, when possible. False teachers have the easiest time looking legitimate while online.

Other supporting verses: 2 Timothy 3:14, 1 Timothy 4:15, Philippians 3:17, Philippians 4:9, Matthew 7:15-20, 1 Corinthians 11:1.


Not to mention, it's imperative that we use the spiritual gifts that God gave us. We cannot use them in isolation. Serving, by nature, requires there to be an object of the service.


Those reasons that were discussed here are not the reason I abandoned church!


Pastors that did not accommodate “no maskers” failed in their responsibility to shepherd the flock. I asked two people who knew me well to intervene for me. An outdoor speaker is all I requested. I would have sung the songs, prayed the prayers, said the amens during the sermon from outside the building.... in Winter too, or rain probably.

after church, people who attended inside, could’ve swung by outside to have a little chat with me keeping a social distance.… Mutual encouragement… Building up of the body. Nope! The only option in every church in my area was conform or stay at home.
I would consider going back to a church that openly admits they were foolish to believe the propaganda that masks were necessary, the shut down was necessary. No such confessions in my area.

I know how much I need the Body and it needs me. Not the point. I was left out. I was ignored by pastors and congregants who are more inclined to submit to the oppression than to follow the freedom of Jesus Christ to love one another, to assemble.

I know several others who just stopped going to church, and now find it hard to return because I ask... Who wants to have fellowship with the naive and cowardly?

During Covid and continually now, I seek out the strong spiritual fellowship of other believers many times a week, but the assembly of congregants is not in the offing... A great loss for both of us. My loss is obvious. Their loss is what they need they have less of now: men of courage and wisdom.


The definition of church is also a solid rebuttal for Dispensationalism.


I’m asking for prayer in this regard. I have health issues that have kept me and my family out of church for over a year. We stream our home church’s Sunday worship service but obviously it’s not the same as attending in person. Please pray that my health improves so that we can return to worshipping in person. Thanks!


I agree with Doug usually and mostly I agree here. I would bet though that most churches today do not follow the New T example of mass participation with a plurality of Elders who recieved gifts, but were not on the payroll. I also think its a viable option to find like minded believers to do it online, but in person is best.


My wife told me last Sunday that it was time for church. I replied that I didn't like going to church; the music is horrible, the people are mean and the preaching kind of boring. "So, why should I go to church?" I asked. She said, "Because you're the pastor." An excellent wife, who can find... ;-)


Many churches closed voluntarily. “ See us online “ they said . Well, if I have to go on line, I have 100, 000 churches to choose from. If you close your doors again, and I will not come back to you. I will find a group that meets in homes .


I was kept OUT of church because of a pre-existing medical and do not wear a mask. So, for 11/2 years I was told I could not come without a mask, and this was my HOME church. I called around.. no was the answer. After 16 months, I got invited to one and we all had to socially distance. YOU KDDING ME?


Why does it make a difference if other people are around? Versus just listening to sermons on YouTube? I can be with a crowd of people and not connect with anybody and basically feel alone even though I'm surrounded by others.


Where two or more GATHER in My name, I am in their midst! Don't forsake the assembly!


I saw a notice outside a local church: "We are closed, but our hearts are open". What a joke! It's like saying to a brother, "be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things that are needful" (James 2.16). Sorry we're shut, but we wish you all the best!


Is that a picture of Lloyd-Jones's Westminster Chapel on the thumbnail of this video? If so why? I don't believe they closed.


Biblical meaning of church is this. It's a living organism. It's the body of Christ. If it isn't actively evangelizing and getting the gospel out to those who are lost, then it's not a church. What a church is not, is a building or establishment or corporation.


And one more thing, the True sabbath of God is unknown and if you only seek Him one day a week, you do not have a relationship with Him you are only being guilty for not giving your money! Run from these men of the world the are true workers of inequity!