BQSA: Is Church Membership A Requirement?

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Words I have come across regarding ‘membership’ – assumes, points to, implies, tradition, ceremony, customary, rite, formal declaration, in the bible there is ‘support’ for the ‘concept’, metaphor etc.
A statement I read recently – ‘A personal commitment (membership) helps a church know who is on board and who they can 'count on'!!!??? to serve in the church’, I don’t see how membership can ever be a guarantee of this. I’ve witnessed 'members' of other churches I attended where people in ‘positions’ within the church (members) have had to leave due to the way they have behaved (forgery, financial misconduct, sexual misconduct), ...where was the accountability that 'membership' was to bring, these people were 'counted on' to serve the church?). I know there is no perfect church and no perfect person other than Jesus Christ.
People seeing me outside after the service weeding and dressed in my Sunday best, will say ‘oh he must be part of that Church.
I don’t have membership, and thanks be to God I have been able to serve people in the church. I did need to tell the church formally by taking out a membership in order for me to start serving others. (again, least that I should boast)
