Why is church membership important?

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Why is church membership important? What does the Bible say about church membership? Should all Christians be members at a local church?
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Which church did Paul belong to? Peter? Jude? John?


Hmm let's see... oh I go to this church so I am a member. I follow christ. Not first southern Baptist. I don't have to swear allegance to a church to be a member...


The Church (all true Christians worldwide) has NEVER needed membership since the Holy Spirit is THE seal of a promise that if you remain you will be saved! Christ, Paul, Peter, etc., NEVER had a membership, which is a joke and an affont to Christ! Just stop and understand the Word, please....


Every Christian is already a member of the body of Christ....


Crazy question maybe someone can answer. Is it wrong to serve at 2 churches but be a original member of one ?


One of the greatest threats to the spiritual life of a Christian is a poor, twisted, and diminished few of the gift and blessing of being a member of a local church.
The fact that membership gets attacked as something that is unnecessary or that those who encourage church membership get accused of having ulterior motives is a sad reflection of the state of the modern church.

Being a member of a local church is a blessing whereby you are blessed *and* you bless others. It's not all about "you."


Church is just fellowship God just want us to share is message and love. We gotta stop making everything complicated


The Bible doesn’t address this extremely important issue… h’yukk h’yukk…. But it implies it … h’yukk…


Well at least you were more honest than most and admitted that it's to get money and spank the uncooperative.


the church is those who follow Jesus Christ, not a building or following a man (pastor, bishop, priest or pope.)
when the true followers of Christ come together they do encourage one another, every one has a say in the church if they speak according to Gods spirit, no one is to be superior to another, brother or sister in Christ and they submit to one another.
Most pastor do not like people leaving their church, because they loose tithes, and been a pastor is their Job they are the hirelings the word warns us about .
A hireling is some one who is paid for his work. The man of God works for the salvation of souls not for payment.
Matthew 10:8

7And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

8Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: FREELY YOU HAVE RECIEVED, FREELY GIVE.

9Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,

10Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.

verse ten tells us clearly that Gods people will be provided his meat (food) because he is worthy of his meat, it says nothin about money.


I was a leader of a small group, served in many ways and also was accountable.

Today I was told I was not in the system as a member….. whatt?!??! Lol


Reason I serve at another is simply communication as youth goes is greater .my original church has more of a circle I don't feel included. As for the other church is opposite and we actually serve in the community men's group and much more


you said yourself - to give another twisting of the scriptures for financial gain.
